Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3328 funded different lan messenger file transfer programs. You can simply download any of lan messenger file transfer soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:100 OUTLOOK LAN MESSENGER 2.7 Outlook Messenger is a Concept LAN chat for interactive communication within Office network (LAN). In addition to usual rich text chat, voice chat, group chat, send file, reminders, alert note functions, Outlook Messenger can be plugged into MS Outlook, allowing ...
Search Query points:90 SOFTROS LAN MESSENGER 3.6.4 Softros LAN Messenger is a instant LAN messaging software application for home or office users. It does not require a server and is very easy to install and use. The program correctly identifies all Windows NT/2000/XP user accounts ...
Search Query points:90 SOFTROS LAN MESSENGER 3.7.6 Softros LAN Messenger is a instant LAN messaging software application for home or office users. It does not require a server and is very easy to install and use. The program correctly identifies all Windows NT/2000/XP user accounts and works ...
Search Query points:90 AKENI LAN MESSENGER 1.2 Akeni LAN messenger is a cross-platform (Windows and Linux) instant messaging program for LAN. Akeni LAN messenger is NOT based on Winpopup The LAN Edition does not require connection to the internet. Also with its intuitive user ...
Search Query points:80 WEB FILE TRANSFER 1.3 Web based file transfer program to facilitate exchanging files between yourself and your partners ...
Search Query points:70 BOPUP MESSENGER 4.3.5 Corporate instant messaging client for use in a business LAN with a set of enhanced features including standard software compatibility such as WinPopup and Messenger Service (net send), group messaging, automatic answering machine, message history, file transfer. Real-time communications can ...
Search Query points:60 NETWORK FILE MONITOR PRO 2.19.4 Data replication, backup and synchronization software for networks. Has flexible scheduler settings and numerous functions: file copying and moving inside LAN, HTTP, FTP and E-mail file transfer, launching programs, sending message between computers, sending E-mail messages. Works as Windows NT ...
Search Query points:60 VIGOROUS ENTERPRISE MESSENGER 5.0 Vigorous Enterprise Messenger is developed especially for enterprise to create private and secure messaging network, running on LAN as well as Internet. It provides features similar to Yahoo, AOL and MSN Messenger programs - including send and receive ...
Search Query points:60 IMGIANT INSTANT MESSENGER 2.1 IMGIANT v2.1 contains NO spyware or adware! IMGiant is a new instant messaging client that lets you unify all your screen names from AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, and IRC in one tabbed chat window. All your buddies from your screen ...
Search Query points:50 IPOD PHOTO TO COMPUTER TRANSFER PRO3.2 3.2 Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is an easy to use backup software that lets you backup photos from your iPod to a Windows based PC with the least effort. Copyrights 2006 All Rights reserved Tansee iPod Transfer Photo is a ...
Search Query points:50 KIKEE IPOD TO PC TRANSFER 3.0.1 KIKEE iPod to PC Transfer, for transferring songs and videos from your iPod to PC. From now on, you can back up your songs/videos from your iPod to your PC without any loss. KIKEE iPod to PC Transfer is ...
Search Query points:50 LANTOUCHER INSTANT MESSENGER 1.33 LanToucher Instant Messenger is instant messaging software for your office or home LAN (Local Area Network) Being an efficient WinPopup and 'net send' command alternative, our full-featured instant messaging application offers you a much richer network communication environment, expanding ...
Search Query points:50 YAHOO MESSENGER BUFFERZONE SECURITY 1.70-6 BufferZone protection for Yahoo Messenger and its shared files. One step installation. No configuration needed. Just install and you are protected. Continue using Yahoo Messenger as always. No spyware, trojan horses, worm, viruses or $%#^ programs can harm your system. ...
Search Query points:50 OYCO MESSENGER WITH VOIP DIALER 2.0 Interoptible Messenger with Video & Voice chat plus embedded Free VoIP H323 dialer to call any phone any where topped up with $1 Free to try with trial. Dialer has FER & SPIRIT technology for excellent sound quality under high ...
Search Query points:50 AD FILE TRANSMITTER 1.4 AD File Transmitter is an application, allows you to automate frequent file transfer operations between different offices or different computers and process data replication tasks. The files anf group of files can be sent thru the local area network (file ...
Search Query points:50 FILE ENCRYPTION XP 1.4.53 Need a military grade file encryption software? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? How about protecting data stored with removable drives? File Encryption XP does all that and more! File Encryption ...
Search Query points:50 INSTANT FILE NAME SEARCH 1.5 Instant File Name Search is a free software especially designed for filename searches. Instantly find files by name, part of name or mask (*.xls, pic??.jpg, *shrek*.avi etc.) on your PC or LAN. You can use AND/OR/NOT operators to perform advanced ...
Search Query points:50 AD FILE TRANSMITTER 1.5 AD File Transmitter is an application, allows you to automate frequent file transfer operations between different offices or different computers and process data replication tasks. The files anf group of files can be sent thru the local area network (file ...
Search Query points:50 BIG FILE SENDER PERSONAL EDITION 1.6 No more FTP. No email attachments. Receive and send large files as big as 2GB to any PC in the World that has BFS running. Big File Sender comes in 4 editions- Personal, Home, Professional, and Enterprise edition. You can ...
Search Query points:50 TANSEE IPOD TRANSFER PHOTO 3.0 Tansee iPod transfer photo is the ultimate backup, recovery and sharing tool for your iPod Photos. Recover your souvenirs in just a few clicks and share them on other's computers. Tansee iPod transfer photo lets you backup copy, download and ...
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