Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 9385 funded different html calendar control for .net programs. You can simply download any of html calendar control for .net soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 KINETICART 2D XY CHART REAL-TIME .NET CONTROL 1.0 KineticaRT .NET Multi-Line 2D XY Chart Real-Time Control, in common with other KineticaRT components, is easy to configure and supports live update (state changes are transferred automatically to/from the connected channel). It is a member of the KineticaRT family of ...
Search Query points:90 NBIT HTML EDITING ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.5 A data bindable HTML WYSIWYG Edit ActiveX Control for CMS and CRM designers or any developers who wnats to edit HTML WYSIWYG style in their applications. Features table editing, CSS support via a CSS file or string, and customizable language ...
Search Query points:90 NET CONTROL 2 HOME EDITION 6.0 Remote control and administration tool for home local networks. Control Desktop remotely, manage files, send messages, monitor computers remotely. Allows controlling several computers simultaneously. ...
Search Query points:90 .NET CHART CONTROL 3.5.1 Chart Control .NET is the perfect solution to add the most advanced, feature rich charts to Windows Forms and ASP.NET applications. Over 40 2D/3D charts are available. Flexible areas filling, scaling, legends, grid, context menus and drill-down. Uses OpenGL (3D) ...
Search Query points:90 SMART DATE PICKER ASP.NET CALENDAR WEB CONTROL 1.173 Smart date picker comes with many convenient features and has a very sophisticated formatting mechanism, Advanced JavaScript API and Event Model. For the end-user, Smart date picker is easy to use, and for the developer it is easy to implement. ...
Search Query points:90 NBIT HTML VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1.9 A HTML viewer activeX control for Content Management System developers. Integrates with ease into any development environment that support activeX controls. Perfect for the developer who wants to display media rich content in HTML format in their applications. ...
Search Query points:90 IDAUTOMATION BARCODE .NET FORMS CONTROL DLL 6.03 This professional grade package includes the Linear .NET Forms Control and DLL for creating barcodes in Visual Studio, Borland Delphi for Microsoft .NET, C# Builder and the .NET Framework. Includes a Property Page DLL and examples for C# and VB.NET. ...
Search Query points:80 EASESOFT BARCODE .NET CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft Linear Barcode .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
Search Query points:80 EASESOFT DATAMATRIX .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft DataMatrix .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to ...
Search Query points:80 EASESOFT PDF417 .NET WINDOWS CONTROL 3.0.0 EaseSoft PDF417 .Net Windows Forms Control is 100% managed C# code product which can add professional quality 2D barcode image to your windows application .You can save the barcode as different image format files (BMP,EMF,GIF,JPEG,PNG,TIFF,WMF). It is easy to print ...
Search Query points:70 CALENDAR BROWSER FOR OUTLOOK 5.0 Adds lots of features to any Outlook Calendar. Mark an appointment with a mandatory project name or add booking of services (cofee, notepads etc) to the booking. No client installation, simply place the files on a server and you are ...
Search Query points:70 COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design. 2. Not only have all appearances and features of Windows Color Picker but also other extended features. 3. Can load or customize ramp palette file(.pal) at design ...
Search Query points:70 TEROID DATA EXPORT CONTROL 1.0 Teroid Data Export Control 1.0 is a .NET Windows Forms control providing a set of properties and methods for exporting ADO .NET data to Excel, a text file or an HTML. Column headings can be included, html tables can be ...
Search Query points:70 POWUPLOAD .NET 1.1 PowUpload is a http file upload component that enables an ASP.NET application to capture and save files uploaded to the web server by a browser. PowUpload is fully compatible with the standard files upload protocol defined in RFC1867 for the ...
Search Query points:60 BITMAPCOMBO ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to pick picture from files, bitmaps, resources and any GDI handle. 2. A built-in visual picture file open/preview dialog. 3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. ...
Search Query points:60 TEROID GRID CONTROL 1.0 There are plenty of grid controls around, including the DataGrid supplied with Visual Studio .NET, but this one fills the need for a simple, no frills control. It has a collection of rows and columns which can be added to ...
Search Query points:60 FREEWARE .NET OBFUSCATOR SKATER LIGHT 1.00.0 Freeware .NET Obfuscator Skater Light Edition is an obfuscation tool for .NET code protection. Prohibits reverse engineering;Obfuscated application usually is not recompilable;Protects any .NET app, executable or assembly;Encrypts string constants;Compatible with any .NET framework (1.0, 1.1, and 2.0);Control flow obfuscation ...
Search Query points:60 VISUAL LOCALIZE (NET) 6.2 Visual Localize is a tool for the translation and adaptation of the graphical user interface (GUI) of your software applications. The user can translate executable software modules into any national language. No programming skills are required. A preview (WYSIWYG) ...
Search Query points:60 SQL SOURCE CONTROL 2003 The solution avaliable for Microsoft SQL Server developers, that enables source control and comprehensive documentation of your databases. Full source control and documentation versioning for SQL Server 2000 with Source Safe 6.0 support. Comprehensive database documentation, HTML reports, easy SQL ...
Search Query points:60 NET UPDATE 1.01 Net Update is the fastest and easiest way to distribute all your software updates. Using a powerful client/server infrastructure, client software can be modified or completely updated in whatever configuration best suits your requirements. Flexible, secure, and reliable. Net ...
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