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Search Query points:87 REASOFT PDF PRINTER 2 This is a PDF printer driver that can be used for a one-click PDF creation without Acrobat. Using ReaSoft PDF Printer you can create high-quality PDF documents without high costs. ReaSoft PDF Printer installs as a virtual printer on ...
Search Query points:77 E-PDF CONVERTER AND CREATOR PRINTER 2.1 e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer is a PDF printer driver that can be used to create high-quality and searchable PDF files from any Windows application. e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer installs itself as a virtual Printer. This enables any Windows ...
Search Query points:77 EASY WAY TO CREATE EBOOKS USING C++ 2.0 Would you like to know how, step-by-step, to create your own eBook using Visual C++? Would you like to know how to write a real world Visual C++ application: from initial concept to implementation? Are you looking for ...
Search Query points:77 STAR ENVELOPE PRINTER PRO 4.01 This application makes printing your Envelopes just so easy. Give your envelopes that professional result. It saves all your different mailing and return addresses so you do not have to re-key these every time which makes your life so much ...
Search Query points:77 EASY WAY TO CREATE EBOOKS USING C++ 2.0 Would you like to know how, step-by-step, to create your own eBook using Visual C++? Would you like to know how to write a real world Visual C++ application: from initial concept to implementation? Are you looking for ...
Search Query points:72 QUICKHELP WINDOWS 2.0.5 QuickHelp is a help authoring and deployment tool. QuickHelp consists of a Builder edition for creating, formatting and linking help topics and a Viewer edition for deploying them to end-users. The help information resides in an XML file distributed ...
Search Query points:67 QUICKUML WINDOWS 2.0.1 QuickUML is a software design tool that tightly integrates a core set of UML models with code generation for several languages. An entire project is presented through a tabbed window that includes use cases, class models, object models, dictionary ...
Search Query points:67 TOTOCALCULATOR 2 FOR WINDOWS 2.11 TotoCalculator 2 improves your chances to win on the soccer betting games Toto, Lotofoot, TotoCalcio... The application calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines ...
Search Query points:67 WINDOWS SUPERVISOR 1.07 Windows Supervisor is administrative software to monitor and record your computer's activity in real time. Windows Supervisor will help to control how your computer is being used at home or in the office and is perfect for monitoring children and ...
Search Query points:67 ADVANCED DIRECTORY PRINTER 1.15 Advanced Directory Printer is a Windows based application designed to print or export a list of directories, sudirectories and files. Information fields include file name, type, extension, size, creation time/date,last access date, last write time/date and file attributes -- and ...
Search Query points:67 ADVANCED DIRECTORY PRINTER 1.20 Advanced Directory Printer is a Windows based application designed to print or export a list of directories, sudirectories and files. Information fields include file name, type, extension, size, creation time/date,last access date, last write time/date and file attributes -- and ...
Search Query points:67 ALAGUS PRINTER INSTALLER 1.0 Alagus Printer Installer (API) is a free tool for remote installing/uninstalling network printers. Runs in Microsoft Widows Networks. The program is determined to help the system administrators. The API s main function is to make the process of installing and ...
Search Query points:67 EMS MYSQL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL FOR WINDOWS 3.4 EMS MySQL Manager is a powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development. MySQL Manager works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.06 and supports all of the latest MySQL features including views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB ...
Search Query points:67 FOR WINDOWS HELP DESIGNER/HTMLHELP 3.8.7 Visage for Windows® Help Designer/HTML Edition is a specialized WYSIWYG environment for quickly and easily creating Microsoft HTML Help systems. With WHD for Microsoft HTML Help, you do not need to know anything about HTML Help to easily create Help ...
Search Query points:67 CREATE RINGTONE 4.8 There are millions of MP3, WMA and WAV files available for download from the Internet today. Unfortunately, using them in your cellular phone as ringtones is problematic. Audio files have to be cropped and encoded with a lower sample rate ...
Search Query points:67 PHOTOSTORY - CREATE YOUR OWN STORY 1.2 PhotoStory® - Create your own story PhotoStory is a digital photo organizer that allows you to organize your photos, sort them, classify and describe them using full formatted text and OLE objects, filter them by date, keywords and more. ...
Search Query points:67 SMS CREATE PRO 5.7.1 SMS Create Pro is a tool for sending text messages from a PC to mobile phones using Email service. Also, it is usefull in a case when sending text messages to a group of mobile phones. You can create your ...
Search Query points:67 CREATE MULTIPLE FOLDERS SOFTWARE 7.0 Quickly make multiple subfolders within a folder. You specify how many folders to create and each folder is automatically created with a distinguishing number (counter) attached to it to unique. ...
Search Query points:67 FACIAL STUDIO FOR WINDOWS 1.0 Facial Studio is the ultimate new software which gives you more than 500 controls over the head creation process and much more. Finally the award winning suite of plug-ins will be available in a stand alone Windows version. Offering new ...
Search Query points:67 CREATE RINGTONE 4.5 There are millions of MP3, WMA and WAV files available for download from the Internet today. Unfortunately, using them in your cellular phone as ringtones is problematic. Audio files have to be cropped and encoded with a lower sample rate ...
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