Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12927 funded different Master Of The Voice 1.9 programs. You can simply download any of Master Of The Voice 1.9 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:65 VOICEMAIL MASTER FOR TVS200 1.05 VoiceMail Master allows the Panasonic Voice Mail owner to take control of his/her Voice Mail System quickly and easily. VoiceMail Master is designed to be connected directly from your PC serial communication port to your Panasonic Voice Mail System ...
Search Query points:65 VOICEMAIL MASTER FOR TVS100 1.05 VoiceMail Master allows the Panasonic Voice Mail owner to take control of his/her Voice Mail System quickly and easily. VoiceMail Master is designed to be connected directly from your PC serial communication port to your Panasonic Voice Mail System ...
Search Query points:55 MULTIPLICATION MASTER 2.1 Free multiplication tables practice software. Fast, simple and easy to use for budding multiplication masters of all ages! Keeps your score so you can see how well you're doing. Single table mode lets you focus on one multiplication table at ...
Search Query points:55 RENAME FILES MASTER 1.0 Rename Files Master gives you a quick way to rename as many files as you want, thousands of files, in just seconds!Features:Change the file name Change the file extension Auto-Incrementing Pad File Names with Zeros so that the names sort ...
Search Query points:55 VOICE CALL 4.2 Voice Call is an answering machine and telephone dialer with Caller ID and Speakerphone support. It will restore itself from the system tray on the ring of your phone and even can set Winamp on pause. Callers can ...
Search Query points:55 MENTAL MATH MASTER 1.2 Master the art of mental calculation in just 3 minutes a day, no matter how much you've struggled with math up till now. Mental Math Master uses animation, audio, and a proven 60-module mental math course to turn you into ...
Search Query points:55 AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE 4.0.50 Apart from other voice changers, Voice Changer Software changes your voice over internet in real time and acquires unlimited number of new voices. You can modify voice by changing voice pitch and voice timbre, applying effects, adjusting advanced tuner, and ...
Search Query points:55 GR WALLPAPER MASTER 4.1 GR wallpaper master pro 4.1 is a great program designed for changing wallpapers and previewing images for Win95/98/XP/2000/NT/ME. Program is first of all designed for changing and setting all kinds of supported images as Windows desktop wallpaper in normal and ...
Search Query points:55 AV VOICE CHANGER SOFTWARE DIAMOND EDITION 5.0.18 Voice Changer Software enables you to change voice to male, female, teen, baby, or whatever voice in realtime to modify voice in voice chat and PC phone; Enhance voice quality for better sex appeal; Simulate people's voices with the help ...
Search Query points:55 DUNGEON MASTER ASSISTANT 6.0.3 Dungeon Master Assistant (DMA for short) is a complete campaign management system designed for AD&D 3.0 and 3.5, but also compatible with many other d20-based RPGs. The program contains many systems that will accelerate your gaming sessions freeing up ...
Search Query points:55 VOICE EMOTION Want to share music and fun with your friends while talking over Instant Messengers(Skype, Msn, AIM, Gtalk, YIM, QQ)?. vEmotion is on the beam to set background music for IM calls and send voice emotions/sound effects to your friends. ...
Search Query points:55 FTP PASSWORD RECOVERY MASTER 1.0 FTP Password Recovery Master provides an effective solution in case you lost a password for your FTP account. The program is able to retrieve passwords stored by Total Commander, WS_FTP, CuteFTP, FlashFXP etc. It supports multilingual passwords and recovers passwords ...
Search Query points:55 PASSWORD MASTER 1.1.2 Password Master can help you to save the passwords for all of your accounts to a single encrypted and password protected database (profile). It not only will save the passwords, but also will save other information as you want: the ...
Search Query points:55 WORD PASSWORD RECOVERY MASTER 1.0 Word Password Recovery Master is a new revolutionary solution for the recovery of MS Word passwords. It combines the highest speed of recovery and an amazing simplicity of use. Reinforced by the online decryption support, the recovery engine ensures instant ...
Search Query points:55 VBA PASSWORD RECOVERY MASTER 1.0 VBA Password Recovery Master ensures that your VBA projects are accessible at all times despite everything. Whether a loss or unexpected change of a password occurred to VBA projects in Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook, users can be sure of ...
Search Query points:55 LANTING MP3 MASTER 1.4.2534 LanTing MP3 Master is a highly performance tool for you to manage you mp3 music files. In MP3 master you can manage you mp3 files, can search on the Internet, and download it by an integrated multithread downloader. MP3 Master ...
Search Query points:55 WEATHER MASTER 1.0 The purpose of the game is to build a rainbow across all the sky while cleaning the landscape from raindrops and thereby scattering the clouds. A game includes 50 levels and combines unsophisticated, classic, easy-to-learn game play and an original ...
Search Query points:55 MEMORIZATION MASTER FINAL Memory and attention development/testing software. Now anyone who claims that he can memorize things can be tested by our "Memorization Master". The program tests: Memorization volume, Memorization reliability, Memorization speed. These characteristics are automatically summarized in the "Memorization skill increase" ...
Search Query points:55 ACCESS PASSWORD RECOVERY MASTER 1.0 This password recovery tool helps the user to recover lost or forgotten passwords for the MS Access database files (*.MDB) and user-level passwords stored in the workgroup information file (*.MDW). The software automatically finds recently accessed *.mdb and *.mdw files ...
Search Query points:55 WINX BURNER MASTER 3.2.15 WinX Burner Master is designed as an advanced and extremely powerful CD and DVD burning tool. It even removes the hassle of making autoruns, creating and printing your own labels and booklets. Burn any data, copy any disc, make backups, ...
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