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Search Query points:50 NETWORK LOOKOUT ADMINISTRATOR 1.2.1 The Network LookOut Administrator allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by ...
Search Query points:50 NETWORK LOOKOUT ADMINISTRATOR PRO 2.0.1 The Network LookOut Administrator Pro allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer ...
Search Query points:40 METRISCOPE (WITH WINDOWS PACK) 2.0.3 A visual, plugin based monitoring tool that allows you to easily monitor different systems within the one console. MetriScope gives users the ability to view real-time or historic data, configure and view alarms, design visual layouts, generate reports and ...
Search Query points:40 NFS WINDOWS CLIENT TO ACCESS UNIX SYSTEM 6.0 DiskAccess is Premier NFS Windows Client enables Windows 9x/NT/2000/2003/XP systems to perform as NFS clients, so you can access file and print resources located on UNIX servers, mainframes, or other NFS-based server systems. ...
Search Query points:40 KERNEL FAT-NTFS - WINDOWS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Kernel for FAT and NTFS recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where FAT and NTFS based operating systems, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 are installed on the hard ...
Search Query points:40 MANUEL COELHO FOR WINDOWS!!!!.EXE 1.0 Change the standard Windows sounds on fragments of the music of XVI century by composer Padre Manoel Rodrigues COELHO da Costa (1555-1635; Portugal) from His book: "FLOWERS OF MUSIC" (printed in 1620 year). The audio was created on the synthesizer: ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS MESS CLEANER 1.00 Windows Mess Cleaner is a decent little tool that has the potential to clean quite a bit from your system. It offers you an expanded selection of cleanup choices including Temp Setup Files, Downloaded Program Files, Temp Internet Files, Debug ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS XP TWEAKS 1.0 Windows XP Tweaks will make Windows XP more responsive and less irritating by performing the following system tweaks: * Loads the kernel (Windows XP system core) into physical memory instead of virtual memory - Note: Physical memory (RAM) is many ...
Search Query points:40 KERNEL FAT-NTFS - WINDOWS DATA RECOVERY 4.03 Nucleus Kernel for FAT and NTFS is the most powerful data recovery software and file undelete tool available in the market, and can easily recover your accidentally deleted files. Now more powerful with the addition of zip repair component, helps ...
Search Query points:40 EMS MYSQL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL FOR WINDOWS 3.4 EMS MySQL Manager is a powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development. MySQL Manager works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.06 and supports all of the latest MySQL features including views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB ...
Search Query points:40 MSCABIMAGE FOR WINDOWS 2.0 MSCABImage is the best cure from nasty posting bots (robots). These bots create hundreds email accounts on your web-based mail servers and spam from them, fill your forums with thousands of commercial postings and screw your online polls. ABImage Component ...
Search Query points:40 INSTALLAWARE DEVELOPER FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER 6.0 InstallAware creates Windows Installer MSI setups with easy MSIcode scripting. Instead of populating MSI databases to build your setup, or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers, use the intuitive MSIcode scripting environment to build your MSI installers. InstallAware ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS NTFS PARTITION RECOVERY Windows deleted NTFS 5 partition hard drive volume data files recovery software recover restore NT 2000 2003 operating system volume files folders. Tool Unerase unformat undelete harddisk MFT master file table, MBR master boot record and root directory information. Utility ...
Search Query points:40 KERNEL FAT-NTFS - WINDOWS DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Kernel for FAT and NTFS recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where FAT and NTFS based operating systems, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 are installed on the hard ...
Search Query points:40 ESCAN ANTI-VIRUS FOR WINDOWS (AV) 8.0.653.1 eScan Anti-Virus (AV) for Windows provides the basic security for your desktops and provides complete protection against viruses.An enterprise - wide Anti Virus software targeted for Desktop and Corporate network security, eScan scans the local and network drives for viruses ...
Search Query points:40 ANTI BOSS KEY - HIDE WINDOWS QUICKLY. HIDE YOUR SC 3.91 MindGems Inc. AntiBossKey - instantly hide and restore the applications ( windows) on your screen in order to prevent uninvited persons from seeing them. Protect your privacy! Get a boss key. Hide / restore windows, tray icons, desktop icons, ...
Search Query points:40 ACCESS MANAGER FOR WINDOWS - Access Manager for Windows allows you to restrict access to to key features of Windows, such as Control Panels or Start menu, network, Taskbar, desktop, system tray, Network Access Control Page, Control Internet usage and more. It can also disable ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS DESKTOP RANDOMIZER 2.2.0 The Windows Desktop Randomizer will transform your desktop wallpaper and screen saver into a personal slideshow of your family and friends, your wedding and travels, or any other digital images you may have on your PC. It is ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS XP TOOLS 2.0 Windows XP Tools helps keep your computer running at top efficiency and speed with powerful tools to optimize system performance and diagnose, repair and prevent PC problems and crashes. 10 great tools for Windows XP that will improve your PC ...
Search Query points:40 PAD SERVER WINDOWS 2.0 Online PAD- file generation tool. Import, create, manage and update your PAD- files and PPP- files for your shareware software to sell online from your personal PAD Service account. Hundreds of software authors around the world are already using PAD-Service ...
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