Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3007 funded different image map menu maker web programs. You can simply download any of image map menu maker web soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 IMAGE TO PDF OCR CONVERTER (PDF E-BOOK MAKER) 1.7 Image To PDF OCR Converter is an application based on Windows platform, which can directly convert more image formats, such as TIFF,JPG,GIF,PNG,BMP,PSD,WMF,EMF,PCX,PIC and so on,into text searchable PDF format, it supports manifold conversion ways, and automatically clear and skew-correct by ...
Search Query points:90 AMARA FLASH MENU MAKER 1.8 With Amara Flash Menu Maker you can create professional Flash buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the Flash buttons and Flash menus, you can now make yourself in minutes. Create navigation bars, scrolling menus and ...
Search Query points:90 AMARA FLASH MENU AND BUTTON MAKER 1.9 With Amara Flash Menu Maker you can create professional Flash buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the Flash buttons and Flash menus, you can now make yourself in minutes. Create navigation bars, scrolling menus and ...
Search Query points:90 AMARA FLASH MENU AND FLASH BUTTON MAKER 1.4 With Amara Flash Menu Maker you can create professional Flash buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the Flash buttons and Flash menus, you can now make yourself in minutes. Create navigation bars, scrolling menus and ...
Search Query points:90 EASY WEB GALLERY MAKER 1.5 This Software, makes it easy to generate image galleries ready for web, you can select a bundle of images, and with just a few clicks, the software have created thumbnail images, a web html fil and placed/organized them en seperated ...
Search Query points:90 IMAGE TO PDF(PDF E-BOOK MAKER) 1.7 Image2PDF Converter can directly convert dozens of image format into PDF format, can support manifold conversion way, and automatically clear and skew-correct by adopting special technique for B/W image, to insure display effect of high quality after conversion. You ...
Search Query points:80 WEB ALBUM MAKER 1.11 Web Album Maker is a gallery software which makes web albums of digital images. With clicks, Web Album Maker creates HTML photo albums, JPEG thumbnails, and CSS for your online photo albums. It can create thumbnails of your photos and ...
Search Query points:80 IMAGINATION IMAGE MAP EDITOR 2.0 Create image maps for your website with this easy-to-use tool from Multimedia Australia. Simply select the image you want to use, choose a shape, then visually draw the image map regions. The image map coordinates can be copied to the ...
Search Query points:80 ALLBUTTONS WEB MENU BUILDER 2.2 AllButtons lets you create professional buttons and menus for your web site fast and easily. All the web buttons and web menus you'll ever need for your website , you can now make yourself in no-time. Create Drop-down menus, navigation ...
Search Query points:80 CYD WEB MENU CREATOR 1.2 CyD WEB menu Creator.CyD WEB menu Creator is an easy to use development tool that creates dynamic, fancy menus for your web site pages (DHTML pull-down menus). You can see what the menu will look like as you create it. ...
Search Query points:80 IMAGE RECOGNITION WEB TEST PLUGIN 4.30 It is the world's first technology that allows you to automate and test web sites using images instead of cumbersome X/Y coordinates. It relies only upon the images that are rendered in the browser, regardless of the technology that created ...
Search Query points:80 LIGHT MAP MAKER 0.39 Light Map Maker is a tool for real-time 3D developers, it's main feature is adding realistic lighting to real-time 3D scenes. It's robust lighting utility support ray tracing lighting, realistic radiosity lighting, and caustics, mirror, ... Light Map ...
Search Query points:80 LIKNO WEB BUTTON MAKER 2.0.116 Likno Web Button Maker is a user-friendly software for creating eye-catching and professional custom 3D web buttons fast and easy! With this program you can design a variety of 3D web buttons with different effects, backgrounds, and text options by ...
Search Query points:80 LIKNO WEB BUTTON MAKER FREE 1.4 Free Web Buttons - Create free buttons for your website & projects with our free web button maker. This free software is easy to use and allows you to design web buttons with different styles and effects by customizing their ...
Search Query points:60 HTML TO IMAGE 2.0.2006.1 Directly save the web page at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format. Create thumbnail images from large images. Batch conversion is supported. Integrate with Internet Explorer's context menu. Support ...
Search Query points:60 HTML MAP DESIGNER PRO 2.22 Map Designer is a powerful utility to simplify creation of image maps (images having many clickable areas on your WEB pages). It takes just a moment to create your own hypergraphic image! Built-in easy-to-use HTML editor helps you to manage ...
Search Query points:60 PAGE POPUP MAKER 2.0.2 Page Popup Maker generates all the code needed to create several types of popup windows. It takes the guess work and drudgery out of creating popup windows. No more endlessly revising and fiddling with your popup window code to get ...
Search Query points:60 COFFEECUP STYLESHEET MAKER 4.5 CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker allows you to construct full-featured cascading style sheets, giving you full control of text placement, fonts, backgrounds, and more. You just have to change the tag definitions in the CSS file, because each Web page will look ...
Search Query points:50 DHTML MENU STUDIO PROFESSIONAL EDITION 4 With this program you can add a DHTML drop down menu to your web site within a few minutes. It comes with hundreds of predefined designs and supports easy integration with existing web sites. Included are free plugins for DreamWeaver, ...
Search Query points:50 SMART IMAGE SERVER 3.0 The Smart Image Server is a web version of the searching functionality within Smart Pix Manager, allowing your to provide visitors to an Internet or intranet page to perform boolean (AND/OR) searches for images and other multimedia files within your ...
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