Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11655 funded different job time recording software for service sector programs. You can simply download any of job time recording for service sector soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 TIME LOGGER 1.2 Time Logger 1.2 is designed to make the job of filling in your time sheets a no-brainer. It records the time you spend on your activities and then presents you with a summary timesheet for the current week or any ...
Search Query points:80 JOB SEARCH CAREER KIT SOFTWARE 11.00 Instant Job Search Software. STOP Wasting Efforts and use Your Job Search Time Efficiently. Download Trial Software. "Time is of the Essence" .. Capture your next job Quickly. Job Search Software, USA Jobs, UK Jobs, ...
Search Query points:70 NET TIME SERVER & CLIENT The time synchronization application allows you to synchronize your PC's system clock or all PC's system clock in your LAN using various time server types commonly available on TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet or LAN, And multiple time protocols ...
Search Query points:70 TIME FOR FISHING SCREENSAVER 1.0 Do you like fishing party? Time For Fishing screensaver provides a wonderful morning lake with plashing waves, fish boat, gulls and mysterious forest. This screensaver gives you not only relaxing animated image for your eyes rest, but also has three ...
Search Query points:70 SERVICE DESKTOP PRO 2.0 Service Desktop Pro is an integrated Business and Personal Information Management Software. Basically aimed at IT Service Providers, Freelancers, Consultants, Web Developers and Software Developers, this tool can be extremely useful for all types of business managers for managing their ...
Search Query points:70 NTP TIME SERVER MONITOR 0.9D The NTP Time Server Monitor software allows the user to control and configure the NTP service for Windows with a userfriendly graphical user interface. Additionally it eases the handling with the NTP service. Here is a small list of the ...
Search Query points:70 SERVICE JUGGLER 3.0.3 Easily generate and schedule (including drive time) single and/or multi-tasked jobs to qualified and available employees. Create customer, job and schedule in one quick process. Move blocks of schedules. Find availability and track job tasks down to the day. No ...
Search Query points:70 CZ PRINT JOB TRACKER 3.0 CZ Print Job Tracker 3.0 is a powerful tool that allows centralized tracking, auditing, managing and controlling of print jobs for the local and network printers while eliminating wasted paper and reducing maintainence time. This easy-to-use software allows no changes ...
Search Query points:60 AUTUMN TIME 3D SCREENSAVER 1.0 After a hot and steamy summer, autumn rain brings freshness and clarity to the air. Take a deep breath and smell the lush aroma of an autumn forest, brightly colored and calm. With this new Autumn Time 3D screensaver, you ...
Search Query points:60 EASY TIME TRACKING PRO 2.0.13 Easy Time Tracking is an ideal solution for the individual contractors who need to know how much time they spent on certain tasks and how many hours they need to bill their clients for. Your company should get a copy ...
Search Query points:60 CZ PRINT JOB REPORT 2.0 CZ Print Job Report is a tool allowing you to view 94 reports including 54 default reports and 40 customized reports, and export these reports in Adobe-pdf, MS-Word, MS-Excel and Rich Text formats. These reports are designed for your print ...
Search Query points:60 WAV RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The WAV audio recording applet SDK is designed to create the web audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in WAV format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via ...
Search Query points:60 NETWORK TIME SYSTEM 1.5 Network Time System allows creation of custom exact time source in corporate network environment establishing interconnected server time synchronization system for each and every machine on the enterprise network. This powerful software solution is ideal for networks of all sizes ...
Search Query points:60 EASY TIME TRACKING 2.0.13 Easy Time Tracking is an ideal solution for the individual contractors who need to know how much time they spent on certain tasks and how many hours they need to bill their clients for. Your company should get a copy ...
Search Query points:60 ZONETICK WORLD TIME ZONE CLOCK 2.6.5 The ZoneTick download replaces Windows system clock with a multiple time zone clock, utilizing online time synchronization, and double-click actions for each timezone. This enterprise-class software is handy for anyone traveling overseas, or doing business in other world countries. Automatic ...
Search Query points:60 USER TIME CONTROL 2.1 User Time Control Center lets you specify when exactly and how long the computer can be used and define users which will be allowed to use the computer without any limits. You can schedule time intervals and the number of ...
Search Query points:60 GPS TIME AND TEST 1.4 It is a PC Clock synchronization program. It is alternative solution to synchronizing with atomic clock using NTP(SNTP) and Internet. The program works in the interactive mode or in background. The program can be used as NMEA and COM ...
Search Query points:60 MAILING LIST SERVICE 1.1 Add-in for Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP designed to export and import of contacts, mailing lists, emails senders and recipients to or from files, contacts and emails folders. E.g., with a few clicks you can add all senders of selected emails to ...
Search Query points:60 TREE SERVICE 1.0 If you do any tree services, such as removal, pruning, chipping or any other such services, this software is for you. Nowyou can keep track of all past tree service jobs. You can tell what customer hires you the most, ...
Search Query points:60 MYSQL SERVICE CENTER 6.7 MySQL Service Center is a multi-functional Windows GUI utility for MySQL server maintenance and data reservation. MySQL Server Center allows you to create tasks for backing your data into a script, restoring data from a script, analyzing, checking, repairing and ...
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