Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14599 funded different jpeg to bmp conversion xp programs. You can simply download any of jpeg to bmp conversion xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:60 DOC TO JPEG/JPG/TIFF/BMPS CONVERTER 2.0 Instantly Convert Word Document into Jpeg/Jpg/Tiff/Bmp/Eps/Ps files If you want ... Distribute many types of information electronically? Ensure that your files can be viewed by almost any imaging program, document management solution, or file viewer? Create ...
Search Query points:60 DWG TO BMP 7.0 DWG to BMP is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: 1. AutoCAD NOT required. ...
Search Query points:60 DWG & DXF 2 JPEG & CO. 1.0 Batch convert CAD drawings from DWG or DXF file format to image files (JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, PCX). This is perfect if you want to publish your CAD drawings on Internet for example or if you want to send ...
Search Query points:60 DWG & DXF 2 JPEG & CO. 1.0 Batch convert CAD drawings from DWG or DXF file format to image files (JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA, PCX). This is perfect if you want to publish your CAD drawings on Internet for example or if you want to send ...
Search Query points:60 DWG TO JPEG 6.2 DWG to JPEG is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to JPEG (JPG), TIF (TIFF), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: 1. AutoCAD NOT required. ...
Search Query points:55 JPEG 2000 COMPRESSOR 1.0 Using JPEG 2000 Compressor you can easily convert pictures of JPEG and BMP format to JPEG 2000 format with the quality and color characteristics specified by you. Besides you can change the picture order. The results can be saved on ...
Search Query points:50 ALGOLAB RASTER TO VECTOR CONVERSION TOOLKIT 2.97.32 Vectorizer for CAD/CAM/GIS professionals, designers and illustrators. Available also as Raster to Vector SDK, ActiveX and Com Component. Converts and refines architectural, mechanical, tech drawings, maps, graphics for books, journals and more from raster to vector. Digitizes ...
Search Query points:50 META2ASCII CONVERSION WIZARD 1.0 Meta2ASCII Conversion Wizard is user-friendly converter for historical price files. The Meta2ASCII Conversion Wizard convert your historical price files between most popular historical data formats: Metastock and ASCII. Meta2ASCII Conversion Wizard convert historical data from ASCII to Metastock format, from ...
Search Query points:50 ESBUNITCONV PRO - UNIT CONVERSION 5.3.1 ESBUnitConv Pro is Unit Conversion Software for Windows to easily convert between 610 units in 27 different measurement categories. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles, Time, ...
Search Query points:50 BREAKTRU QUICK CONVERSION 6.7 A handy tool that easily converts several units of lenght, weight and capacity measures. By typing a number into box provided will instantly display the results without the user having to search through a confusing menu of choices. Great for ...
Search Query points:50 ALGOLAB RASTER TO VECTOR CONVERSION TOOLKIT 2.97.36 Vectorizer for CAD/CAM/GIS professionals, designers and illustrators. Available also as Raster to Vector SDK, ActiveX and Com Component. Converts and refines architectural, mechanical, tech drawings, maps, graphics for books, journals and more from raster to vector. Digitizes ...
Search Query points:50 ESBUNITCONV PRO - UNIT CONVERSION 5.3 ESBUnitConv Pro is Unit Conversion Software for Windows to easily convert between 610 units in 27 different measurement categories. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles, Time, ...
Search Query points:50 JPEG JAPERY 1.13 JPEG Japery automates common jpg file operations. This package can list and change exif metadata date tags such as date picture taken, date picture modified or date digitized. Create file lists of jpeg meta data such as dates or camera ...
Search Query points:50 BMP TO DXF 1.1 BMP to DXF is a stand-alone program that converts images (BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, etc) into AutoCAD formats (such as DXF, HPGL, etc) for editing in any CAD application. Any image which is stored in BMP, JPG, TIF, GIF, PNG ...
Search Query points:50 JPEG ENHANCER 1.4 Jpeg Enhancer is an advanced application that lets you remove the artifacts and a blotchy look from your images, making them look as if saved with a 100% (super-fine) quality. It is based on advanced science-intensive technology. If you are ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED JPEG COMPRESSOR 4.7 Advanced JPEG Compressor for Windows is an invaluable and useful tool for everyone who knows what is a digital image. This program allows you to convert images to JPEG format using the most powerful JPEG compression engine, shrink the ...
Search Query points:50 AUDIO CONVERSION STUDIO 2.1 Audio Conversion Studio can convert your music files from one format to another. It support MP3, WMA 9, OGG, WAV formats and allow you to do most popular WMA to MP3 converting. Also it contain audio CD ripper, which can ...
Search Query points:50 REAJPEG - IMAGE CONVERTER TO JPEG 2 ReaJPEG is our popular image converter, allowing you to both convert and edit images from most commonly used graphic formats to JPEG. You can convert you images to JPEG either one by one or all at once as a batch ...
Search Query points:50 BATCH JPEG ROTATOR 1.01 Batch JPEG Rotator allows you to rotate individual image or batch rotate images without losing image quality. This program employs a lossless algorithm. This is an easy to use program. This program offers five rotation functions such as 90 degrees ...
Search Query points:50 GO JPEG JAPERY 1.0 Automates jpg file operations. This package can rename files with jpg tags such as date picture taken. Use the copy or move feature to copy multiple jpeg files to a location or archive files based on jpeg exif tag information. ...
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