Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 31 funded different jsp på iis programs. You can simply download any of jsp på iis soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 JSPISAPI - RUN JSP THROUGH IIS 1.0 JspISAPI is developed by NeuroSpeech, it is an ISAPI dll which runs under IIS 4.0 onwards to tunnel java/tomcat requests to Tomcat web server running on same machine. Features: 1) Get rid of 8080 from web addresses 2) ...
Search Query points:10 SITEDIRECTOR .NET Manage HTTP 404 Errors on all Windows/IIS hosted web sites. Catch 404 page not found errors (HTTP Error 404) and instantly redirect to target resource. Can use tokens for easy handling as well aswildcards. ...
Search Query points:10 LOGROVER 2.1 LogRover is an advanced web log file analyzer that analiyzes log files generated by IIS, Apache and other web servers. LogRover generates reports of page hits, sessions, visits, visitors, search engine referals, and session times. LogRover is database ...
Search Query points:10 SURFSTATSLIVE REPORTING SERVER SurfStatsLive Reporting Service is a Windows 2000/2003 server-based web analytics product. Web Hosts and Service Providers can provide browser-based on-demand Website Statistics reports for clients. The program can generate reports down to sub-directory level, which is useful for web hosts ...
Search Query points:10 HOTLINKBLOCKER 1.2 A powerful HotLink protection solution for Windows hosting. It installs as an MS IIS plug-in. You can easily install it on your dedicated Windows server or under a shared hosting account. The program hides your downloadable files and generates temporary ...
Search Query points:10 HTTP COMMANDER .NET 6.0 Free for personal use. HTTP Commander – Web Based File Manager for Windows servers running IIS. It is multifunctional product for Intra- and Internet, designed for files and folders management over HTTP protocol; also it can be used to create ...
Search Query points:10 WEB LOG DB 1.5 The Web Log DB exports web log data to databases via ODBC. Web Log DB uses ODBC to perform database inserts data using SQL queries. Web Log DB allows you to use the applications you have become accustomed to such ...
Search Query points:10 SMTPTRACKER 1.8 SMTPTracker extends your SMTP server with message tracking, content saving, sql logging and anti-spam abilities. SMTPTracker works with Microsoft SMTP service, Exchange Server 2000, Exchange Server 2003 and other systems based on IIS smtp service. Key benefits: low cpu ...
Search Query points:10 WEBADMIN 3.2.6 WebAdmin allows administrators to securely manage MDaemon 8.0 and higher, RelayFax, and WorldClient from anywhere in the world. This convenient remote administration tool is FREE of charge and is a separate download from MDaemon. WebAdmin interface is compatible with ...
Search Query points:10 WAV RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The WAV audio recording applet SDK is designed to create the web audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in WAV format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via ...
Search Query points:10 AMOR MPEG TO DVD BURNER 4.39 Amor MPEG to DVD Burner iis a powerful and handy tool to burn video DVD disc from exist DVD VCD SVCD compatible MPEG files which has been converted using your video converting tools, So you can play movies on your ...
Search Query points:10 MP3 RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The MP3 audio recording applet SDK is designed to create MP3 audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in MP3 format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via HTTP. ...
Search Query points:10 IISKEEPER 1.1 If you would like to restrict access to some files and folders on your web site or make some information inaccessible to the majority of users on the site, Metamatica Software offers a simple and efficient solution: ISAPI protection filter ...
Search Query points:10 FAST COMPRESS CONTENT AND ANTI PROFANITY 1.0 Save money reducing by 300% the bandwidth and the time necessary to send the web pages to the final users. Modelled for today dynamic pages, providing blazingly fast speed and small cost, it's a "must have" for every IIS. Compress ...
Search Query points:10 ECORA AUDITOR LITE FOR WINDOWS 4.0.6157.1 Ecora Auditor Lite is an agentless Windows® application that installs on a Windows workstation and collects hundreds of thousands of configuration settings to generate on-demand, detailed configuration reports. With a click of a button, users can document VMware ESX servers; ...
Search Query points:10 SPIDERARMOR 1.0 If you own a web site with imporant information, this software is the only product available today (to the best of our knowledge) that can secure your data from spidering programs. This software is made as plugin for IIS and ...
Search Query points:10 AUTOMISE Automise is a general purpose automation tool with a fantastic graphical user interface to develop and run automation tasks. It features a huge amount of build in functionality including FTP, burning DVDs/CD, file operations, COM+, IIS, and database actions. ...
Search Query points:10 CODELOBSTER 3.1. The CodeLobster product is intended for quick and easy creating and processing code! The CodeLobster is a handy and easy-in-use editor which supports such file formats as TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, ...
Search Query points:10 POLYSTYLE SOURCE CODE BEAUTIFIER 2.0ZJ - Free Trial - Automatically reformat other's code in your own style! Polystyle beautifies C/C++, JSP, Perl, Java, Pascal/Delphi, C#, CSS, Cmac, Javascript, HTML, XML, PHP, and Python. Polystyle can learn practically any style, making configuration easy. You may also ...
Search Query points:10 SOURCECODE TO FLOWCHART 2.43 Source code to Flowchart is a Code Flowchart generator for code flowcharting and visualization.It can generate programming flow chart from source code,help programmers to document,visualize and understand code.Its Documentation Generator supports Visio. Supports C,C++,VC++,VB(Visual Basic),VBA,Qbasic(quickbasic),VBScript(VBS),Visual C#(C sharp),VB.NET,J#,VC++.NET,ASP.NET,Java,JSP,JavaScript(JScript),Delphi(Object Pascal),PowerBuilder,PHP,FoxPro,Perl ...
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