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Search Query points:72 MP3 RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The MP3 audio recording applet SDK is designed to create MP3 audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in MP3 format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via HTTP. ...
Search Query points:67 PRACTILINE SOURCE CODE LINE COUNTER 1.0 Practiline Source Code Line Counter is a powerful source code line count software for developers and project managers. Ability to count code lines, comment lines and mixed code/comment lines in single files as well as entire directories. Preset (changeable) count ...
Search Query points:67 VBA CODE COMPARE 0.4 VBA Code Compare allows you to compare and merge any Visual Basic code embedded into a VBA project (macros, sheet code, module code etc.). This tool uses direct access for working with VBA modules. Thus, you don't have to export ...
Search Query points:67 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (FIREBIRD) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:67 BLUE SKY .NET CODE GENERATOR 2.0.1 Blue Sky .Net Code Generator is a quick develop tool for .Net applications. It generates all class file base on database schema due to three layer system framwork. It can generate a web site . ...
Search Query points:67 TASKTRACKER™ - KEEP YOUR FILES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS™ 1.1 TaskTracker™ takes the Windows® Explorer and turns it inside out. Say goodbye to tedious searches for files in Windows' convoluted file system. Now you can get to the files you want to work with - and open, copy, rename, or ...
Search Query points:67 CODE CHAMELEON 2.0 Easily format, optimize, cleanup and edit your scripts, programming code and web pages. Supports 20+ languages. Fully extensible - quickly create your own language definitions. Convert HTML to XHTML. Code anything easily with this powerful, flexible, and extensible editor ...
Search Query points:67 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (MYSQL) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:67 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:67 CODE LIBRARY FOR .NET (SQL SERVER/MSDE) 11.9 The CodeLib is an application that helps you to easily find and information gathering. As a result, you can build a programs faster. Support Code Snippet, File, Note, Web, URL, Picture save. 6 in 1 Utility. ...
Search Query points:67 URL ORGANIZER 2 2.4.16 Compact, fast, simple bookmark manager to store, organize, annotate, copy and backup large and/or multiple collections of Internet bookmarks/favorites and also shortcuts to programs, documents and folders. Innovative, intuitive and highly-customizable. Three clicks or free-text search to find any URL. ...
Search Query points:65 IPOD FILES UNDELETE iPod deleted data undelete software tool is read only and non destructive. Restore reset factory setting and provides graphical user interface which is compatible for the user. Retrieves all types of iPod files like apple m4v, shuffle m4a, mini m4b, ...
Search Query points:62 MP3 JOINER 1.1 MP3 Joiner is a simple tool for joining MP3 files into one large file. You can do it easily and quickly without any efforts. You can edit ID3 Tags of your mp3 files after joining. Mp3 Joiner works with *.mp3. ...
Search Query points:62 MP3 CUTTER JOINER 2.00 Do you want to cut and get out the excellent part in an audio file? Do you want to joining a lot of audio files into one file? Please test MP3 Cutter Joiner. It will be your best choice. MP3 ...
Search Query points:62 POWER MP3 WMA RECORDER 1.00 Power MP3 WMA Recorder makes high-quality recordings directly from your sound card. It can record streaming audio directly to MP3, WMA and OGG files, no tempory wav file involved, saving your hard disk life, and faster. Sound quality of the ...
Search Query points:62 123 ADVANCED MP3 CUTTER 1.00 Cut parts of multiple MP3 files at the one time! It's an ideal utility to create small demos from music and audio samples. Several musicians and recording studios nowdays can show its work and talent for the whole world through ...
Search Query points:62 POWER CD TO MP3 MAKER 1.00 Power CD to MP3 Maker is a powerful and extremely ease-to-use tool for converting audio CD tracks to audio format MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG. It copies the audio digitally with excellent output quality and high speed. Power CD to ...
Search Query points:62 MP3 CONVERTER 3.05 Mp3 Converter Version 3.05 The MP3 Converter is the ideal all-in-one tool to convert batches of mp3 file format into wav file format for burning onto a CD, convert wav file format to the mp3 file format to listen ...
Search Query points:62 CD TO MP3 WAV MAKER 2.00 CD to MP3 WAV Maker is an extremely easy and fast-speed tool to convert your audio CD to MP3, RM, WAV, WMA and OGG files. It copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of ...
Search Query points:62 MP3 WAV CONVERTER 3.18 Mp3 Wav Converter Version 3.18 MP3 WAV Converter is the ideal all-in-one tool for converting batches of MP3 into WAV for CD burning. Want to get more music on a disk? It's also great for converting your favorite ...
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