Softfreedownload showing you best 18 of 18 funded different lpt oscilloscope programs. You can simply download any of lpt oscilloscope soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 SMARTSNIFF FOR COM, LPT, USB. 4.0.7 The best tool for doing LPT, COM and USB port's data transfer logging. Using this tool you can simply do monitoring and spying data transffered through ports. This is useful for people who want to research any additional HW ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTINS SOUND CARD OSCILLOSCOPE 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTINS POCKET OSCILLOSCOPE 1.0 Virtins Pocket Oscilloscope is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS POCKET INSTRUMENT 1.0 Virtins Pocket Instrument is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a real time oscilloscope, a real time spectrum analyzer and a signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS POCKET SPECTRUM ANALYZER 1.0 Virtins Pocket Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a real time oscilloscope and a real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SIGNAL GENERATOR 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Signal Generator is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card based Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS SOUND CARD MULTIINSTRUMENT 2.1 Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope, a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and a sound card signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike ...
Search Query points:10 TUNEBITE DRM FREE MUSIC & VIDEOCLIPS 3.0 RERECORDS PROTECTED WMA, M4P, M4B MUSIC & AUDIOBOOKS OR WMV & M4V VIDEOCLIPS Tunebite = Multiple-Speed-Rerecording in Digitial Qualtiy. Converts legally DRM protected files to free MP3, WMA, WMV and MPE4. Automatically recording of DRM-protected music, audio books and video ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS POCKET SIGNAL GENERATOR 1.0 Virtins Pocket Signal Generator is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for output: (1) Sine ...
Search Query points:10 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SPECTRUM ANALYZER 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Spectrum Analyzer is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope and a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and can run them concurrently. Unlike most of the sound card ...
Search Query points:10 ANEWSOFT MP3 RECORDER 2.0 Anewsoft MP3 Recorder is an audio recording software. It can record audio from your computer to files of MP3 or wave formats. You can record sound from microphone, streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media ...
Search Query points:10 PRINTFIL 5.0 Allows character based apps (DOS-Windows-Unix-Linux) to print to ANY Windows printer, including USB, network printers, faxmodems and PDF writers. It can also capture LPT out and redirect the jobs, even if a printer is phisically connected to the port. Once ...
Search Query points:10 CWTYPE MORSE TERMINAL 1.35 The terminal program for CW-operators (amateur radio). You can transmit both from the keyboard and from the paddle connected to a joystick or LPT connector. While operating in paddle iambic mode sending (the memory of a unit of ...
Search Query points:10 @SWIT PRINTFIL 5.1 Allows character based apps (DOS-Windows-Unix-Linux) to print to ANY Windows printer, including USB, network printers, faxmodems and PDF writers. It can capture LPT ports and redirect the jobs, even if a printer is phisically connected to the port. It also ...
Search Query points:10 TVICPORT 4.0 TVicPort main capabilities are: - direct port I/O access; - (new!) obtains pointers to the physical memory by directly mapping it to the user process's address space; - advanced ...
Search Query points:10 TUNEBITE DRM FREE MUSIC & VIDEOCLIPS 3.0 RERECORDS PROTECTED WMA, M4P, M4B MUSIC & AUDIOBOOKS OR WMV & M4V VIDEOCLIPS Tunebite = Multiple-Speed-Rerecording in Digitial Qualtiy. Converts legally DRM protected files to free MP3, WMA, WMV and MPE4. Automatically recording of DRM-protected music, audio books and video ...
Search Query points:10 DIGITAL PHOTO RECOVERY 2.0.3 Digital Photo Recovery ™ will recover lost, deleted and formatted digital Photos on removable media. Works with every type of digital card reader appearing as a drive letter in your local PC. If you have received an error: "Media is ...
Search Query points:10 AUDIO SPECTRUM ANALYZER - OSCILLOMETER 5.07 Audio Spectrum Analyzer is a set of Real-Time Multi-Channel Gauges for investigation of data accepted from any ADC you will want or 16-, 24- and 32-bit ADC of sound card. FFT Spectrum Analysis, OscilloScope, Frequency counter, AC/DC voltmeter, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, ...
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