Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 958 funded different lock soundcard utility programs. You can simply download any of lock soundcard utility soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 1ST SCREEN LOCK - 1st Screen Lock is a password-protected desktop security utility that lets you lock your desktop with a password on boot, or at the time you are leaving your PC. You can use the built-in spy utility that works in background ...
Search Query points:50 ACCESS LOCK - Access Lock is a system-tray security utility, which enables you to lock your PC with a password by two methods. The first one hides your desktop and shows a screen saver while the second one does not hide it allowing ...
Search Query points:50 SHUTDOWN LOCK 1.3 Irritated with the fact that some applications just don't go well together with Window's Hibernate or Suspend features? The easiest way to fix the problem is to get Shutdown Lock that can hibernate-enable any application, like FlashGet, or AudioGrabber. ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK & LOCK 2.91 1Click & Lock up is a system tray security utility you can use to secure your desktop when you step away from your PC. It's secure and very easy-to-use. Just define a password, and select Lock to hide and deny ...
Search Query points:50 1ST SCREEN LOCK 6.52 1st Screen Lock is a password-protected desktop security utility that lets you lock your desktop with a password on boot, or at the time you are leaving your PC. You can use the built-in spy utility that works in background ...
Search Query points:40 FILE LOCK 7.1 File Lock is a secure software that can lock and/or hide your files, folders and drives. It can prevent access to any of your files, folders or drives. File Lock also supports to hide files and folders, to make them ...
Search Query points:40 LOCK MY COMPUTER 3.62 Desktop security solution for personal or publicly accessible computers. It disallows unauthorized changes to various settings of the Windows system, such as Control Panel, Desktop, Local Security Policies, Outlook Express account settings, etc. Disable access to local hard disks, Floppy, ...
Search Query points:40 IM LOCK ENTERPRISE 2006 IM Lock Enterprise controls and blocks access to Instant Messaging and peer to peer services that waste time and compromise computer security. Free trial version available - sets up in less than a minute. Blocks all popular services: MSN Messenger, ...
Search Query points:40 DVD DEVICE LOCK 2.22 Hide or restrict access to removable media devices such as CD, DVD, floppy, flash and USB drives, and deny access to partitions of your hard disk drives with the program. Stop copying data between removable media and hard disk drives, ...
Search Query points:40 HIDE FOLDER HIBIT LOCK 2 (1)-Protect any folder or file by : Hide, Lock, Encrypt or make a folder as a recycle Bin. (2)-The protected folders or files still protected even in other computers. (3)-The protect Operation just take 1 second at any computer. (4)-You ...
Search Query points:40 DESKTOP LOCK 7.1 Desktop Lock is a computer security protection and access control software product, you can use it to lock computer to prevent people from accessing your private documents and resources. When the computer being locked by Desktop Lock, none can access ...
Search Query points:40 INTERNET LOCK 5.0 Internet Lock is an access control and password protection software for your Internet programs, it can deny or password protect any program and connection from accessing the Internet. Internet Lock works with the "Rules" mode: you can add one or ...
Search Query points:40 FENGSU DRIVE LOCK V1.1 Fengsu Drive Lock is fast drive lock & green software that can lock any drives(Include DVDROM and FLOPPY) in seconds. Without your password,nobody can access files and medias on locked drive.If you have any question or suggestion,please contact us.We will ...
Search Query points:40 1-ABC.NET UTILITY BOX 1.20 This product combines 7 Windows XP cleaning and optimization tools to keep your system running fast and secure. Hard Drive Washer deletes unnecessary data, Surf Trail Washer deletes your internet trail, Registry Washer cleans up your Registry. Startup Booster allows ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS DATA RESTORATION UTILITY Windows Files restoration utility retrieve formatted and deleted Windows FAT NTFS file system data. Software provides restoration of corrupted root directory, MBR master boot record, DBR dos boot record, file allocation table and MFT master file table due to hardware ...
Search Query points:40 MOBILE CARD RECOVERY UTILITY Sim card message recovery solution is non-destructive and read only tool that recovers all corrupted data from your mobile phone sim card. Cell phone sim card data files recovery services retrieve read and unread inbox messages, outbox messages, sent items ...
Search Query points:40 4S LOCK 1.07 4S Lock 1.07 enables you to lock your workstation at any time by simple double click on system tray icon. Transparent lock is available. 4S Lock also provides startup/logon computer lockdown. During computer startup 4S Lock seamlessly replaces standard windows ...
Search Query points:40 SMARTSLEEP - AUTO SHUTDOWN UTILITY 2.6 SmartSleep is the most powerful shutdown utility available today. SmartSleep supports these operations: Shutdown, log off, reboot, black screen, file execution and display message. You can also schedule these tasks, so it can turn off your PC every Sunday ...
Search Query points:40 1-ABC.NET UTILITY BOX 1.00 The Utility Box combines four powerful Windows XP cleaning and optimization tools to an even more powerful program that helps you to keep your system running fast and secure. Windows and nearly all other software that is installed on ...
Search Query points:40 EASY DRIVE LOCK 1.7 Easy Drive Lock is fast drive lock & green software that can lock any Harddisk drives in seconds. Without your password,nobody can access files on locked drive. You can use this soft with Fengsu Screen Lock and Fengsu Drive lock ...
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