Softfreedownload showing you best 18 of 18 funded different installshield cab decompressor programs. You can simply download any of installshield cab decompressor soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 INSTALLAWARE SETUP SQUEEZER FOR INSTALLSHIELD 1.0 The InstallAware Setup Squeezer intelligently unpacks your InstallShield setups, and then recompresses them using InstallAware's industry leading compression technology. Setup Squeezer is a fully automated, point-and-click wizard, which produces 15%-50% size savings on your setup packages. All this happens with ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED CAB REPAIR 1.2 Advanced CAB Repair(ACR) is a powerful tool to repair corrupt CAB files. It can scan the damaged CAB archives and recover your data in them as much as possible, so to minimize the loss in file corruption. Currently ACR can ...
Search Query points:20 ZIPSCAN 2.0D ZipScan searches archive files. It can search and extract Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, InstallShield CAB, JAR, TAR, GZIP and OpenOffice files, including password-protected, nested and self-extracting archives. The program can search for a text string, search by date, search by ...
Search Query points:10 POWERZIP 7.03 PowerZip makes zipping / unzipping quick & simple with its easy-to-use Wizards while providing advanced compression & security features: - Zip & Unzip files directly from My Computer / Windows Explorer - Password-protect confidential files with AES encryption - ...
Search Query points:10 ACUBIX PICOZIP 3.01 PicoZip is an easy-to-use award winnning file compression utility with lots of features. PicoZip supports ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, CAB, GZ, JAR, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TGZ, WAR, Z, ZIP, ZOO, MIM, XXE and UUE file formats. PicoZip can also ...
Search Query points:10 INSIDECAT LITE EDITION 3.00 InsideCAT is a cataloguing program for all your disks (CD-ROM, floppy, folder. CD-Audio...). Support for 14 compressed formats (ZIP RAR CAB ACE JAR...) and 17 multimedia formats (DOC PDF BMP PCX JPG GIF PNG WAV MP3 WMA AVI MPG ...). ...
Search Query points:10 VIRUSRESCUE 3.0.1 VirusRescue is a powerful and easy-to-use Trojan horses, Viruses and all types of Malware removal software, which detects and eliminates more than 100'000 Trojan Horses and Spywares. It also detects viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, malicious ActiveX controls and Java applets. ...
Search Query points:10 SWF COMPRESSOR-DECOMPRESSOR 2.0.1 SWF Compressor/Decompressor will allow you to pack and unpack files of the SWF Flash format (SWF Flash may be of any version) without loss of data and qualities. The program has the built-in player of SWF-files. The program is simple ...
Search Query points:10 FILEWRANGLER 5.30 A complete file management system. View files in multiple listing windows; print or save listings as text; viewfile contents; launch files immediately or schedule to run; configure how files are listed; create lists of favorites; rename or re-date groups of ...
Search Query points:10 SPACE TAXI 2 1.1 Space Taxi is a retro style arcade game where you pilot your space cab around increasingly difficult levels picking up and delivering a variety of characters including businessmen, aliens, and robots. At first it's a simple pickup and delivery, but ...
Search Query points:10 ANYZIP 1.00 Decompress archive of Zip, GZip, Tar, Gzipped Tar, Cab, JAR or RAR format. Create archive in Zip, GZip, Tar format. AnyZip Wizard help beginner user extract, create and update a compressed archive. Features filter support in creating archive. Explorer ...
Search Query points:10 VERIFICATION ENGINE 2.1.0 VerificationEngine (VE) is an innovative, free multi-browser anti-phishing and identity assurance tool to help consumers achieve a new level of online transactional security two ways. First, VE helps consumers differentiate between ?good? business-verified gold padlocks from ?bad? ...
Search Query points:10 NEAT INSTALL 1.0 Neat Install is an InstallShield, InnoSetup, NSIS, and the other widely used installation tools graphics. The graphics pack adds a personalized and profession look to the software and improves the user’s first impression. ...
Search Query points:10 BATCH SIZER 1.01.14 Batch Sizer is the simple visible solution to resizing your digital photos and images for publication on the net or ot send to friends and family. Simply load in the pictures you want, visually rotate and edit them (including crop) ...
Search Query points:10 ADVANCED ARCHIVE REPAIR 1.0 Advanced Archive Repair is a powerful archive data recovery suite. It includes tools to repair all subtypes of corrupt or damaged Zip archives and Self Extracting(SFX) archives, Unix TAR archives, and Microsoft CAB archives. Advanced Archive Repair uses advanced technologies ...
Search Query points:10 EF FIND 3.30 EF Find is a powerful search program for Windows. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside 7zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TGZ, ZIP and ZOO ...
Search Query points:10 MAX SECURE CONTENT AUDIT ENTERPRISE 2.7 Content Audit is a revolutionary new software tool designed to detect the presence of inappropriate content, files and programs, which are Enterprise non-complainant. An extensive search can be performed across the enterprise based on the keywords and file extensions (e.g. ...
Search Query points:10 EF DUPLICATE FILES MANAGER 3.30 EF Duplicate Files Manager could find out duplicate files with same name, same size, same content on specify paths. Handle optional like folders the 7zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, PRM, SFX, SQX, ...
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