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Search Query points:117 FOLDER PASSWORD PROTECT 2.7 Folder Password Protect is a software program that lets you set a password on folders of your choice. What makes Folder Password Protect better than built-in security of Windows XP? You don't have to create separate user accounts or use ...
Search Query points:112 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:112 FILE AND FOLDER PRIVACY 2.62 Password-protect and hide your files and folders with a click of mouse. The program will always prompt to enter your access password when protection is enabled and a user is trying to access a protected file or folder. The protected ...
Search Query points:112 FILE AND FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:112 FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect Files and Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:107 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:105 FILE SECURITY MANAGER Manage file and folder permissions (access rights) in Windows XP Home like Windows XP Professional users! As far as you know, in Windows XP Home security tab of the folder properties window can not be enabled. This program solves the ...
Search Query points:102 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4 1 Click Encrypt is a powerful encryption utility that brings military strength encryption with just one click. The application operates in Windows 98, NT, and XP environment. It is very fast, comfortable and safe and also can encrypt any kind ...
Search Query points:102 FOLDER SECURITY 2.6 Folder Security is a software program designed to password-protect folders. It lets you prevent people from viewing, printing, or altering your confidential documents. Folders remain protected should your PC be rebooted into Windows Safe Mode or DOS. A nice feature ...
Search Query points:100 FOLDER CRYPTO PASSWORD 2.0 Worried about the safety of your data? With Folder Crypto Password, you can encrypt and password-protect your folders so no one can access them. This tool provides 10 encryption algorithms to choose from. You can also create sfx (self-extracting and ...
Search Query points:100 EASY FILE AND FOLDER WATCHER 1.0 This software make it easy to watch all file and folder activity on your local (or network) computer, for security or file management. ...
Search Query points:97 PASSWORD SECURITY GUARD 1.0 Password Security Guard is a simple yet powerful program, check out some of the features below.Features: * Saves all your usernames, passwords and the locations they are used at * You only have to remember one password instead of hundreds ...
Search Query points:95 FOLDER SECURITY PERSONAL 4.0.289 Folder Security Personal allows you to hide and lock folders and files. You can choose to hide them completely or restrict access by making them read-only, preventing modification or deletion by other users or programs. It can restrict access to ...
Search Query points:95 EASY FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR 4.21 Protect files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with Easy File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. Your can deny access to certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching. Easy ...
Search Query points:95 EASY FILE & FOLDER PROTECTOR - Protect files and folders situated on local media of Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP with Easy File & Folder Protector at Windows kernel level. Your can deny access to certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching. Easy ...
Search Query points:95 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:95 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:92 EASEUS DATA SECURITY WIZARD 2.0 Data Security Wizard is an easy to use data security program, which is able to encrypt your personal files and sensitive data quickly, easily and securely. In addition to encryption, Data Security Wizard still is a reliable and ultra-fast shredders ...
Search Query points:92 1-ABC.NET FILE ENCRYPTER 1.00 Anyone who has access to your computer is also able to open all files located on your system. These files include personal documents as well as backups of old e-mail messages, photographs from your last holiday as well as contracts ...
Search Query points:92 (DOCUMENTS)TRAY FOLDER 2.04 The (Documents)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "My Documents" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal ...
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