Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13654 funded different limit children xp programs. You can simply download any of limit children xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:45 MONTH LIMIT 1.11 Controlling Monthly Plans This program will help those people who stick to monthly plans. Example 1. You pay your Internet service provider a fixed fee for 400 megabytes of traffic per month. The best this for you is ...
Search Query points:45 123 FREE SOLITAIRE 2003 FOR CHILDREN - FREE SOLITAIRE CARD GAMES FOR CHILDREN 1.6 123 Free Solitaire 2003 for Children is a collection of five great solitaire games: Doublets, Grandfather's Clock, Klondike, Pyramid (Easy Couple) and Twenty. 123 Free Solitaire 2003 for Children features a winning layout, fast game play, rich sounds, extensive ...
Search Query points:45 D LETTERS FOR CHILDREN 11.18 Alphabet Coloring Pages. Printable alphabet coloring pages accompany the game Alphabet Action. Alphabet Printable Worksheets, Coloring Pages and Flash Cards Alphabet printable activity worksheets, coloring pages, color posters, flash cards and mini books suitable for toddlers, preschool, and early elementary. ...
Search Query points:45 MUSICEASE TRADITIONAL SONGBOOK FOR CHILDREN AND AD 1.00 Provides transposable sheet music for over 300 traditional kids and adult song classics. Transpose, print, and play. Optionally display chord names/fret diagrams, tablature, scale to different sizes and automatically reformat, re-arrange/delete verses, play with band accompaniment. Displays on ...
Search Query points:25 STOPGAME HOME EDITION 1.3 StopGame is an ideal computer program designed to help parents control the time their children spend playing computer games. Control is made possible by a set of intervals delimiting when a listed game may or may not be played. A ...
Search Query points:25 PUBLIC PC DESKTOP - Setup an Internet kiosk or a public access PC; disable access to vital files and allow only necessary applications to be run including Internet Explorer. Lock access to the desktop using username and password authentication, time-locked code (allows users to ...
Search Query points:25 PC-TIME MANAGER 1.2 PC-Time Manager is considered a parental control software that limits computer time. If your kids are spending a lot of time chatting on the internet, or playing games, you have to set a time limit so as not to affect ...
Search Query points:25 STOPGAME HOME EDITION 1.3.3 StopGame is an ideal computer program designed to help parents control the time their children spend playing computer games. Control is made possible by a set of intervals delimiting when a listed game may or may not be played. A ...
Search Query points:25 INTERNET KIOSK PRO 3.32 Internet kiosk public access PC software to restrict access to system; allow only certain applications and features such as Internet Explorer. Limit access to the PC desktop using authentication by username and password, time-locked serial number to allow user to ...
Search Query points:25 PUBLICPC DESKTOP - Setup an Internet kiosk or a public access PC; disable access to vital files and allow only necessary applications to be run including Internet Explorer. Lock access to the desktop using username and password authentication, time-locked code (allows users to ...
Search Query points:25 INTERNET KIOSK PRO 3.3 Internet kiosk public access PC software to restrict access to system; allow only certain applications and features such as Internet Explorer. Limit access to the PC desktop using authentication by username and password, time-locked serial number to allow user to ...
Search Query points:20 AGATASOFT TIMELOCK 1.0 This program will help parents whom all the day at job to limit the children from a computer, and to allow playing on a computer the certain time in day. Upon termination of time, the computer will be blocked, or ...
Search Query points:20 OPUS CREATOR 5.5 Opus Creator is the easy, cost-effective introduction to commercial multimedia publishing. Ideal for creative individuals looking to exploit the new marketplace for interactive publications, whether they are graphic artists, musicians, multimedia entrepreneurs or creative writers. Combine text, images, ...
Search Query points:15 KIDSPLORER WEB BROWSER 4 KidSplorer web browser offers protection for children by allowing them to browse only a listed set of sites that have been valued as being child worthy. This web browser has been designed specifically for the use of children and ...
Search Query points:15 FAMILY CYBER ALERT 3.4 Are you concerned about your children?s online activities? Do you feel you should keep a closer eye on what they are doing in CyberSpace? The dangers that children face on the Internet are well documented, too often ...
Search Query points:15 EMAILOBSERVER 5.2.3 EmailObserver is a unique email monitoring software and surveillance tool created for a wide range of users either for ordinary home users or businessmen, corporations etc. With its help you can know the exact contents of email messages sent by ...
Search Query points:15 IMAGE VAULT 1.01 Image Vault is a password protected image viewer and image archive application. Image Vault is ideal for graphic artists, web developers, image collectors or anyone else who must manage and control access to large image collections. With Image ...
Search Query points:15 A1 MULTIPLICATRON 3.0 This is an Excellent Software that incorporates a Unique Award Winning Audio-Visual and Multimedia based process of learning the Multiplication Tables for Kids. The aim of the software is to avoid the difficult and boring process present in regular ...
Search Query points:15 SPEECH SYNTHESIZER 5.0 A great program for Children to learn English Speaking & Vocabulary. Speech Synthesizer 5.0 is a powerful Text-To-Speech voice synthesizer program that is extremely useful for learning English pronunciation and Vocabulary building. The Software runs on all Windows Systems and ...
Search Query points:15 SPEED MATH 3.0 This is an Unique Racing game for Kids to race Cars and learn Math & Arithmetic at the same time. The software uses a Racing Game concept to teach the basic Mathematical ideas. Full Audio-Visual and Multimedia features have ...
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