Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 36 funded different iis jsp mailserver programs. You can simply download any of iis jsp mailserver soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 JSPISAPI - RUN JSP THROUGH IIS 1.0 JspISAPI is developed by NeuroSpeech, it is an ISAPI dll which runs under IIS 4.0 onwards to tunnel java/tomcat requests to Tomcat web server running on same machine. Features: 1) Get rid of 8080 from web addresses 2) ...
Search Query points:40 MAIL ACCESS MONITOR FOR KERIO MAILSERVER 2.6C It’s hard to imagine an office without access to e-mail. E-mail is often the number one business tool, responsible for effective communication, making sales, providing support and generating leads. Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that analyses ...
Search Query points:40 MAIL ACCESS MONITOR FOR VISNETIC MAILSERVER 3.2 It is hard to imagine an office without access to e-mail. E-mail is often the number one business tool, responsible for effective communication, making sales, providing support and generating leads. Mail Access Monitor is a simple tool that ...
Search Query points:40 VISNETIC ANTIVIRUS PLUG-IN FOR VISNETIC MAILSERVER 4.6 Powered by Kaspersky Labs, its installed on the email server computer rather than dispersed on each client computer. Infected email can be deleted, quarantined, or forwarded to an administrator. Kasperskys continually updated virus signature list is designed to download only ...
Search Query points:40 VISNETIC MAILSERVER 8.3 VisNetic Mail Server is a high performance mail server with an extensive, highly configurable feature set. This secure email server, also ideal for use as a gateway mail server, features built-in anti spam, Web mail, instant messaging server, support for ...
Search Query points:10 CODELOBSTER 2.1 The CodeLobster product is intended for quick and easy creating and processing code! The CodeLobster is a handy and easy-in-use editor which supports such file formats as TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, ...
Search Query points:10 CODECHARGE STUDIO 2.3 CodeCharge Studio is used for visually creating database-driven Web applications in eight different technologies: ASP/VBScript, .Net (C# and VB.NET), ColdFusion, JSP, Java Servlets, PHP and Perl. Developers can quickly convert any database into a Web application by using the included ...
Search Query points:10 AMOR MPEG TO DVD BURNER 4.39 Amor MPEG to DVD Burner iis a powerful and handy tool to burn video DVD disc from exist DVD VCD SVCD compatible MPEG files which has been converted using your video converting tools, So you can play movies on your ...
Search Query points:10 IISKEEPER 1.1 If you would like to restrict access to some files and folders on your web site or make some information inaccessible to the majority of users on the site, Metamatica Software offers a simple and efficient solution: ISAPI protection filter ...
Search Query points:10 SKILLFUSION DEVELOPMENT ENGINE 5.2.1 Development Engine is a modeling and development automation technology for developers to design software using UML, then generate applications in the language and database of their choice. With Development Engine, you describe your application by drawing a model. Then you ...
Search Query points:10 MP3 RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The MP3 audio recording applet SDK is designed to create MP3 audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in MP3 format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via HTTP. ...
Search Query points:10 WAV RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The WAV audio recording applet SDK is designed to create the web audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in WAV format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via ...
Search Query points:10 POLYSTYLE SOURCE CODE BEAUTIFIER 2.0ZJ - Free Trial - Automatically reformat other's code in your own style! Polystyle beautifies C/C++, JSP, Perl, Java, Pascal/Delphi, C#, CSS, Cmac, Javascript, HTML, XML, PHP, and Python. Polystyle can learn practically any style, making configuration easy. You may also ...
Search Query points:10 FUSIONCHARTS 3 FusionCharts is a flash charting component that can be used to render data-driven & animated charts for your web applications and presentations. Made in Adobe Flash 8 (formerly Macromedia Flash), FusionCharts can be used with any web scripting language like ...
Search Query points:10 MAILSCAN 4 FOR SMTP SERVERS 4.5A MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers is for customers using Linux, Unix, Novell or other non-Windows platforms on their e-mail Server. MailScan for SMTP Servers works on a Windows machine and acts like a Security Gateway between your Mail Server and ...
Search Query points:10 J2EE GUIDES 1.0 Learn how to use J2EE with Tomcat, Eclipse, JSP, and Servlet #1 Beginner's Guide to Using Eclipse for Java Development, a step-by-step illustrated guide. #2 Guide to Java Web Development Tools: Using Eclipse with Tomcat to access MySQL using JSP. ...
Search Query points:10 EASY HTML TO ANY SCRIPT CONVERTER 1.4 Easy HTML To Any Script Converter provides fast and easy conversion of HTML Files and HTML Code Blocks pasted from Clipboard to any Script (the Setup Pack already includes some templates for JavaScript, PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP). You can use ...
Search Query points:10 CODELOBSTER 3.1. The CodeLobster product is intended for quick and easy creating and processing code! The CodeLobster is a handy and easy-in-use editor which supports such file formats as TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, ...
Search Query points:10 ECORA AUDITOR LITE FOR WINDOWS 4.0.6157.1 Ecora Auditor Lite is an agentless Windows® application that installs on a Windows workstation and collects hundreds of thousands of configuration settings to generate on-demand, detailed configuration reports. With a click of a button, users can document VMware ESX servers; ...
Search Query points:10 SOURCECODE TO FLOWCHART 2.43 Source code to Flowchart is a Code Flowchart generator for code flowcharting and visualization.It can generate programming flow chart from source code,help programmers to document,visualize and understand code.Its Documentation Generator supports Visio. Supports C,C++,VC++,VB(Visual Basic),VBA,Qbasic(quickbasic),VBScript(VBS),Visual C#(C sharp),VB.NET,J#,VC++.NET,ASP.NET,Java,JSP,JavaScript(JScript),Delphi(Object Pascal),PowerBuilder,PHP,FoxPro,Perl ...
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