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Search Query points:85 "LE PETIT PRINCE" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.1 Audio book "Le Petit Prince" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:85 "LE PETIT PRINCE" AUDIO-TEXT SYNCHRONIZED BOOK 1.1 Audio book "Le Petit Prince" is played by the specially developed software program that uses the text of the book for navigation started and stoped by clicking the right mouse button and also shows translations of the separate sentences to ...
Search Query points:20 ONCE UPON A TIME 1.0 A vicious Wolf, a greasy Prince and a wicked Queen are hunting for the same Princess, but she's not going quietly. Hone your character's unique skills and join up to three friends online in heated competition as you play as ...
Search Query points:15 EASY BIORHYTHMS Easy Biorhythms calculates the high, low & critical periods of your biorhythms to give you an indepth look at what's in store for you. - Charts can be printed out in Dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Italian & ...
Search Query points:15 REPORTCD 1.51 ReportCD is a powerful disk cataloging software and also a multimedia cataloging software. ReportCD is designed to help you maintain and organize your disk collection (CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, Hard Drives, Removable Rrives, USB Keys, and all other disks which are recognized ...
Search Query points:15 FATTURA! 5.0.3 Fattura! e' un programma dal facile utilizzo, per la gestione delle fatture. Si presenta con un'interfaccia grafica semplice ed intuitiva ma allo stesso tempo professionale, consentendo di eseguire le tipiche operazioni di gestione anagrafica clienti/fornitori, gestione dello scadenzario e del ...
Search Query points:15 TITAN POKER BIORHYTHMS Titan Poker Biorhythms calculates the high, low & critical periods of your biorhythms to give you an indepth look at what's in store for you before you go play Titan Poker. - Charts can be printed out in Dutch, ...
Search Query points:15 ORARI 5.0.24 Basta un click e dopo qualche minuto viene risolto un problema che affligge per giorni le scuole, le universita' e gli istituti privati italiani: la creazione degli orari. Il software Orari e' un software per la turnistica delle risorse umane, ...
Search Query points:15 CORE FTP LE 1.3C.1447 Core FTP LE - a free secure FTP Client with SSL/TLS, SSH/SFTP, IDN, ModeZ, fxp, dragdrop, browser integration, user-friendly interface(s), FTP/HTTP Proxy, Socks 4/5 support, remote file searching, queue manager, auto retry and resume of transfers, transfer bandwidth control, htaccess ...
Search Query points:15 CRYPTAINER LE FREE ENCRYPTION SOFTWARE 6.0.1 Cryptainer LE totally free 128 bit disk encryption software. Simple, easy to use encryption application that creates encrypted "vaults". One can store any kind of data in them. Cryptainer LE allows you to encrypt any file or folder on any ...
Search Query points:15 GESTIONALE XP 3.1 Archiviazione clienti/fornitori, gestione magazzino, gestione ordini a fornitori, impegni da clienti, bollettazione, fatturazione immediata, fatturazione accompagnatoria, fatturazione differita da DDT, scadenzario, calcolo provvigioni, emissione effetti fra cui file RIBA, distinte basi, centri di lavoro, valorizzazione distinte basi, carichi da produzione, ...
Search Query points:10 FARM ANIMAL SOUNDS - MORPHVOX ADD-ON 1.0 Have fun in online chat with the Farm Animal Sounds. This free sound effects pack integrates with MorphVOX Voice Changing Software and provides 11 barnyard animal sound effects to entertain and amuse your friends over voice chat. Broadcast a ...
Search Query points:10 WINTASKS 5 PROFESSIONAL PRO 3.2 Based on years of research, the award-winning WinTasks is now one of the most popular tools in the war against malicious software, and the perfect complement to your firewall and anti-virus software. Whether you are new to Windows, a business ...
Search Query points:10 IPOD PHOTO TO COMPUTER TRANSFER PRO3.2 3.2 Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is an easy to use backup software that lets you backup photos from your iPod to a Windows based PC with the least effort. Copyrights 2006 All Rights reserved Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is a ...
Search Query points:10 GO DVD PLAYER MORPHER GOLD 1.5 Pro edition of AV DVD Player-Morpher, the versatile DVD player software coming with a DVD player, DVD/video converter, DVD morpher, subtitle editor, VCD burner, and CD cover editor. DVD Player-Morpher support DVD, SVCD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, QT, MOV, M1V, ...
Search Query points:10 THE TALE OF THREE VIKINGS 1.0 In this game, you control 3 little Vikings and a cannon. Your task is to save village folks from Orcs, Skeletons and Monsters which happened to escape from a Hollywood movie scene and rage havoc on nearby villages. As ...
Search Query points:10 TEXT FILES TO PDF CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Create PDF files from your many text files without Adobe products. No complicated options. Files are not required to have txt extensions. ...
Search Query points:10 PURPLE PEOPLE EATER - MORPHVOX ADD-ON 1.0 This is a free add-on for MorphVOX voice changing software. Change the look of MorphVOX Voice Changer software with the Purple People Eater Skin add-on. For those who really like purple, this is for you. Its rounded, sleek design ...
Search Query points:10 MSN CHAT MONITOR 2.8.60910 MSN Chat Monitor is a network visibility tool to capture conversations of a MSN chat in your local network. It consists of a well-integrated set of functions that can be used to records MSN conversations automatically when your PC ...
Search Query points:10 HTML TO PDF CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 Convert many of your HTML files to PDF without Adobe Acrobat. Load multiple .htm and .html files into the program and export them automatically in seconds. ...
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