Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 267 funded different marketing filetype: exe programs. You can simply download any of marketing filetype: exe soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 ZEUS INTERNET MARKETING ROBOT 4.1.139 Zeus is an easy-to-use Intelligent, Internet Robot, that creates traffic to your web site. Generate thousands of link trades by finding web sites and automating 95% of the work in Link Marketing. The original and only robotic, link trading tool. ...
Search Query points:40 EXE ICON CHANGER 4.254 The tool can replace the icon in the executable file! Even the executable file compressed or the size of the icon is inconsistent, it can replace easily ! It can also change the icon of Dll, Ocx, Scr and so ...
Search Query points:40 EXE TO SERVICE 2.0 Exe To Service allows you to install any Windows executable as a service. Windows services are background processes that do not interfere with the logged user's environment. By converting a program to a service, you receive full control over its ...
Search Query points:40 BLUEVIZIA MARKETING MANAGER 2.15 bluevizia Marketing Manager is a powerful software, made by marketing experts for situation analyses, what-if scenarios and strategies. No gurus needed - it will guide you step-by-step through your business analysis and strategy development. Meant for small and mid-sized ...
Search Query points:40 30 MINUTE MARKETING MIRACLE 1.0 If you've ever wondered how to turn your marketing into a money-sucking machine, then this is most important message you will ever read. Here's why... When was the last time you actually saw a so-called "marketing genius" in action? When ...
Search Query points:40 MANUEL COELHO FOR WINDOWS!!!!.EXE 1.0 Change the standard Windows sounds on fragments of the music of XVI century by composer Padre Manoel Rodrigues COELHO da Costa (1555-1635; Portugal) from His book: "FLOWERS OF MUSIC" (printed in 1620 year). The audio was created on the synthesizer: ...
Search Query points:40 EMAIL MARKETING PRO 1.0 Are you losing relationships with customers? You could be missing out on profits, customer loyalty, and opportunity without a solid email marketing strategy. Studies have shown that consumers are more likely to buy after several interactions with a business. ...
Search Query points:40 SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING 7.2 This powerful web site promotion software gives anyone the ability to submit your website and drive traffic to your site with ease. NEVER PAY A SERVICE AGAIN! With a built in scheduler, meta tag creator, link popularity checker, Doorway page ...
Search Query points:40 SELLIT SALES AND MARKETING 3.5 Welcome to SELLIT Sales & Management Software. Discover SELLIT, the latest sales and marketing system - the high-performance solution for handling all your data requirements with an emphasis towards sales and marketing areas. The system maximises your productivity and efficiency. ...
Search Query points:40 MARKETING LEADS DATABASE 2005 2005 Marketing Leads Database 2005...3 million businesses with contact information such as name, address, city, state, zip, phone, and fax numbers. Highly accurate data. Highly deliverable. Our Marketing Leads Database can provide the sales leads your business needs. Search by area ...
Search Query points:10 ADVANCED ZIP REPAIR 1.7 Advanced Zip Repair (AZR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupted Zip and self-extracting(SFX) files. It can scan the Zip archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ...
Search Query points:10 F KEY REPROGRAMMER PRO 1.0 Make the F keys of the keyboard do whatever you like: shut down, restart, log off, open jpg mp3 exe files. It can even give parameters to the softwares that are launched. It can launch any type of file in ...
Search Query points:10 SPLITME 1.0 SplitMe, is an universal binary file splitter and self-rejoin exe generator. Meaning that you may split any file type into smaller pieces in order to fit on floppy, cdrom, e-mail or other media type which size is smaller than original ...
Search Query points:10 HEX EDITOR 3.10 Hex Editor Software - Binary and Hex file editing tool for Windows with Multi-Window, Multi-Document Interface, Text Viewer, Advanced Search and Replace features. Edit your Exe Code, Hex Dump, Avi, Mpeg, Jpeg and other files with HHD HexEditor. ...
Search Query points:10 STARDUST SETUP PACKAGER 3.0.104 Stardust Setup Packager 3.0 provides developers with a solution for packaging one or more installation programs into a single self-extracting executable. An easy to use wizard guides you step-by-step through the process of converting your installations into a single self-extracting ...
Search Query points:10 SECURE HIVE Secure Hive is a powerful tool for secure archiving and sharing of files. It enables you to create encrypted archives and self-extracting .exe files for secure storage and file sharing. It also includes a simple but powerful means of ...
Search Query points:10 SUPERENCRYPTOR V7.8.0.2 SuperEncryptor is a powerful professional encryption tool with a nice and friendly interface. Tt provides the safest way to store your information or sensitive data and protect them against malicious or unintended intrusions. Main functions: Encrypt Object, Encrypt into Host ...
Search Query points:10 QUICK BATCH FILE COMPILER Quick Batch File compiler convert batch files into actual program (EXE format) in one click. This program may be run on Windows 98/Millenium/2000/2003/XP without any limitations. Content of batch file will be encripted and protected from changes. ...
Search Query points:10 BB FLASHBACK 1.4 Easy to use screen recorder creates compact, high quality movies for tutorials, demos and presentations. Add text, images, sound and commentary before exporting to Flash, AVI, WMV or EXE formats. Radical new technology means a perfect capture of your Windows ...
Search Query points:10 MAXMEDIA PRO 1.10 Now it is easy to create the most incredible interactive multimedia applications - no programming is required! Even inexperienced users can combine text, images, buttons, videos, sounds, animation, html, flash and other elements. MaxMedia is a multimedia authoring system that ...
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