Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 46 funded different mask search- thanksoft programs. You can simply download any of mask search- thanksoft soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 MASK SURF 1.2 Mask Surf is a personal anonymous surfing program and an Internet track cleaner. It lets you protect your identity online by masking the information related to your OS, browser, system language and IP address. The program also lets you clean ...
Search Query points:50 MASK SURF STANDARD 2.0 Mask Surf is a personal anonymous surfing program and an Internet track cleaner. It lets you protect your identity online by masking the information related to your OS, browser, system language and IP address. The program also lets you clean ...
Search Query points:50 MASK SURF LITE 2.1 Mask Surf Lite is an Internet activity anonymizing tool which effectively protects your privacy by hiding or masking you identity while surfing the web. It also lets you clean any browser traces on your computer so that your Internet activity ...
Search Query points:40 PASSWORDS BY MASK 1.43 Passwords by Mask is a application designed to generate passwords of any character content. It allow users to choose the type of password symbols. You can to fix random or specified alphabetic, random or specified numeric, random or specified alphanumeric, ...
Search Query points:40 PASSWORDS BY MASK 1.46 Passwords by Mask is a application designed to generate passwords of any character content. It allow users to choose the type of password symbols. You can to fix random or specified alphabetic, random or specified numeric, random or specified alphanumeric, ...
Search Query points:10 ACTUAL WEB ALBUM 1.54 Actual Web Album allows you to create a professional gallery without writing a single line of code. Actual Web Album automatically generates high quality thumbnail images, modifies images and generates HTML pages. You can fine tune images and HTML pages ...
Search Query points:10 SCANNET 1.1 This program is designed to search files in a LAN of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. It allows searching files under a preset mask or a group of files with extensions shown (for example, VIDEO - avi, mpg, mpeg, wmv, etc.), and choosing ...
Search Query points:10 SOTHINK SWF QUICKER 1.6 Sothink SWF Quicker is a full function Flash movie maker which supports shape design, motion tween creation , guideline, mask layer, stream and event sound, frame label, setting movieclip instance name and more. Over 80 cool configurable effects are included ...
Search Query points:10 INSTANT FILE NAME SEARCH 1.5 Instant File Name Search is a free software especially designed for filename searches. Instantly find files by name, part of name or mask (*.xls, pic??.jpg, *shrek*.avi etc.) on your PC or LAN. You can use AND/OR/NOT operators to perform advanced ...
Search Query points:10 MASKING PASSWORD GENERATOR PRO An industrial strength password generator for the individual home computer user or the large corporation or organization. Create one or millions of passwords using simple wizards or complex masking syntax. Define a mask that incorporates your company security ...
Search Query points:10 FILE-O-SCOPE 1.1 File-O-Scope - a mighty utility, especially created for the purposes of a quick search of files of the LAN. File-O-Scope has a user-friendly interface, is easily tuned according to your wishes, and can make the search of documents much easier-even ...
Search Query points:10 IMAGICON 1.0 Imagicon is a graphics utility designed to convert multiple image files from BMP, JPG or PNG image formats into any of the following image formats (24-bit): Windows or OS/2 Bitmap (BMP), Independent JPEG Group (JPG), Portable Network Graphics (PNG) and ...
Search Query points:10 ATTRIBUTEMAGIC PRO 2.2 BETA7 Utility to change file/folder date-time stamps and attributes. You can set or reset individual attributes, modify Accessed, Modified and Created dates, JPEG/EXIF metadata (Picture taken date, comments, etc.), MS Office document dates and properties. Ideal tool to annotate your images ...
Search Query points:10 ANYTHING3D PRESENTATION APPLET 2.0 Presentation applet is a new interactive tour for image which allows to view presentation over the internet without requiring the use of plug-ins which take forever to download. This presentation viewer enables people to interact with images, so that they ...
Search Query points:10 ACCENT EXCEL PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.50_BETA Lost a password to an MS Excel workbook? Lost passwords for modifying sheets in an MS Excel workbook? Accent EXCEL Password Recovery will break the passwords and allow you to access your documents again! Passwords to workbook sheets are found ...
Search Query points:10 ADVANCED FILE WORKER 2.30 Advanced File Worker - is a powerful file management, backup and rename utility. You can perform any number of file operations by pressing ONLY ONE button. Make your work faster and faultless. Program options give the user the possibility ...
Search Query points:10 HOMEDISK LABELS 1.1.0 The HomeDisk Label is a CD/DVD disk label designer that helps you to create disk labels using various built-in label formats, clipart images, and layouts provided. Various objects, like text, graphics and images can be easely added to your ...
Search Query points:10 SAMINSIDE Fastest recovery of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 users' passwords! Brute-force attack; mask attack; dictionary attack; pre-calculated tables attack; import from LC, LCP, LCS, HDT, LMNT.LST, PWDUMP files; import local hashes, etc. ...
Search Query points:10 SPOOKY SOUNDS - MORPHVOX ADD-ON 1.0 Scare your friends online with Spooky Sounds for MorphVOX Voice Mask Software. Now you can blast you buddies with bone-chilling sound effects. Choose from 18 effects including screams, creaks and evil laughs. These high-quality spooky effects are now available ...
Search Query points:10 GIFT(NO NUMBER LIMITS VERSION) 6.1 The Gift (the prize draw software) is an excellent tool for prize draw. It can be used in celebration, raffle and all other situations needing prize draw. (Please DO NOT ask me how to pull out a special number, there ...
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