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Search Query points:80 NETCONCEAL ANONYMIZER 4.7 Hide IP address for anonymous Internet access. Fake IP appears instead of your real one. All applications supported: web browsers, instant messengers, file sharing and others. Very simple to use: just a few clicks to anonymize your Internet activity and ...
Search Query points:80 NETCONCEAL ANONYMIZER 3.7 Hide IP address for anonymous Internet access. Fake IP appears instead of your real one. All applications supported: web browsers, instant messengers, file sharing and others. Very simple to use: just a few clicks to anonymize your Internet activity and ...
Search Query points:45 PRETTY GOOD SOLITAIRE 10.3.0 Pretty Good Solitaire is a collection of 640 solitaire card games, from classic games like Klondike, FreeCell, and Spider, to original games found nowhere else. Pretty Good Solitaire features lush graphics, beautiful easy-to-read cards, sound, in-depth statistics, a wizard ...
Search Query points:45 PRETTY GOOD SOLITAIRE 11.0.1 Pretty Good Solitaire is a collection of 660 solitaire card games, from classic games like Klondike, FreeCell, and Spider, to original games found nowhere else. Pretty Good Solitaire features lush graphics, beautiful easy-to-read cards, sound, in-depth statistics, a wizard ...
Search Query points:40 PRETTY GOOD MAHJONGG 2.2 Play the classic MahJongg solitaire tile matching game, MahJongg puzzle games and original MahJongg solitaire tile games found nowhere else. Play 215 different tile matching layouts or 55 MahJongg solitaire and puzzle games, including MahJongg Spider, MahJongg FreeCell, and ...
Search Query points:40 NETCONCEAL ANTIHISTORY 1.0.004 Erase history and tracks of your activity. Clear web browser history, cookies, temporary files, index.dat files, recent document lists, recently typed information, search history and many other dangerous tracks of your activity. Includes manual and scheduled operation, uses advanced data ...
Search Query points:15 BAFFLING BOXSHOTS 1.01 A challenging platform logic game where our hero, Bobo (who worked as a postal worker in Mail-Room Madness and as a network administrator in Frozen Networks), tries his hand at yet another job, that of a graphic artist. He's been ...
Search Query points:15 IP HIDER 2.7 IP Hider is a privacy protection tool that mask your IP address preventing your surfing habits and your internet activity form being tracked by websites or Internet Service Providers. IP Hider is blocking invasive codes that may harm or use ...
Search Query points:15 ESBPCS-STATS FOR VCL - TRIAL 4.2.2 ESBPCS-Stats is a subset of ESBPCS (ESB Professional Computation Suite) containing Components and Routines for Statistical Analysis and Matrix/Vector Manipulation in Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. This subset is ideal for people who just want the Stats ...
Search Query points:15 MAGIC FLOWERS SCREENSAVER 1.0 This screensaver shows images of beautiful flowers - red and white roses, exotic orchids, violets, chrysanthemums, viols, daisies, tulips, carnations, dahlias, lilies, iris, water lily. You'll see a single flower and splendid bouquets. All this grandeur of paints and forms ...
Search Query points:15 LANTING MP3 MASTER 1.4.2534 LanTing MP3 Master is a highly performance tool for you to manage you mp3 music files. In MP3 master you can manage you mp3 files, can search on the Internet, and download it by an integrated multithread downloader. MP3 Master ...
Search Query points:15 NIDESOFT DVD TO IPOD CONVERTER 3.0.36 Nidesoft DVD to iPod converter is an easy-to-use and simple Video iPod DVD Ripper software. It can converter almost all kinds of DVD to iPod MPEG-4,MP4 format with very good quality and super fast converting speed (>200%).Compared with other DVD ...
Search Query points:15 SUBLIMINAL SOFTWARE 2.1 Subliminal software reprograms your mind for the best state. Hypnotize yourself with this program if you want to develop charisma, improve self-confidence and health, achieve good results in sport and education. You will notice first results after first few days ...
Search Query points:15 SOFTANY TXT2HTM2CHM 1.0 Txt2Htm2Chm is a template-based text to html converter that easily convert text files to a set of good organized HTML files such as chm project, webhelp, html ebook, faq and single html(can be easily converted to Word Document or PDF). ...
Search Query points:15 THE TALE OF THREE VIKINGS 1.0 In this game, you control 3 little Vikings and a cannon. Your task is to save village folks from Orcs, Skeletons and Monsters which happened to escape from a Hollywood movie scene and rage havoc on nearby villages. As ...
Search Query points:15 AVLORD MP3 CD RIPPER 1.0 AVLORD MP3 CD Ripper is a music utility to Rip MP3/WAV from Audio CD, convert WAV to MP3, use it as a CD player ripper. AVLORD MP3 CD Ripper makes direct digital copies from audio CDs and ...
Search Query points:15 ALBUMWEB PRO 2.8 As the world goes digital, we tend to rely on new computer technologies more and more each day. We switch from traditional tools and media to new digital ones in virtually every aspect of our life. New technologies ranging from ...
Search Query points:15 ANTRASOFT SECURE MESSENGER 2.15 AntraSOFT Secure Messenger is an independent email program which provides end-to-end security for highly confidential information communicated via electronic mail using security public & private 1024 bytes key (security certificate) and POP3/SMTP protocol. Generated encrypted emails are compatible with Microsoft ...
Search Query points:15 MP3 CONVERT LORD 1.0 MP3-Convert-Lord is a converter of creating mp3 music file from your media files. By using this tool, you can convert almost any media file which contain audio track to mp3, it is a such a tool that AVI to ...
Search Query points:15 HUNTERS FABLES 2.0 The game "Hunters Fables" is about a funny hunter. He's getting into the forest inhabited by different animals from a coward hare to a rapacious bear. You'll have to collect as many trophies as possible and stay alive. Run ...
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