Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 6452 funded different lissajous display software programs. You can simply download any of lissajous display soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 TEROID MULTI SEGMENT DISPLAY 1.0 This control emulates the LED or LCD multi segment displays commonly used on electrical and electronic items, and provides a more impressive and eye-catching alternative to the Label control. It will display upper and lower case letters, numbers, and all ...
Search Query points:50 DISPLAY RESOLUTION MANAGER 3.0 Disputing display resolution and brightness settings with your colleagues or kids?! Stop the squabbles with this program! This is a utility that allows multiple users sharing a computer to set their own display resolution, brigtness and contrast options. It will ...
Search Query points:40 MSN DISPLAY PICTURE ADDER 1.0 The MSN Display Picture adder allows you to quickly import any folder containing images into MSN Messenger as Display Pictures. Allows for quick and effortless adding of new MSN Display Pictures, such as downloaded picture packages. Once you have the ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS SOUND CARD OSCILLOSCOPE 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Oscilloscope is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS SOUND CARD MULTIINSTRUMENT 2.1 Virtins Sound Card MultiInstrument is a powerful PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a sound card real time oscilloscope, a sound card real time spectrum analyzer and a sound card signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS SOUND CARD SIGNAL GENERATOR 2.1 Virtins Sound Card Signal Generator is a powerful PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a sound card based Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS POCKET INSTRUMENT 1.0 Virtins Pocket Instrument is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. It consists of a real time oscilloscope, a real time spectrum analyzer and a signal generator, and can run them simultaneously. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS POCKET SIGNAL GENERATOR 1.0 Virtins Pocket Signal Generator is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument. It consists of a Signal Generator and an off-line Oscilloscope. 1. The dual channel Signal Generator (Sweep/Arbitrary/Function Generator) provides the following types of waveform for output: (1) Sine ...
Search Query points:30 VIRTINS POCKET OSCILLOSCOPE 1.0 Virtins Pocket Oscilloscope is a powerful Pocket PC based virtual instrument software. Unlike most of the sound card oscilloscopes in the market which search trigger event after data collection, it features a specially designed data acquisition approach which is able ...
Search Query points:20 CHANGE FORGOTTEN PASSWORD LITE 2.0 Recover and change forgotten passwords in multiple applications. Did you upgrade your computer and lose your passwords? Have you visited web sites that require you to log in, and allow Microsoft Internet Explorer to cache those logins and passwords? Recover ...
Search Query points:20 LENOGO DVD MOVIE TO 3GP CONVERTER PRO 7.0 Lenogo DVD Movie to 3GP Converter Lenogo DVD Movie to 3GP Converter makes your dream of mobile cinema come true. With Lenogo DVD Movie to 3GP Converter you can watch DVD movie on your cell phone anywhere and any ...
Search Query points:20 CUSTOM FLAG3D SCREENSAVER 1.0 Displays your images and pictures using Flag3D technology, a specialized physics simulation. The flag is shown complete with a 3D pole and ropes. This is an ideal way to advertise your company's logo or image. Display it at shows and ...
Search Query points:20 GHOST HUNTER 4.0 This is the perfect computer program for anyone into Ghost Hunting or any other types of hauntings. This program lets you record detailed information such as: DATE OF OCCURANCE, TIME OF OCCURANCE, LOCATION, GPS INFO,HISTORY LOCATION, TELEPHONE NUMBERS, NOTES, COMMENTS, ...
Search Query points:20 NETWORK PROTOCOLS MAP SCREENSAVER 1.0 We design special screensavers and wall-papers for IT/Networking professionals and students, who will display our art on their computer screens for months or years. Screensavers are widely displayed on people's PCs for months, even years. Marketing messages, product names and ...
Search Query points:20 WEB ALBUM MAKER 1.11 Web Album Maker is a gallery software which makes web albums of digital images. With clicks, Web Album Maker creates HTML photo albums, JPEG thumbnails, and CSS for your online photo albums. It can create thumbnails of your photos and ...
Search Query points:20 ACEREADER PRO 4.5E Speed Reading, Assessment and Online Reader Software. Improve your reading skills by training with Drills and Games. Track your progress by taking Comprehension Tests (for grades 1-12+). Read efficiently online with the Online Reader. Utilizes Tachistoscope ...
Search Query points:20 A-SQUARED (A2) HIJACKFREE 1.0 a-squared HiJackFree is a detailed system analysis tool which helps advanced users to detect and remove all types of HiJackers, Spyware, Adware, Trojans and Worms. Manage all types of Autoruns on your system, Explorer and Browser plugins (BHOs, Toolbars, etc.). ...
Search Query points:20 QUEST 4.0 Quest lets you create sophisticated text-based games, without having to program. You can make text adventures, role-playing games, training materials, simulations, interactive fiction, online multiplayer environments and more. With its easy-to-use visual editor, absolutely no programming is required - ...
Search Query points:20 XNOTE STOPWATCH 1.39 XNote Stopwatch is a multifunctional, versatile and flexible digital stopwatch/countdown timer utility for your computer's desktop. The program features both count-up and count-down modes, alarm with various events, re-sizable display with 'always on top' mode, system-wide hotkeys, time "snapping" (split/lap ...
Search Query points:20 VOCABOLY 2.03 Vocaboly is a learning software for English vocabulary, especially for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, through many learning methods, including test and game, memorizing will be much easier and more efficient, above all it's fun. Main Features ...
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