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Search Query points:50 KERNEL LINUX - DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.0.2 Kernel for Linux recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where Linux based operating systems, such as RedHat Linux, Caldera Linux, Mandrake Linux, Turbo Linux, Suse Linux are installed on the hard disk or data storage media. ...
Search Query points:50 UCERTIFY - LINUX+2004 PRACTICE TEST FOR EXAM XK0-002 - 275+ QUESTIONS 8.01.05 Pass Linux+2004 XK0-002 in first attempt. 275 Questions with detailed explanation. XK0-002 Study notes, Articles and Mock Test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarantee. Based on Latest CompTIA Linux+2004 Certification Exam pattern Exam Simulation and Study Guide. Download XK0-002 ...
Search Query points:50 MSCBLOB FOR LINUX 2.0 MSCBlob (Binary Large Object) is an auxiliary component for data blocks storing and transmitting. It could contain a raw data and represent it as a binary or string. There are 3 alternative string representations: as-is, Base64 and Hex. Also has ...
Search Query points:50 MSCABIMAGE FOR LINUX 2.0 MSCABImage is the best cure from nasty posting bots (robots). These bots create hundreds email accounts on your web-based mail servers and spam from them, fill your forums with thousands of commercial postings and screw your online polls. ABImage Component ...
Search Query points:50 STELLAR PHOENIX LINUX 2.5 Stellar Phoenix Linux - is a fully automatic Linux data recovery software for Ext2 and Ext3 File system volumes. It uses a unique scanning method, which automatically recognizes lost partitions,volumes, files and folders. The software provides Linux data recovery from ...
Search Query points:50 ECMERGE STANDARD (LINUX) 2.0 ECMerge compares and merges text/images/folders/FTP sites, side-by-side. It is designed for software engineers, web authors and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files or who need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync. Define favourite comparisons as ...
Search Query points:50 QUICK RECOVERY FOR LINUX - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 10.12 Quick Recovery for Linux Ext2,Ext3. is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI, SATA drives, long file name, having multi disk and multi-lingual support, partion in dual booting disk support, simulates previously existing ...
Search Query points:50 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE- QR FOR LINUX (REISERFS) 12.4 Quick Recovery Linux (ReiserFS) is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA drives, long file name having multi-disk and multi-lingual support, partition in dual booting disk support, simulates previously existing partitions ...
Search Query points:50 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE- QR FOR LINUX 10.12 QR for Linux Ext2,Ext3. is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI, SATA drives, long file name, having multi disk and multi-lingual support, partion in dual booting disk support, simulates previously existing partitions ...
Search Query points:50 DISKINTERNALS LINUX RECOVERY 1.0 DiskInternals Linux Recovery is a utility for Windows that allows you to recover information contained in Linux Ext2/Ext3 partitions. The program can restore deleted and damaged data, repair a partition table, recover files if the drive is inaccessible and restore ...
Search Query points:50 QUICK RECOVERY FOR LINUX (REISERFS) - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 12.4 Quick Recovery Linux (ReiserFS) is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA drives, long file name having multi-disk and multi-lingual support, partition in dual booting disk support, simulates previously existing partitions ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL LINUX - DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Kernel for Linux recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where Linux based operating systems, such as RedHat Linux, Caldera Linux, Mandrake Linux, Turbo Linux, Suse Linux are installed on the hard disk or data storage media. ...
Search Query points:50 DISK DOCTORS LINUX DATA RECOVERY 1.0 Disk Doctors Linux Data Recovery software is a tool that helps you to recover data from Ext2 & Ext3 File System which may be on any Linux distribution. To name a few Redhat Linux, Suse Linux, Mandriva Linux, Ubuntu Linux, ...
Search Query points:50 MSCPACK FOR LINUX 1.2 MSCPack is a collection of Miraplacid Scripting Components. It includes MSCUpload 1.1, MSCGzip 1.1, MSCExec 1.1 and MSCBlob 1.1. ...
Search Query points:50 ECMERGE STANDARD (LINUX) 1.1 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generate Unix patches between files. A shell extension is ...
Search Query points:50 ECMERGE PRO (LINUX) 1.2 ECMerge compares and merges files and folders, side-by-side or 3-way. It provides syntax colouring for C/C++, Java, HTML, ASP, PHP and many others. Save your work at intermediate situation and restart it later! Generates reports in Unix patch, XML and ...
Search Query points:50 PARAGON NTFS FOR LINUX 2.0 Paragon NTFS for Linux gives transparent access to any NTFS partition under Linux OS. So you and any application can browse these drives, read and change files, copy and create new files and folders. This download package is FREE ...
Search Query points:50 MSCUPLOAD FOR LINUX 2.0 MSCUpload is an Active Server File Upload component. It extentds standard Request object capabilities in handling uploaded data. MSCUpload is a perfect way for ASP applications to handle multiple uploaded files and still make another form fields easily accessable. ...
Search Query points:50 DISKINTERNALS LINUX READER 1.0 DiskInternals Linux Reader is a newly developed software tool for providing access to Linux file systems under Windows. You can use it whenever you want: the program is 100% free. It lets you use a familiar ambience of Windows Explorer ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL LINUX - DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 4.02 Kernel for Linux recovers data from deleted, formatted, damaged, or corrupted partitions where Linux based operating systems, such as RedHat Linux, Caldera Linux, Mandrake Linux, Turbo Linux, Suse Linux are installed on the hard disk or data storage media. ...
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