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Search Query points:50 MEMORY DEFRAGMENTER 1.1 ABEXO Memory Defragmenter, also called RAM defragmenter, RAM/memory booster, RAM/memory optimizer, etc. is a software to free up wasted RAM and report the free memory. Memory Defragmenter also prevents Windows crashes since Windows crashes mainly occur if there is no ...
Search Query points:50 ABEXO DEFRAGMENTER PRO PLUS 5.0 Does defragmenting your hard disk take too long? Did you know that running programs can neither be defragmented nor be moved? Did you know that besides disk defragmentation, a disk optimization would tremendously speed up computer performance? Abexo disk defragmenter ...
Search Query points:50 WORDPERFECT DOCUMENT CONVERTER 3.0 WordPerfect Document Converter is an Enterprise level document batch converter that converts documents from WordPerfect to Word and Word to WordPerfect. Migrate legacy WordPerfect documents to the latest version of WordPerfect. Convert folders and subfolders of documents. Use the ...
Search Query points:50 WORDPERFECT CONVERTER - WP2DOC 2.0 Corel WordPerfect, document converter, convert WordPerfect to Word, convert, wpd to doc, convert Corel WordPerfect document, to Microsoft Word, WordPerfect converter, convert multiple documents or just one document. This, WordPerfect to Microsoft Word converter, requires Corel WordPerfect Office, 8 or ...
Search Query points:50 ABEXO MEMORY DEFRAGMENTER 1.1.1 Abexo Memory Defragmenter, also called RAM defragmenter, RAM/memory booster, RAM/memory optimizer, etc. is a software to free up wasted RAM and report the free memory. Memory Defragmenter also prevents Windows crashes since Windows crashes mainly occur if there is no ...
Search Query points:50 ABEXO DEFRAGMENTER LITE PLUS 5.0 Does defragmenting your hard disk take too long? Did you know that running programs can neither be defragmented nor be moved? Did you know that besides disk defragmentation, a disk optimization would tremendously speed up computer performance? Abexo disk defragmenter ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK PC FIX 3.2 Are you suffering from computer rage? Solve PC problems instantly with 1 Click PC Fix and save both time and money with unnecessary call out charges and down time. Your system will then be much faster when booting up and ...
Search Query points:50 DISC PUZZLE 1.0 The classic game puzzle game. Take any picture, and scramble it. Then try to piece it back together.The classic game puzzle game. Take any picture, and scramble it. Then try to piece it back together. ...
Search Query points:50 FIX MY REGISTRY 2.1 The Windows Registry is a crucial part of your PC's operation system. Regular use of computer makes the registry fragmented and cluttered with obsolete and invalid data. Fix My Registry software keeps this critical part of your PC in perfect ...
Search Query points:50 AVS DISC CREATOR FREE 2.1 It's revolutionary Blu-Ray freeware. The first and the only one free Blu-ray Disc burning software in the international market of multimedia solutions today! Write your data to CD, DVD and Blu-ray Discs quickly and easily using FREE AVS ...
Search Query points:45 DEFRAGMENTER PRO 3.1 Does your screen saver interfere when you defrag your hard disks? Does 'Drive's content changed: restarting ...' sound familiar? Does 'Windows cannot defragment this drive because ...' sound familiar? Defragmenter Lite/Pro is a one-click solution for all these problems and ...
Search Query points:45 REGISTRY CLEANER CLICK AND FIX 3.3 Registry Cleaner Click And Fix will thoroughly scan your PC for known problems! With Registry Cleaner Click And Fix you can safely clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! Problems with the Windows registry are ...
Search Query points:45 DVD-CLONER IV PLATINUM 6.8 DVD-Cloner IV Platinum is software that makes high-quality 1:1 DVD backup copies with the ability to decode CSS encryptions and regional codes completely. The program supports custom copies by enabling users to select their favorite chapters, subtitles and audio options. ...
Search Query points:45 CSS DVD-CLONER IV 7.1 DVD-Cloner IV Platinum is software that makes high-quality 1:1 DVD backup copies with the ability to decode CSS encryptions and regional codes completely. The program supports custom copies by enabling users to select their favorite chapters, subtitles and audio options. ...
Search Query points:45 ABEXO DEFRAGMENTER PRO PLUS 4.0 Does your screen saver interfere when you defrag your hard disks? Does "Drives content changed: restarting ..." sound familiar? Does "Windows cannot defragment this drive because ..." sound familiar? Defragmenter Lite/Pro is a one-click solution for all these problems and ...
Search Query points:45 DVD-CLONER IV PRO 7.1 DVD-Cloner IV Platinum is software that makes high-quality 1:1 DVD backup copies with the ability to decode CSS encryptions and regional codes completely. The program supports custom copies by enabling users to select their favorite chapters, subtitles and audio options. ...
Search Query points:45 DEFRAGMENTER LITE 4.0 Does your screen saver interfere when you defrag your hard disks? Does 'Drive's content changed: restarting ...' sound familiar? Does 'Windows cannot defragment this drive because ...' sound familiar? Defragmenter Lite/Pro is a one-click solution for all these problems and ...
Search Query points:45 DEFRAGMENTER LITE PLUS 3.1 Does defragmenting your hard disk take too long time? Does "Drive's content changed: restarting ..." sound familiar? Does "Windows cannot defragment this drive because ..." sound familiar? Did you know that pagefile (swapfile), besides slowing down the defrag process, is ...
Search Query points:45 DEFRAGMENTER PRO PLUS 3.1 Does defragmenting your hard disk take too long time? Does "Drive's content changed: restarting ..." sound familiar? Does "Windows cannot defragment this drive because ..." sound familiar? Did you know that pagefile (swapfile), besides slowing down the defrag process, is ...
Search Query points:35 DISKEEPER PROFESSIONAL EDITION FOR 64 BIT 10.0 No matter how powerful your PC is, fragmentation will slow it down—it's just a matter of time. In fact, the harder your system works, the faster fragmentation builds up. Manual, single-pass defragmenters simply can’t keep up—in order to maintain performance; ...
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