Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 32 funded different krylack 2.11 programs. You can simply download any of krylack 2.11 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:65 KRYLACK PASSWORD RECOVERY 2.11 KRyLack Password Recovery is a program to recover lost or forgotten passwords on ZIP, RAR and ACE archives. Key Features: Unlimited Password Length; Drag & Drop Support; RAR 2.0 and 3.0 Support; Archives with encrypted Filenames Support; ZIP Archives Support; ...
Search Query points:40 KRYLACK PASSWORD RECOVERY 1.60 KRyLack Password Recovery: recover lost or forgotten passwords on ZIP, RAR and ACE archives. Key Features: Unlimited Password Length; Drag & Drop Support; RAR 2.0 & 3.0 Support; Archives with encrypted Filenames Support; ZIP Archives Support; ACE Archives Support; SFX ...
Search Query points:25 POWERKEY 2.11 PowerKey is an advanced encryption toolkit designed to protect your most sensitive data. Thanks to its easy-to-use and flexible interface you can now fastly encrypt your files and not worry about your information anymore, cause now it's safe. PowerKey allows ...
Search Query points:25 PUSHCLU (PUSH&CLEAR UNLIMITED) 2.11 The game can be related to a classical type of games, but with original rules. The purpose of game PushClU is the clearing of a game field of the multi-coloured units, installed on it. That to delete its, it is ...
Search Query points:25 VIRTUAL DRIVE CREATOR 2.1.1 Create Virtual Drives from long paths, it's easy! Type the full path or (even easier) browse to the path via the Drive and Folder Lists. Choose a drive letter from the "Available Virtual Drive Letters" list and Click [Add Virtual ...
Search Query points:25 KEYLOGGER HUNTER 2.11 Utility for blocking the activity of keyboard monitoring programs presumably running on your PC. Neutralizes up to 90% of keyloggers, depriving them of information about the pressed keys. Keylogger Hunter was created, which paralyzes accumulation of information by Hook-based ...
Search Query points:25 MEMOPTIMIZER 2.11 Whenever a Windows based program is running, it's consuming memory resources - unfortunately many Windows programs do not "clean up" after themselves and often leave valuable memory "locked", preventing other programs from taking advantage of it and slowing your computer's ...
Search Query points:25 QUICKVOICE FOR WINDOWS 2.1.1 QuickVoice's elegantly designed interfaces facilitate one-click operation for most features such as: recording, playback, voice emaiing and voice stickies. Recording is seamless and easy, simply click and speak! Recordings are saved automatically so no fussing with folders and filenames. QuickVoice ...
Search Query points:25 ASHAMPOO MOVIE SHRINK & BURN 2 2.11 Has it ever happened to you? You have a movie on your hard drive and want to send a copy to a friend or relative - but it won't fit on a CD! And maybe you also want to play ...
Search Query points:25 1ST IPOD TRANSFER PRO 2.1.1 iPod to PC Transfer is an ultimate application for transferring songs from an iPod to a Windows based PC. iPod to PC Transfer is a sound of blessing for frustrated Apple's iTune users who can't copy music files from iPod ...
Search Query points:25 PUSHSET 2.11 It is quiet game for the thoughtful player. The aim of the game is the installation of game blocks on marked places in center of a field. Each game block should be set on that place, which is marked ...
Search Query points:25 MAGIKFORTUNE EDITOR 2.1.1 MagikFortune ( ) is the worlds leading fortune application where animated characters to speak witty fortunes. With this editor anyone can now create, edit their own fortune archives! Comes complete with import and export facility to ...
Search Query points:25 PUSHCL (PUSH&CLEAR) 2.11 The game can be related to a classical type of games, but with original rules. The aim of the game is the deleting from a field of multi-coloured blocks, placedon it. The clearing is carried out by moving (pushing) of ...
Search Query points:25 ROADRT (ROAD ROTATE) 2.11 Game for development of attention. The objective of the game is «laying» of the track from a special crate of a field in the left upper corner of a game field up to a special crate of a field in ...
Search Query points:25 PRIVACYVIEW 2.11 PrivacyView software encrypts all the Internet files you download including images, movies, cookies, history and temp files. Don't delete history, let PrivacyView software hide your Internet files enabling you to enjoy your private web surfing activities without interruption. ...
Search Query points:25 SETLI (SET LINE) 2.11 The game of an increased level of complexity, will be interesting to the adults and children from 10 years. The objective of the game is the installation of blocks in a source state, which is demonstrated before the beginning of ...
Search Query points:25 ACTIVE TRAY 2.11 Active Tray is ground-breaking software which finally allows you to transform your meager Windows System Tray into the most important and useful area of your screen! Go ahead; add programs, documents, folders, internet links, and more! Now imagine adding hotkeys, ...
Search Query points:25 ACTIVE KEYS 2.11 Modern operating systems offer the increasing number of features that bring computing to new edge. However, computers are still bound to traditional hierarchical interfaces. Active Keys software will turn your ordinary keyboard into full-blown remote controller for your entire system. ...
Search Query points:25 CLICKRIS 2.11 Clickris is arcade-style puzzle game for Windows.The goal of game is to get as much points as you can by removing stones from game field. You would click on groups of stones with the same picture, but not on isolated ...
Search Query points:25 TOTOCALCULATOR 2 FOR WINDOWS 2.11 TotoCalculator 2 improves your chances to win on the soccer betting games Toto, Lotofoot, TotoCalcio... The application calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines ...
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