Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 8110 funded different In Line guitar Volume Control schematics programs. You can simply download any of In Line guitar Volume Control schematics soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:65 GUITAR TUNING FORK 2006.07 Guitar Tuning Fork is musical tone sound generator program for musicians. User can get sound of six open guitar strings tones and A4 tone (440 Hz). There is volume control in this program. Author is musician (guitar player and singer). ...
Search Query points:55 PDF CHART CREATOR COMMAND LINE TOOL 1.00 The PDF Chart Creator Command Line Tool is a simple utility that can convert data into a variety of charts as a PDF document. The chart creation process is initiated by calling PDFChart.exe directly from the command line, ...
Search Query points:55 LINECOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select GDI pen(Line) from customized pattern lines list. 2. Support solid line, hatch line, customizing texture line. 3. A built-in professional pattern lines Pick/Edit dialog. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as ...
Search Query points:55 IMAGE TO PDF COMMAND LINE TOOL 1.3 Image to PDF Command Line Tool will convert one or more images into a PDF document from the command line or from within a batch file, with parameters that control it's operation. Parameters can be passed as arguments ...
Search Query points:55 HOW TO PLAY THE GUITAR VOL2 5.0 How to play the Guitar - Volume II is the sequel to the 1st volume. Developed by a professional guitar player and trainer, this multimedia tutorial takes you step-by-step through the fundamentals of playing blues, rock, folk, finger picking, on ...
Search Query points:55 HOW TO PLAY THE GUITAR VOL1 5.0 How to Play the Guitar - Volume I, is a guitar tutorial that makes it easy for absolute beginners to learn to master the instrument. Developed by a professional guitar player and trainer, this multimedia tutorial takes you step-by-step through ...
Search Query points:55 TAPIEX ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.2 Telephony development component(ActiveX Control), extensition of Microsoft TAPI2.0,support multi-lines, multi-calls per line, help you build you IVR system in few minutes. It can release you from the drudgery of writing low-level code. It makes adding computer telephony to ...
Search Query points:50 BASIC ELECTRICAL CONTROL CIRCUITS 2.50 This award-winning, electrical training program builds on the Basic Techniques program. Here, you will troubleshoot a more complex control circuit consisting of numerous relays, switches, lights, and solenoids. You will need to use elementary wiring and connection wiring diagrams to ...
Search Query points:50 MOVIE MEDIA PLAYER ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.01 For Professional Windows Developers who need to provide video/audio playback function within their business application. Support RM, Mov, M4a, Mp4, 3gp. Divx, AVI, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG2, ASF, WAV, MP3, MID file playback. Custom Playback rate. normal playback ...
Search Query points:50 SOUND VOLUME HOTKEYS 1.0 Control sound volume using system-wide hotkeys. Customizable on-screen sound volume indicator will show you the current level. ...
Search Query points:50 GOGO MEDIA PLAYER ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.0 GOGO Media Player ActiveX Control helps application developers to fully control the audio and video stream. Play, pause, resume, stop, loop the stream. It allows you to control the playback rate and adjust the volume and balance, or mute ...
Search Query points:45 ADVANCED DATA GRID CONTROL 3.5 The java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data in rows & columns in java & web applications. Powerful features include Fast Sorting, Data Acquisition, URL Hyperlinks, Embedded Images, Column Totalling and much more.With a free trial and ...
Search Query points:45 NBIT HTML VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1.9 A HTML viewer activeX control for Content Management System developers. Integrates with ease into any development environment that support activeX controls. Perfect for the developer who wants to display media rich content in HTML format in their applications. ...
Search Query points:45 BARCODEWIZ BARCODE ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.67 Print barcodes in Microsoft Access Reports, Word Documents, or Excel Spreadsheets. No programming required. BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control is also a powerful tool for a Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi developer looking to include barcodes in his or her ...
Search Query points:45 NBIT HTML EDITING ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.5 A data bindable HTML WYSIWYG Edit ActiveX Control for CMS and CRM designers or any developers who wnats to edit HTML WYSIWYG style in their applications. Features table editing, CSS support via a CSS file or string, and customizable language ...
Search Query points:45 TEROID DATA EXPORT CONTROL 1.0 Teroid Data Export Control 1.0 is a .NET Windows Forms control providing a set of properties and methods for exporting ADO .NET data to Excel, a text file or an HTML. Column headings can be included, html tables can be ...
Search Query points:45 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.0.1 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control is a powerful tool for professional developers that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual serial port looks like real serial port for other ...
Search Query points:45 TEROID DATA PRINT CONTROL 1.0 Teroid Data Print Control 1.0 is a .NET Windows Forms control providing a set of properties and methods for printing ADO .NET data in a grid or as individual records. The data source can be a connection string, a Connection ...
Search Query points:45 COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design. 2. Not only have all appearances and features of Windows Color Picker but also other extended features. 3. Can load or customize ramp palette file(.pal) at design ...
Search Query points:45 OFFICE VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.4 Office Viewer ActiveX Control enables your application to display and interact with Microsoft Office files such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project and Visio. Simply place the OCX on your form, you can have all the office functions. Offer some custom ...
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