Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1749 funded different IP Guest List Manager 1.01 programs. You can simply download any of IP Guest List Manager 1.01 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:250 IP GUEST LIST MANAGER 1.01 IP Wedding Planner is a guest list manager for windows. Use it to record your wedding list. Monitor your progress and RSVPs with quick reports. ...
Search Query points:105 EMAIL LIST MANAGER BY EMAILSMARTZ 1.01 Emailsmartz Email List Manager is mailing list management software to collect unsubscribed user email ids, sort mailing lists, merge email lists, and remove duplicate email addresses.The Email List Manager can be used to easily handle management of newsletter subscriptions.The ...
Search Query points:80 FREE MAILING LIST MANAGER 1.0 Free List Manager, merge smaller email lists into one big list. It is a full featured professional mailinglist manager software. ...
Search Query points:80 OPT-IN EMAIL LIST DOWNLOAD MANAGER 1.0 Instantly reach out to Millions of people - just imagine, if only 1 in 1000 people follow up on your offer, that's tousends of new customers!! You need to download the Software " Opt-In Email List Download 1.0 " This ...
Search Query points:80 FREE MAILING LIST MANAGER 1.16 Free List Manager, merge smaller email lists into one big list. It is a full featured professional mailinglist manager software. ...
Search Query points:65 DREAMS MANAGER 1.01 This program lets you manage screen savers in the way you always wanted. You can launch or block screen saver by simply placing mouse cursor in the defined screen corner. You can also select several screen savers from your collection, ...
Search Query points:65 SWEEPSTAKES LIST 1.01 Sweepstakes List is the most effective sweepstakes management solution on the market. It is packed with useful features that are a must for every sweepstakes lover. It will store information about sweepstakes entered and alert about sweepstakes that are due ...
Search Query points:65 PATHFINDER DOWNLOAD MANAGER 1.01 Pathfinder is designed to help software developers, affiliate managers, reviewers, and others by saving bandwidth while cross-promoting their products. By packaging information about your downloadable products into compact "download managers", you facilitate delivery of those products. When downloads abort users ...
Search Query points:50 SUBSCRIPTION MANAGER 1.3 Add-in is designed for automatic adding/deleting subscribers to/from MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003 mailing lists based on special emails from them with the commands in Subject field. SUM is capable of processing "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "confirm" and "help" requests; after processing, add-in send ...
Search Query points:50 ALIVE TASK MANAGER Alive Task Manager is a genuine electronic task scheduler, which can be used to create new tasks, prepare a personal time-table, remind about particular events, create repeated tasks, etc. Alive Task Manager supports a tree-type structure of the task list, ...
Search Query points:50 STAFF MANAGER 2.1 Staff Manager is database software that enables enterprise user to more efficiently store, categorize, find and retrieve employee information. KEY FEATURES: - Create and store detailed staff data - Navigate employee records easily - Track annual holiday usage ...
Search Query points:50 OXYGEN PHONE MANAGER FOR SYMBIAN PHONES 2.8 Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones lets your PC and mobile phone with Symbian OS communicate with each other. The program allows you to work with Phonebook, Calendar, To-Do List, Profiles, Log records, Images, Melodies and Messages. OPMS ...
Search Query points:50 EMSA WINSTARTUP MANAGER 1.0.45 Emsa WinStartUp Manager is a tool that will help you control the list of programs that startup with your Windows. You can enable or disable any program that automatically runs at window startup, both through system registry settings or system ...
Search Query points:50 MP3 EZLIB MUSIC LIBRARY/PLAYLIST MANAGER 1.9.2 EZlib is a Free MP3 Music Library/Playlist Manager, written in assembly language, featuring a front-end Title/Artist (and 12 other ID3v2 tag fields) search which can be used to build a more refined working list of songs. EZlib features a ...
Search Query points:50 EASEUS PARTITION MANAGER PRO 1.1 EASEUS Partition Manager is a comprehensive partition software, which not only provides with convenient user-interface simplifying your tasks but also enables you to configure and manage partitions of hard drive. With the help of EASEUS Partition Manager, you ...
Search Query points:50 CHAMELEON STARTUP MANAGER 2.2 Windows startup manager that accelerates Windows startup and ensures smoother running of the operating system. It disables any startup programs and fully controls startup by selecting the programs to be launched, while customizing the startup settings (ie how often and ...
Search Query points:50 ALIVE TASK MANAGER Alive Task Manager is a genuine electronic task scheduler, which can be used to create new tasks, prepare a personal time-table, remind about particular events, create repeated tasks, etc. Alive Task Manager supports a tree-type structure of the task list, ...
Search Query points:50 CINEMA PREMIERE DELUXE MOVIE MANAGER 1.1 Access your movie manager from any PC with an internet connection and playback movie files on your local PC or any PC on your network. Add your movies quickly and easily by scanning your hard drive for movie files, scanning ...
Search Query points:50 ULTIMATE STARTUP MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 1.0 Take total control over your Windows startup. Make your Windows start and work faster, more stable. Manage all auto-start programs, create profiles to choose from during startup. Extra anti-virus protection. Turbo Mode to get the best performance of your computer ...
Search Query points:50 ONE CAT FILE MANAGER 2.21 Side by side file management, easy multiple file renaming, and customizable looks combine to make the perfect file manager. Do you find yourself constantly sizing and resizing file management windows when moving or copying files between folders and drives? Have ...
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