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Search Query points:122 BEST MASS MAILER 9.72 Communicate with customers using the best mass mailer and your mailing lists. Manage mailing lists, create email messages and send them over the Internet as well as maintain a number of separate mailing lists for different audiences and needs. Message ...
Search Query points:117 MASS MAILER 2.21 Mass Mailer gives you the features you need to quickly create and maintain a successful Internet marketing campaign. Mass Mailer is designed to broadcast bulk e-mail html and text messages quickly and easily to key contact groups and customers important ...
Search Query points:107 1ST MASS MAILER 3.11 1st Mass Mailer is a very fast mass mailer with a lot of useful features. This bulk email program is intended for sending personalized email messages to mailing lists of respondents. 1st Mass Mailer is used by many internet professionals ...
Search Query points:92 FOLLOWUP MAILER 1.0.5 Followup Mailer is an automated system that instantly emails information to your potential customers. In addition it can automatically followup with them over the coming days, weeks, and months. You can send one or more messages at preset time intervals. ...
Search Query points:92 RESPONSE MAILER - EMAIL AUTO RESPONDER 3 Response Mailer is an automated system that instantly emails information to your customers and prospects. It can automatically reply to your e-mail messages with a prewritten response and add information to a prospect database for use in your subscription email ...
Search Query points:85 RICH MAILER 2.1 Maintain subscribal mailing lists and broadcast personalized email messages with Rich mailer. Easy and fast subscription based email mass mailer. This mass mailer is handy for various internet professionals and on-line store owners to notify their customers of significant events ...
Search Query points:77 MASS TEXT REPLACER 1.3.2 Mass Text Replacer (MTR) is a software program that lets you search for a particular word or phrase and replace it with another one. The advantage of MTR is that it works over several files at the same time. In ...
Search Query points:77 SUBSCRIPTION MAILER 1.0 There are are few useful mail list manager amd maling software on the market, however after you send mesage you don't have enough information if it was really read or not. How to check efficiency of mailing? We offer unique ...
Search Query points:77 QUICKUML WINDOWS 2.0.1 QuickUML is a software design tool that tightly integrates a core set of UML models with code generation for several languages. An entire project is presented through a tabbed window that includes use cases, class models, object models, dictionary ...
Search Query points:77 MASS TEXT REPLACER 1.0 Mass Text Replacer (MTR) is a software program that lets you search for a particular word or phrase and replace it with another one. The advantage of MTR is that it works over several files at the same time. In ...
Search Query points:77 ROBOMAIL MASS MAIL SOFTWARE 1.8.2 RoboMail has a built-in e-mail server which can send out e-mail without using ISP's server.You can prepare personalized e-mail easily. You can send newsletter, product release, promotion to customers easily and stands out from tons of junk mails. Enjoy email ...
Search Query points:77 SHARKPOINT V1 DUALPACK FOR PALM & WINDOWS SharkPoint is an inexpensive, easy to use, and full-featured diver's logbook for Palm & Windows. Designed for recreational divers the SharkPoint interface won't bother you with endless options and difficult to use features. You can enter as much information or ...
Search Query points:77 FOR WINDOWS HELP DESIGNER/WINHELP 3.1 Visagesoft for Windows® Help Designer is a stand alone and true WYSIWYG Windows help authoring tool. It provides all the basic features of a Help authoring software, including the ability to work with topics, set the browse order of topics, ...
Search Query points:77 CUSTOM MAILER 3.1 The Database Manager, Mailing Manager and Data Withdrawal Manager will become a complete assistant in your internet-business. In the personalized letters and personalized subjects it is possible to insert not only data from a database, but also calculated fields of ...
Search Query points:77 TOTOCALCULATOR 2 FOR WINDOWS 2.11 TotoCalculator 2 improves your chances to win on the soccer betting games Toto, Lotofoot, TotoCalcio... The application calculates the optimal distribution of the tips on your tickets by supplying lines that have - each line compared with all other lines ...
Search Query points:77 SHARKPOINT V1 FOR WINDOWS SharkPoint for Windows is an inexpensive, easy to use, and full-featured diver's logbook. Designed for recreational divers the SharkPoint interface won't bother you with endless options and difficult to use features. You can enter as much information or as little ...
Search Query points:77 ULTIMATE STARTUP MANAGER FOR WINDOWS 1.0 Take total control over your Windows startup. Make your Windows start and work faster, more stable. Manage all auto-start programs, create profiles to choose from during startup. Extra anti-virus protection. Turbo Mode to get the best performance of your computer ...
Search Query points:75 COMPARATOR FAST FOR WINDOWS Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows ...
Search Query points:70 NAVIGATION ICON SET 2.0 Your products will look more modern and attractive with Navigation Icon Set. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256. This icon set includes direction icons: left, right, top, bottom, up, ...
Search Query points:69 EMS MYSQL MANAGER PROFESSIONAL FOR WINDOWS 3.4 EMS MySQL Manager is a powerful tool for MySQL Database Server administration and development. MySQL Manager works with any MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.06 and supports all of the latest MySQL features including views, stored procedures and functions, InnoDB ...
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