Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 12723 funded different import table from xls to delphi programs. You can simply download any of import table from xls to delphi soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:75 SMIMPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 2.36 Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. ...
Search Query points:65 RICHVIEW FOR DELPHI AND C++BUILDER 1.9.8 RichView is a suite of native Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents. Documents can contain text with various character attributes, tables, pictures, any Delphi controls. Left, right, center or justify alignments of paragraphs, custom margins and indents, ...
Search Query points:65 EMS QUICK IMPORT 2.3 EMS Quick Import Component Suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder will allow you to import your data to the database from files in the most popular data formats. You can import data from MS Excel, MS Access, DBF, XML, ...
Search Query points:60 SMEXPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 4.77 SMExport for Delphi/CBuilder is a component suite for data export from TDBGrid/TDataSet (with BDE or without) into: - XLS (Excel spreadsheet without OLE) - MS Excel (using OLE) - MS Word (using OLE) - MS Access (using DAO 3.5 or ...
Search Query points:55 MYSQL FOXPRO IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from MySQL and FoxPro databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 MYSQL IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MySQL. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:55 MS ACCESS IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MS Access. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:55 MS SQL SERVER FOXPRO IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from MS SQL Server and FoxPro databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 MS ACCESS FOXPRO DBF IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from Microsoft Access and FoxPro databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. This program saves time if you need to transfer tables between the two databases quickly. ...
Search Query points:55 MS WORD ACCESS IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This Word Add-in will allow you to use Word as an interface for importing and exporting tables to and from your Access database. Read and write without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 MYSQL ORACLE IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from MySQL and Oracle databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 MS SQL SERVER ORACLE IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 7.0 This application will allow you to transfer tables to and from MS SQL Server and Oracle databases. Importing and exporting can be done without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 MS SQL SERVER IMPORT MULTIPLE TEXT FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Load text files (or csv files) to MS SQL Server. Create a new table or append to an existing table based on the contents of a file on your computer. ...
Search Query points:55 EXCEL FOXPRO IMPORT, EXPORT & CONVERT SOFTWARE 1.1 This Excel Add-in will allow you to use Excel for importing and exporting tables to and from your FoxPro databases. Quickly read and write tables to and from Excel without SQL knowledge. ...
Search Query points:55 F-IN-BOX, DELPHI EDITION 3.0 TFlashPlayerControl is a Delphi / Builder / VCL component to enhance Macromedia Flash Player ActiveX features. Load movies from any TStream descendant (TResourceStream, TMemoryStream). Protect movies. Create Flash-enabled applications which are ready to work even when Flash Player ActiveX is ...
Search Query points:55 CONVERT XLS TO PDF FOR EXCEL V3.50 Instantly Convert Microsoft? Excel Document into PDF Files Convert Xls to PDF For Excel is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply ...
Search Query points:55 SMWORDDOCUMENT FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.20 SMWord suite for Delphi/CBuilder is a native VCL components for direct and fast text extraction from any MS Word document. MSWordDocument component allow to read any Word document directly without OLE automation of MS Word application (MS Word installed is ...
Search Query points:55 METATREE COMPONENT (FOR DELPHI 5,6,7) 1.4 MetaProducts Corporation has released MetaTree Component version 1.4 for Delphi 5,6,7, a control to show hierarchical information as a graphs tree. A user can select the desired node using mouse. It looks like a flat projection of a tree on ...
Search Query points:55 SMINTERNET SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 1.50 SMInternet suite is a component set for internet and network: TSMWebDirect to find and inform you of new product news, updates/patches, technical tips, and other announcements a-la Delphi Direct. The HTTP/FTP and local network are supported. TSMWebUpdater to ...
Search Query points:55 ACAD DWG TO XLS CONVERTER 2.31 ACAD DWG to XLS Converter enables you to extract block attribute data from AutoCAD drawings (DWG and DXF) and quickly convert DWG to XLS, DXF to XLS files with AutoCAD not required. Batch conversion available. Support DWG version: AutoCAD R3 ...
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