Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12420 funded different make drive avalible only to administrator programs. You can simply download any of make drive avalible only to administrator soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:95 DISK DRIVE ADMINISTRATOR 1.4 Hide, lock and protect your local, network, Floppy and USB drives, and disable the AutoRun feature for them. Control access to your drives by clicking on the checkboxes located within the group boxes representing them. Disable the AutoRun feature based ...
Search Query points:95 DISK DRIVE ADMINISTRATOR 1.41 Hide, lock and protect your local, network, Floppy and USB drives, and disable the AutoRun feature for them. Control access to your drives by clicking on the checkboxes located within the group boxes representing them. Disable the AutoRun feature based ...
Search Query points:55 SECURITY ADMINISTRATOR - Stop others from tampering with your PC. Deny access to Control Panel applets, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS windows, Registry editing, network access, hide desktop icons, individual drives, Start menu items, taskbar. Apply password protection to Windows, restrict users ...
Search Query points:55 USB DRIVE RESTORE Corrupted USB Pen drive restoration software restore deleted data due to bad sectors and logical corruption. Retrieve lost audio video files like MPG, 3gp, mp4, mp3, MPEG, AVI, WAV, MOV fetch formatted JPG pictures TIFF, RIFF, GIF, PNG photos BMP, ...
Search Query points:55 FAT DRIVE RECOVERY Fat recovery software for window operating system supports fat 12, FAT 16, FAT 32, VFAT file systems. Fat partition recovery tool supports recovery of storage media damaged due to virus infection, Power failure overwritten, crashed, hardware-software malfunction. Recovery software ...
Search Query points:55 EASY DRIVE LOCK 1.7 Easy Drive Lock is fast drive lock & green software that can lock any Harddisk drives in seconds. Without your password,nobody can access files on locked drive. You can use this soft with Fengsu Screen Lock and Fengsu Drive lock ...
Search Query points:55 VIRTUAL DRIVE CREATOR 2.1.1 Create Virtual Drives from long paths, it's easy! Type the full path or (even easier) browse to the path via the Drive and Folder Lists. Choose a drive letter from the "Available Virtual Drive Letters" list and Click [Add Virtual ...
Search Query points:55 EXTRA DRIVE CREATOR BASIC 1.4 "Extra Drive Creator" - program designed to make access to frequently used folders of your computer easier. It is also used to create, edit and remove virtual drives of your computer. "Extra Drive Creator" creates virtual drives on the basis ...
Search Query points:55 ACCESS ADMINISTRATOR - Protect your files and restrict other users from being able to start, see, change or delete them. File protection activates automatically according to the current user's idenity and the timetable that is defined for it. You can disable Internet access, ...
Search Query points:55 INTELLIADMIN NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 2.7 IntelliAdmin Network Administrator allows you to make tweaks and changes to your own computer, or many computers across your local area network. Disable USB Drives, Set VNC Server Passwords, Enable Remote Desktop, Reboot or logoff systems, and much more. ...
Search Query points:55 RECOVER USB DRIVE DATA USB drive data restoration software is compatible with Windows and supports all type of USB drives like USB pen drive, Flash drive, Flash disk, Thumb drive, USB zip drive, memory stick, USB key, magic stick, pocket drive, Geek stick. This ...
Search Query points:55 UNLOCK ADMINISTRATOR 2.00 Unlock Administrator is a security configuration tool that allows a system administrator to specify exactly which users are allowed to unlock a Windows workstation. A computer desktop can be locked in a number of ways including pressing the "Lock ...
Search Query points:55 HIDDEN ADMINISTRATOR 1.5 What's new in version 1.5 (build 345): - is added function of the file transfer with remote computer (file manager); - is added carrying windows by mouse on remote desktop; - is added filtering IP-addresses (granting the access to server ...
Search Query points:55 DELETED FAT DRIVE DATA RECOVERY Data recovery program ensures hard drive data recovery, low level formatting, information recovery, document restoration, hd and hdd recovery. FAT data recovery software a data recovery utility recover retrieve restore corrupted lost erased files folders of fat fat12 fat16 fat32 ...
Search Query points:55 1-ABC.NET HARD DRIVE WASHER 1.10 Windows and nearly all other software that is installed on it produce temporary data. These disk space consuming files are used to remember personal data or user behaviour in the best case, but most of the time they only decrease ...
Search Query points:45 DISKEEPER ADMINISTRATOR 10.0 Diskeeper 10 Administrator Edition saves time and money by providing complete centralized management for Diskeeper, including remote installation and scheduling remote control, and email alerts. With Diskeeper 10 Administrator Edition, you can handle the problems of fragmentation across your entire ...
Search Query points:45 USB REMOTE DRIVE DISABLER 2.0 Allows you to easily enable or disable USB drives on your Windows 2000, 2003, or XP systems - across your LAN ...
Search Query points:45 REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR 2.2 Remote Administrator (Radmin) is a secure remote control software that enables you to work on a remote computer as if you were sitting in front of it. This program is the ideal remote access solution. You can access the same ...
Search Query points:45 1ST SECURITY ADMINISTRATOR - Protect PC, restrict access to Windows applications, password-protect boot, apply access restrictions to PC, protect your privacy, deny access to Control Panel, disable interruption boot keys, context menus, DOS, Registry editing, Internet and network access. Hide desktop icons, disk drives, ...
Search Query points:45 SEO ADMINISTRATOR 3.5 Have you tried search engine optimization services that promised much, took your money and then simply added some useless meta-tags to your pages? With SEO Administrator, you can become your own search engine optimization expert. This comprehensive set of tools ...
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