Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 354 funded different ice 2.5 msi installer plugin programs. You can simply download any of ice 2.5 msi installer plugin soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 INSTALLAWARE EXPRESS MSI INSTALLER 6.0 The InstallAware MSI installer builds sophisticated, visually appealing setups with support for the latest technologies, including IIS, Microsoft/Oracle/MySQL database servers, Web Updates, Partial Web Deployment, DIFx Driver installs, Vista, 64bit, and one-click installation of complex application runtimes like Microsoft SQL ...
Search Query points:50 INSTALLAWARE DEVELOPER FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER 6.0 InstallAware creates Windows Installer MSI setups with easy MSIcode scripting. Instead of populating MSI databases to build your setup, or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers, use the intuitive MSIcode scripting environment to build your MSI installers. InstallAware ...
Search Query points:50 NSIS SKINCRAFTER PLUGIN 1.0 NSIS SkinCrafter Plugin is a freeware developer tool meant for skinning of install packages created with NSIS installer. Use NSIS SkinCrafter Plugin if you want your setup packages to look unique and stylish. In combination with SkinCrafter library you can ...
Search Query points:50 INSTALLAWARE DEVELOPER FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER 6.2 InstallAware creates Windows Installer MSI setups with easy MSIcode scripting. Instead of populating MSI databases to build your setup, or being stuck with the limitations of visual designers, use the intuitive MSIcode scripting environment to build your MSI installers. InstallAware ...
Search Query points:50 SKINCRAFTER INSTALLER 2.0 SkinCrafter Installer is a developer tool for skinning of install packages created with Windows installer (MSI files). SkinCrafter Installer uses SkinCrafter engine for skins implementation. SkinCrafter performs skinning Windows applications, allowing absolute visual customizations. In combination with SkinCrafter library you ...
Search Query points:50 INSTALLAWARE SETUP SQUEEZER FOR MSI 1.0 The InstallAware Setup Squeezer intelligently unpacks your Windows Installer setups, and then recompresses them using InstallAware's industry leading compression technology. Setup Squeezer is a fully automated, point-and-click wizard, which produces 15%-50% size savings on your setup packages. All this happens ...
Search Query points:50 INSTALLAWARE STUDIO FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER 6.0 InstallAware builds Windows Installer MSI setups with completely customizable user interfaces and unique dialog controls. Build non-rectangular or transparent wizards, display bitmap buttons, standard or custom animations, create tabbed dialogs like the new Office 12 installer. Insert native file/folder browsers ...
Search Query points:50 INSTALLAWARE STUDIO ADMIN FOR MSI 6.0 InstallAware for Windows Installer can import existing MSI setup packages and let you customize their behavior. You may also import non-MSI setups using the integrated PackageAware tool which works by monitoring the changes a setup makes to the system. Using ...
Search Query points:45 FIREFOX OKAPILAND PLUGIN 2.5 Firefox Okapiland Plugin is a Firefox search plugin to provide Yahoo Search in Composite Page Mode (YahooCPM) that displays linked pages themselves in addition to hyperlinks. All pages can be displayed by scrolling the pages. Internet Search is good for ...
Search Query points:40 IMAGE RECOGNITION WEB TEST PLUGIN 4.30 It is the world's first technology that allows you to automate and test web sites using images instead of cumbersome X/Y coordinates. It relies only upon the images that are rendered in the browser, regardless of the technology that created ...
Search Query points:40 MSU SUBTITLE REMOVER VIRTUALDUB PLUGIN 2.2B Free high-quality subtitle remover plugin. This plugin is intended to remove subtitles from video sequences. It has many parameters for advanced configuration and to control speed and quality of processing. ...
Search Query points:40 MSU FIELD SHIFT FIXER AVISYNTH PLUGIN 0.5 Free AviSynth filter for fixing relational temporal field shift.This shift may appears during video film capturing and PAL->NTSC convertion. The filter automaticaly detects field shift. Also scene replacement and two merged sequences (from different parts of film) are proceeded ...
Search Query points:40 WIXAWARE FOR WINDOWS INSTALLER XML 1.0 InstallAware is first to market with an IDE targeting Microsoft's open source WiX platform. WiX is used internally by Microsoft teams to build world-class installers such as Microsoft Office. Until today, WiX remained hard to use, as it did not ...
Search Query points:40 ICE JAM 1.51 While Santa was busy with his Christmas duties, there was a very strong snowstorm in his magic land. The storm was so strong that it reached into the deepest caves and spread crystals of magic ice from those caves over ...
Search Query points:40 DOWNLOAD3K SEARCH PLUGIN 1.0 Download3k search plugin for Firefox allows you to search Download3k's daily updated software applications database from within your Firefox browser. The results of your search are sorted by relevance and include both freeware and shareware programs. You also get a ...
Search Query points:40 ICON PLUGIN FOR PHOTOSHOP 2.0 Icon Plugin for Photoshop enhances Adobe Photoshop with an ability to export and import Windows icons (.ico). Thanks to this ability, users can create icons directly in Adobe Photoshop, using its powerful arsenal of creative tools and stylistic options. No ...
Search Query points:40 TALKING AGENT PLUGIN FOR EREMINDER 2006 2.1 Talking agent plugin is specially designed for eReminder 2006 - Easy Calendar & Reminder. It comes with a cast of characters including Peedy, Merlin, Genie, and Robby. If you specify Popup an agent as a reminder way, then an Microsoft ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED WINDOWS UNATTENDED INSTALLER 1.61 Want to create a WindowsXP installation disk that would automatically install the system without asking questions about the username, product key, time and locale settings? At the same time your favorite applications are automatically installed, the necessary keys are entered ...
Search Query points:40 FIREFOX OKAPILAND PLUGIN 2.6 Firefox Okapiland Plugin is a Firefox search plugin to provide Yahoo Search in Composite Page Mode (YahooCPM) that displays linked pages themselves in addition to hyperlinks. All pages can be displayed by scrolling the pages. Internet Search is good for ...
Search Query points:40 VIDEO PILOT PLUGIN FOR ADOBE PREMIERE 1.10 Video Pilot Plugin for Adobe Premiere is a digital video program that allows you to improve color balance of your video. The program is easily mastered and does not require any specific knowledge. To correct a color of your ...
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