Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2212 funded different lode runner 1.0 cheats programs. You can simply download any of lode runner 1.0 cheats soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:85 LODE RUNNER 1.0 Do you remember that classic game by Broderbund? The idea is simple: you control the hero who avoids the guards and collect all the treasure to move on to the next level. The hero cannot kill guards, but can dig ...
Search Query points:80 LODE RUNNER 1.5 Do you remember that classic game by Broderbund? The idea is simple: you control the hero who avoids the guards and collects all the treasure to move on to the next level. The hero cannot kill guards, but can dig ...
Search Query points:80 SNATCH AND RUN : LODE RUNNER 1.54 Snatch And Run is a thrilling remake of classical game Lode Runner. It combines dynamics of arcade game and solution discovering aim of logistic game. You will notice well-developed levels, sound effects, skins' options, which can be set as you ...
Search Query points:50 LODE DOOMER 1.7 Lode Doomer is a variety of legendary Lode Runner, but enemies here are smarter than in the original game! Various monsters will pursue your superhero on many levels! A timer will ruthlessly count out time before an explosion! Good ...
Search Query points:40 JOYSTICK CHEATS 1.5 Joystick Cheats manager is your access point to all your cheats. You can get all the cheats you need for free. The cheats that you can choose from is constantly growing, and include all systems available for play. You dont ...
Search Query points:15 BETMARKET SCANNER 1.0 BetMarket Scanner is a software tool for the Betfair market statistics collection. You can log all market information into one Excel spreadsheet and use it for future analysis. BetMarket Scanner allows you to log prices, runner information, and many ...
Search Query points:15 HOT GAME CHEATER 1.0 Hot Game Cheater is a sexiest game cheating utility with shots of hot games girls. It has a biggest database of thousands of up-to-date Games Cheats, Games Walkthroughs and Games Music. Hot Game Cheater contains thousands of cheats of ...
Search Query points:15 UTILITIES SUITE 1.0.3 6 Utilities for 1 Price: * Phone Mnemonics - Generate text mnemonics from phone numbers and find words in them. Find out if your phone number is 1 800 PHONE ME, (555) IAM L337, (555) ROBERTA, etc.. ...
Search Query points:10 IPMASTER 1.1 IpMaster sniffs, or monitors, Internet and/or Network data packets coming in, and going out of, your PC and network. IpMaster allows filtering packets so as to provide the capability of seeing only the data you wish to see, ...
Search Query points:10 STICKY NOTE CREATOR 2.4.1 Create sticky notes on the desktop. e.g. Phone Alessandra, Celery or E=mc^2. Simple interface: type note and press enter to create note. Saves a lot of paper and pens. Don''t spend time looking for pens, reaching ...
Search Query points:10 IMGIANT INSTANT MESSENGER 2.1 IMGIANT v2.1 contains NO spyware or adware! IMGiant is a new instant messaging client that lets you unify all your screen names from AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and IRC in one tabbed chat window. All your buddies from your screen ...
Search Query points:5 TURTLES, VOLUME 2 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 2 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Trachemys venusta venusta (Meso-American Slider), Graptemys versa (Texas Map Turtle), Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-Eared Slider), Chrysemys picta dorsalis (Southern Painted Turtle), Chrysemys picta picta (Eastern Painted Turtle), Emys blandingi (Blanding's Turtle), ...
Search Query points:5 JHOOS STICKY POSTIT NOTES 1.0 Jhoos Sticky Notes is an electronic (digital) version of your conventional sticky notes. It's a virtual note creation software that sits in your system tray letting you make as many notes as you want at will and also manage your ...
Search Query points:5 TURTLES, VOLUME 1 SCREEN SAVER - HATCHLINGS 1.0 Turtles, Volume 1 contains over 20 stunning photographs of Chelodina longicollis (Eastern Long-necked Turtle), Emydura subglobosa (Red-bellied Short-necked Turtle), Macrochelodina siebenrocki (Siebenrock's Snake-necked Turtle), Phrynops williamsi (Williams' South American Side-necked Turtle), Phrynops hilarii (Hilaire's Side-necked Turtle), and Elseya novaeguineae (New ...
Search Query points:5 NEED FOR EXTREME 2 3.0 The game Need For Extreme presents a breathtaking variety of arcade races. You drive a racing car and your task is to finish first. Thirst for speed and danger makes the game more captivating. You are to take a new ...
Search Query points:5 FREE FLUFFY CAT SCREENSAVER 1.0 You have always wanted to have a pussy cat but you don't have time to care for it? Download this free screensaver now and lots of charming big cats and sweet kittens will make your desktop their home. ...
Search Query points:5 REVERSI DELUXE 1.0 Reversi Deluxe is a new strategic board game, which is highly intellectual and presents a new version of the old classic game. Being specially created for grown-ups, Reversi Deluxe challenges you to reveal your intelligence and logic to win. 4 ...
Search Query points:5 AMILENN 1.0 AmileNN allows you to see network shared folders arranged to groups. For displaying is used native list view from Windows XP. You can use the application for access to shared resource placed on your local area network. Program is suitable ...
Search Query points:5 MY FLASHCARDS 1.0 View and interact with a variety of flashcards online. View MindPal's collection of flashcards or easily create your own with the free online tools. Features include: an optional timer and stopwatch; display flashcards in sequential, random, or alphabetical ...
Search Query points:5 BACK ME UP BACKUP SOFTWARE 1.0 AMF Back Me Up is easy to use backup software. Back Me Up backs up software to zip files, which means that you can recover your files easily. Back Me Up supports zip disks, hard disks, CD and DVD writers ...
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