Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1044 funded different HTML vertical sliders programs. You can simply download any of HTML vertical sliders soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 2D/3D VERTICAL BAR GRAPH FOR PHP 4.6 This PHP script provides a very easy way to embed dynamically generated vertical bar graphs and charts into PHP applications and HTML web pages. The graphing software is very easy to use and it's perfectly possible to add professional quality ...
Search Query points:40 HTML REMINDER 7.0.3 Terrible in remembering important dates and events? No problem! Enter all the dates and events in HTML Reminder and generate a JavaScript based HTML page. Set the HTML page as your Desktop Wallpaper which will remind you as many as ...
Search Query points:40 AP PDF TO HTML BATCH CONVERTER 3.0 AP PDF to HTML Batch Converter is a useful pdf tool, the converter produces fully functional HTML documents with text,pictures,graphics,table,links and bookmarks, using the original PDF document formatting, and it is more suitable for Internet publishing. thus exposing their content ...
Search Query points:40 PDF TO HTML BATCH CONVERTER FOR COMMAND LINE 3.0 AP PDF to HTML Batch Converter is a useful pdf tool, the converter produces fully functional HTML documents with text,pictures,graphics,table,links and bookmarks, using the original PDF document formatting, and it is more suitable for Internet publishing. thus exposing their content ...
Search Query points:40 SPREADSHEETCONVERTER TO HTML/JAVASCRIPT 3.7.3 Calculate on the WEB. Convert MS Excel spreadsheet into good-looking calculating web page. No plugins. Solve your problem using Excel and convert it to HTML with JavaScript. No programming. Makes interactive calculating webpages feasible. Easy updating. Supports 190 Excel-functions. Use ...
Search Query points:40 HTML TO IMAGE 2.0.2006.1 Directly save the web page at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format. Create thumbnail images from large images. Batch conversion is supported. Integrate with Internet Explorer's context menu. Support ...
Search Query points:40 EASY HTML TO ANY SCRIPT CONVERTER 1.4 Easy HTML To Any Script Converter provides fast and easy conversion of HTML Files and HTML Code Blocks pasted from Clipboard to any Script (the Setup Pack already includes some templates for JavaScript, PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP). You can use ...
Search Query points:40 TOTAL HTML CONVERTER 1.1 A most efficient yet easy-to-use utility that converts html files to doc, pdf, xls, jpg, or txt files. The most difficult thing is to decide what format you need. Everything else is quite easy. You just select the files and ...
Search Query points:40 EASY TEXT TO HTML CONVERTER 2.1 Easy Text To HTML Converter provides fast and easy conversion of Text Files (in *.txt, *.rtf formats) and Text Blocks pasted from Clipboard to HTML. The conversion is being performed in three different modes , placed on separate tabs of ...
Search Query points:40 HTMLLIST HTML EDITOR 1.0 HtmlList Html Editor is a simple html editor that provides the basic features for editing web pages. HtmlList Html Editor's main feature is that it gives you the ability to quickly switch among more than one html document. When you ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED PDF TO HTML CONVERTER 1.9.8 Convert PDF files into HTML so they can be used for online browsing. Graphics, hyperlinks, bookmarks and lines will all be preserved. This version has the added option to save all pages into single HTML document with improved support for ...
Search Query points:40 HTML TEXT EXTRACTOR 1.5 If you're frustrated that a website has unselectable text or if you need to view some HTML that's been encrypted then this application is a must. HTML Text Extractor is the simplest and easiest way to view and save the ...
Search Query points:40 HTML SNAPSHOT 2.1.2006.1 HTML Snapshot ActiveX Component can do: Directly save the web page at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format. i.e. html to image, html to jpg, html to image, html to tiff, html ...
Search Query points:40 EASY HTML AUTORUN BUILDER 1.5 Easy HTML Autorun Builder is an application pack designed for easy creation of HTML-based CD/DVD autorun menu which provides quick access to existing files and documents. Executable CD Menu Shell works on Basis of System 'MS Internet Explorer' versions 4.0 ...
Search Query points:40 FIND AND REPLACE IN HTML FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Search and replace multiple occurrences of text in many HTML files. Simply load your html, htm files into the program and provide the text to find and replace. The replacing process is done instantly as a batch. ...
Search Query points:40 HTML TO TEXT BATCH CONVERT MULTIPLE FILES SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly convert your many HTML files into text files. Load multiple .htm and .html files into the program and export them automatically in seconds. This program will strip off all unncessary html tags so that just the text content is ...
Search Query points:40 2D/3D VERTICAL BAR GRAPH API LIBRARY (JAVA BEAN) 4.6 The Vertical Bar Graph API is a Java Bean Component. Designed specifically to enable programmers to easily add powerful graphing functionality to any form of Java application Download the Free Trial today for access to:- - Documentation - Code samples ...
Search Query points:40 3D STACKED VERTICAL BAR GRAPH SOFTWARE 4.6 This 3D Stacked Vertical Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. It provides versatile components so that web authors and Java developers can easily build and publish dynamic ...
Search Query points:40 JAVASCRIPT VERTICAL IMAGE SLIDER 1.1 JavaScript-producing design tool for creating scrolling images on web pages. The script can be customized highly and easily through the SCP(Script Configuration Program). You can specify size, image, color, link and much more to script. It is unnecessary to write ...
Search Query points:40 3D VERTICAL BAR GRAPH SOFTWARE 4.6 This 3D Vertical Bar Graph provides both a client and server side solution for the incorporation of bar graphs into web pages. It provides versatile components so that web authors and Java developers can easily build and publish dynamic and ...
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