Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1735 funded different java advanced visual components programs. You can simply download any of java advanced visual components soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 VISUAL JAVA/SWING COMPONENTS LIBRARY 2.3 Eltima Java Components greatly extend the standard set of visual library components, offering new ways to present your creativity to clients. You can add new styles to your software, buttons, color dialogs and integrate Eltima Java Components into your Java ...
Search Query points:90 ELTIMA JAVA/SWING COMPONENTS 2.9.5 Eltima Java/SWING Components extend the standard set of visual library components, offering new ways to present your creativity to clients. You can add new attractive styles to your software, buttons, color dialogs and integrate Eltima Java/SWING Components into your Java ...
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED JAVA TREE MENU 3.8 With this feature packed and highly customisable Java Tree Menu quickly add great menu navigation aids to web sites, help systems, documentation, intranets and much more. Advanced yet both Easy and Quick to implement. No knowledge of java programming required ...
Search Query points:60 ADVANCED GRAPH AND CHART COLLECTION 4.6 Add Powerful reporting features to your Web / Intranet pages and applications. With the advanced graphing package you will be quickly adding impressive dynamic charting capabilities bringing your data alive !Powerful components provide both client & server side solutions for ...
Search Query points:60 ADVANCED PRESENTATION TOOLS COLLECTION 3.3 Add Powerful presentation functionality to your Web / Intranet pages. With the advanced presentation functionality you will be quickly adding impressive and dynamic capabilities bringing your information alive ! These versatile components provide the ability for web authors ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DATABASE RECOVERY 1.0 Advanced Database Recovery (ADBR) is a powerful database recovery suite. It includes recovery tools Advanced Access Repair (AAR) and Advanced DBF Repair (ADR). AAR can repair corrupt Access databases. MS Access 95, 97, 2000, XP and 2003 are supported. ADR ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED ELEARNING BUILDER 3.2.1 The Advanced eLearning Builder authoring tool is designed for creating e-learning materials such as e-tests, tutorials, quizzes, etc. The created test can be compiled to EXE form. The system enables the creation of e-tests, just with several mouse clicks, which ...
Search Query points:50 SWIFTPRO CVPLUS VISUAL RECRUITMENT SOFTWARE 2.1.8 Swiftpro CVPlus Visual is a comprehensive and robust recruitment software package for handling all aspects of a busy recruitment agencies' front office. Designed to make consultants more effective, it organizes, automates, and streamlines the complete recruitment process, from entering a ...
Search Query points:50 EXCEL ADVANCED SORT BY CHARACTERS, POSITION, LENGTH, COLOR, DATES SOFTWARE 1.1 Sort a group of selected cells in MS Excel using different methods. Features include: A-Z Sort Selected Cells Starting at Second Character Position, Starting at Third Character Position, Starting at x Character Position, Starting at Second Word, Starting at Third ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DBF REPAIR 1.5 Advanced DBF Repair (ADR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt DBF files. It can scan the corrupt DBF files and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ADR ...
Search Query points:50 VISUAL ZIP PASSWORD RECOVERY PROCESSOR 5.54 This is an advanced zip password recovery utility. It features a nice GUI interface and a number of exclusive attacks to beat zip passwords. Real zip passwords cracker. Undocumented features of ZIP files provide you with a great time reduction ...
Search Query points:50 VISUAL REQUIREMENTS (VR) 1.4.8 VR is a practical, low-cost/low-risk solution to effectively develop and manage requirements. It enables effective definition of software, computer screens, interfaces, system components, processes, dashboards, information sources, etc. using an efficient visual approach. VR helps to create requirements of better ...
Search Query points:50 VISUAL JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY 1.4.1 Visual Java Script Library is an easy to use script collection that helps you add java scripts and applets to your web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge. The program contains scripts of clocks, calendars, calculators, menus, text and ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DATA GRID CONTROL 3.5 The java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data in rows & columns in java & web applications. Powerful features include Fast Sorting, Data Acquisition, URL Hyperlinks, Embedded Images, Column Totalling and much more.With a free trial and ...
Search Query points:50 ASTRO COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 1.0.1 Astro Components, text effect plugins used directly in .fla files (Macromedia Flash MX / Flash MX Professional 2004 / Flash 8). Astro Components contain over over 400 predefined text effect variations. • Astro Components can be used by users of ...
Search Query points:50 APYCOM JAVA MENUS AND BUTTONS 5.00 Apycom Java Menus and Buttons is a ready-made, professional solution that allows webmasters to create superior navigation systems for their websites. Drop down and pull down menus, animated menus with killer visual effects, flat and 3d tabs, XP-style menus and ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DBF REPAIR 1.4 Advanced DBF Repair (ADR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt DBF files. It can scan the corrupt DBF files and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ADR ...
Search Query points:50 SUPREME4 COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 2.0.2 Drag&drop text effect plugins for use directly in .fla files ( Flash MX/Pro 2004/8). Containing over 200 predefined effect variations from 40+ templates ... For users of any skill-level. Supreme4 offers advanced customization, different start-directions, alignment, automatic positioning, dynamic ...
Search Query points:50 PJ COMPONENTS, FLASH TEXT EFFECTS 2.0.2 PJ Components, text effect plugins used directly in .fla files (Macromedia Flash MX / Flash MX Professional 2004 / Flash 8). PJ Components contain over over 400 predefined text effect variations. • PJ Components can be used by users of ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED INVISIBLE KEYLOGGER 1.7 Advanced Invisible Keylogger is the most powerful stealth spy software offered by ToolAnywhere! Advanced Invisible Keylogger runs silently at the lowest level of Windows capturing every keystroke including usernames and windows log-on passwords. Advanced Invisible Keylogger can also capture active ...
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