Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2907 funded different internet kiosk pro old version programs. You can simply download any of internet kiosk pro old version soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 INTERNET KIOSK PRO 3.32 Internet kiosk public access PC software to restrict access to system; allow only certain applications and features such as Internet Explorer. Limit access to the PC desktop using authentication by username and password, time-locked serial number to allow user to ...
Search Query points:120 INTERNET KIOSK PRO 3.3 Internet kiosk public access PC software to restrict access to system; allow only certain applications and features such as Internet Explorer. Limit access to the PC desktop using authentication by username and password, time-locked serial number to allow user to ...
Search Query points:80 INTERNET EXPLORER SECURITY PRO 6.2 Internet Explorer Security is an utility that customizes many aspects of the Internet Explorer Web browser. It's a snap to use and provides the tools you need to retain and manage your Web browser settings. It lets you disable individual ...
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED INTERNET KIOSK 3.31 Advanced Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access to files installed on your PC and prevent users from changing PC settings while gives full access to all necessary ...
Search Query points:80 ADVANCED INTERNET KIOSK - Advanced Internet Kiosk is intended for building Internet kiosks, public access PCs, or in-store terminals. It lets you disable access to files installed on your PC and prevent users from changing PC settings while gives full access to all necessary ...
Search Query points:80 INTENSE INTERNET SECURITY PRO 2005 1.902 Provides real-time advanced protection from internet and email threats such as drive-by virus attacks, spyware, adware, worms, ActiveX and Java triggered attacks, tracking cookies, browser hijackers, identity theft, auto-dialers and more. Intense Internet Security Pro 2005 protects computers without the ...
Search Query points:80 SMART PROTECTOR PRO - INTERNET ERASER 4.8 Smart Protector is an easy to use software, that completely erases history, cookies, temporary files(cache), typed URLs(the drop down address list), AutoComplete, recent document list, recycle bin and more. It allows you to choose which of these items to ...
Search Query points:80 SUPER DVD TO IPOD CONVERTER PRO VERSION 3.5.1 Super DVD to iPod Converter version 006: Creating Video For iPod. Super DVD to iPod Converter version 006 is the fastest DVD to iPod video converter software so far in the world. With Super DVD to iPod Converter version ...
Search Query points:60 ALBUMWEB PRO 2.8 As the world goes digital, we tend to rely on new computer technologies more and more each day. We switch from traditional tools and media to new digital ones in virtually every aspect of our life. New technologies ranging from ...
Search Query points:60 ESCAPECLOSE PRO 1.9 EscapeClose Pro is a tiny utility, allowing you to close or minimize the active window by pressing the Esc button. And now you can hide active window. Thus you can see it neither in the TaskBar nor in the Task ...
Search Query points:60 WEBCRYPT PRO 4.0 Fully encrypt your HTML Option to encrypt the whole document (including meta tags) or just the body, leaving your meta tags intact (full document encryption functional only in IE browsers) Disable Right-click-save-image (Internet Explorer 4 & higher, Netscape 6 & ...
Search Query points:60 ESSENTIALPIM PRO PORTABLE 1.5 EssentialPIM Pro Portable is the advanced version of EPIM, used by many thousands of users all over the world for organizing their personal and business lives. EssentialPIM Pro Portable works straight from your removable media, whether it's a USB flash ...
Search Query points:60 EASY WEBSITE PRO 2.01 Easy Website Pro 2.0 has powerful features to build professional home pages within a few minutes and publish them to the Internet. No HTML knowledge required. Import your pictures (JPG, GIF, and PNG) and create thumbnails in one click. Add ...
Search Query points:60 IPSWITCHER PRO 1.1 Let's suppose that there are several types of network connections in your office (such as ADSL, leased line for your office applications, modem line for some slow connections). Depending on your current task - you should use one single connection ...
Search Query points:50 BOOKMARK CATALOG PRO 2.0 Bookmark Catalog PRO is powerful and easy to use bookmark manager with explorer-like interface. It can easily handle more than thousands of bookmarks. Bookmark Catalog PRO support three most popular browsers- Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera. You can find and ...
Search Query points:50 CONVERTXTODVD PRO 3.1 Do you want to convert video or audio files to DVD ? Do you want to watch your Avi, Xvid, Mov, Mpeg4, WMV, VOB, Mpeg on your home DVD player ? Look no further !! With ConvertXtoDVD you ...
Search Query points:50 GO SPYFIGHTER CLEANER PRO 3.0 SpyFighter Cleaner Pro consists of two very powerful software modules that will take care of the security of your computer and safety of your private information. One is a powerful tool for a removal of spyware, adware, toolbars, internal popup ...
Search Query points:50 SMART KEYSTROKE RECORDER PRO 2.13 Smart Keystroke Recorder is an advanced monitoring tool. It allows you to investigate everything that happens on your PC. Features: keystroke recording, Internet activity monitoring, online chat logging, visual surveillance, slide show for the screenshots, auto-run at startup, passwords-recording, ...
Search Query points:50 DOMAIN QUESTER PRO 5.3 Search for domains by unlimited number of keywords. Input unlimited number of words that relate to your business interests and these exact terms will be used as "root words" in an extensive search for available domain names. Choosing ".net without ...
Search Query points:50 ECMERGE PRO (SOLARIS) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side or 3-way. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Two text ...
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