Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 132 funded different Le Petit Prince Synchronized Books programs. You can simply download any of Le Petit Prince Synchronized Books soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:135 "LE PETIT PRINCE" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.1 Audio book "Le Petit Prince" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:135 "LE PETIT PRINCE" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.1 Audio book "Le Petit Prince" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:50 "THE GREAT GATSBY" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.0 Audio book "The Great Gatsby" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:50 "WHITE FANG" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED 1.3 Audio book "White Fang", published at, is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate ...
Search Query points:50 "THE GREAT GATSBY" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.0 Audio book "The Great Gatsby" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:40 BEST AND NEW BOOKS 2.4 Best and New books, you can check easly all book on the net. ...
Search Query points:10 GUEST BOOK CRAWLER 1.0 There are millions of guest books at the web! Imagine, that only a little part of them have your link. The software enables you to post to many guest books. You are searching in search engines for guest books and ...
Search Query points:10 COMIC COLLECTOR PROFESSIONAL 4.0 If you collect Comic's, this program is for you to keep those Comic Books organized and much more. This program lets yourecord detailed information about each of your Comic's, such as:Title, Publisher, Number, Issue, Condition, Theme, Volume,Date Published, Cost, Value, ...
Search Query points:10 VOCABOLY 2.03 Vocaboly is a learning software for English vocabulary, especially for TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, SAT test takers, through many learning methods, including test and game, memorizing will be much easier and more efficient, above all it's fun. Main Features ...
Search Query points:10 IMAGE TO PDF OCR CONVERTER (PDF E-BOOK MAKER) 1.7 Image To PDF OCR Converter is an application based on Windows platform, which can directly convert more image formats, such as TIFF,JPG,GIF,PNG,BMP,PSD,WMF,EMF,PCX,PIC and so on,into text searchable PDF format, it supports manifold conversion ways, and automatically clear and skew-correct by ...
Search Query points:10 BOOKCAT 8.11 BookCAT is a powerful database program designed to catalog and manage a personal, club, school, church, or business library. BookCAT will help you know what you have and where it is. Quickly catalog your books by downloading information from the ...
Search Query points:10 IMAGE TO PDF(PDF E-BOOK MAKER) 1.7 Image2PDF Converter can directly convert dozens of image format into PDF format, can support manifold conversion way, and automatically clear and skew-correct by adopting special technique for B/W image, to insure display effect of high quality after conversion. You ...
Search Query points:10 BOOKVIEWER 3.01 This is fun, and a great way to add some style to documents you need to place on the web. Upload a text file to the Internet and let users view it as a real book, even turn pages ...
Search Query points:10 E-BOOKS COMPENDIUM 600 8.1 Your are purchasing over 600 E-Books contained in a zip file. The E-Books are divided into sections as follows: Business, Books (including many children's books), Computers, Consumer, Health, History, Legal Documents, Mail- Order Money Making Secrets, Marketing, Miscellaneous, Advertising on ...
Search Query points:10 1ST READ IT ALOUD! 1.2 Select text from any program, press hotkey and enjoy clear natural voice. Make your documents, emails, web pages, books and thoughts sound. Configure volume, speed and pitch of speech. Create Voice Slots to use different hot keys for different voices. ...
Search Query points:10 VBATUTOR 2005 1.0 VBATutor 2005: 40 VBA Lessons with 14 Exercises for Beginner to Advanced Many VBA programming Books/Tutorials seem to be designed for the sole purpose of impressing users with the authors VBA programming skills. 'VBATutor 2005' has been carefully designed for ...
Search Query points:10 RECIPES 3000 1.0 Recipes 3000 is the only program that you will need to manage all of your recipes. We have over 30,000 recipes on our website that you can import into Recipes 3000! Instead of hearing "What's for supper?" you'll be ...
Search Query points:10 BOOK ORGANIZER 1.00 In Book Organizer, the books in the database are displayed in a flexible, explorer-like screen. It lets you group, sort and filter the data in every possible way. It has a very comprehensive set of fields, enabling you to catalogue ...
Search Query points:10 BABY DIARY 2.0.360 Baby Diary helps you to keep text, audio and video about your baby's prenatal development, delivery, first steps or any custom categories. Each diary entry displays the corresponding baby age. The current age is displayed using attractive graphical tickers. Baby ...
Search Query points:10 LDS ACTIVITIES 7.2 LDS Activities For Windows is a collection of puzzles and games. Activities include Articles of Faith, Books of the Book of Mormon, Books of the New Testament, GospelTration, Crossword Puzzle, Gospel Tic-Tac-Toe, President of the Church, and Word Scrambler. You'll ...
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