Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 10298 funded different hide files with delphi programme programs. You can simply download any of hide files with delphi me soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 HIDE SECRET FILES 2.01 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:80 HIDE SECRET FILES 1.02 Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequalled data hiding method. As a result of many years research within our company, this product hides and safely protects from erasure your private information. Would you ...
Search Query points:80 HIDE MY FILES 1.0.2 Hide My Files is an easy to use file security utility that protects files and folders from unauthorized use. Hide My Files is a simple file and folder security application that provides an easy to use interface that allows you ...
Search Query points:80 HIDE FILES & FOLDERS 2.51 Hide Files & Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:80 HIDE FILES & FOLDERS - Hide Files & Folders is a an easy-to-use password-protected security utility you can use to password-protect certain files and folders, or to hide them from viewing and searching. Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE FOLDERS XP 2.7 Every day we trust our personal files to a computer. If you share your computer with other people or your computer is always connected to the Internet, your private files are under threat of being disclosed. This folder hiding and ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE FOLDER HIBIT LOCK 2 (1)-Protect any folder or file by : Hide, Lock, Encrypt or make a folder as a recycle Bin. (2)-The protected folders or files still protected even in other computers. (3)-The protect Operation just take 1 second at any computer. (4)-You ...
Search Query points:60 DELPHI PROJGENIE II PRO 2.1 Project Genie prints all the Units for any Project, incl. Forms, *.DFM files & any included database table structure(s). The mission of ProjGenie II Pro is to automate documentation of a Project's entire source code. Demo version is limited to ...
Search Query points:60 RICHVIEW FOR DELPHI AND C++BUILDER 1.9.8 RichView is a suite of native Delphi/C++Builder components for displaying, editing and printing hypertext documents. Documents can contain text with various character attributes, tables, pictures, any Delphi controls. Left, right, center or justify alignments of paragraphs, custom margins and indents, ...
Search Query points:60 SMEXPORT SUITE FOR DELPHI/CBUILDER 4.77 SMExport for Delphi/CBuilder is a component suite for data export from TDBGrid/TDataSet (with BDE or without) into: - XLS (Excel spreadsheet without OLE) - MS Excel (using OLE) - MS Word (using OLE) - MS Access (using DAO 3.5 or ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE FOLDERS XP 2.4 Every day we trust our personal files to a computer. If you share your computer with other people or your computer is always connected to the Internet, your private files are under threat of being disclosed. This folder hiding and ...
Search Query points:60 FTP CLIENT ENGINE FOR DELPHI 2.6 MarshallSoft Delphi FTP component library provides direct control of the FTP client protocol from a Delphi application program. Transfer files; upload, delete, list, append files. Supports wildcards. Supports many proxy servers, multiple concurrent FTP sessions and passive mode. Create and ...
Search Query points:60 HIDE MY FOLDERS ACTIVEX 2.0 Your application files and folders hidden with Hide My Folders ActiveX cannot be accessed, searched for, viewed or deleted, therefore no one will know that they exist. Using Hide My Folders ActiveX methods and properties you could easily implement advanced ...
Search Query points:50 RENAME FILES MASTER 1.0 Rename Files Master gives you a quick way to rename as many files as you want, thousands of files, in just seconds!Features:Change the file name Change the file extension Auto-Incrementing Pad File Names with Zeros so that the names sort ...
Search Query points:50 TASKTRACKER™ - KEEP YOUR FILES AT YOUR FINGERTIPS™ 1.1 TaskTracker™ takes the Windows® Explorer and turns it inside out. Say goodbye to tedious searches for files in Windows' convoluted file system. Now you can get to the files you want to work with - and open, copy, rename, or ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL FOR DBF - REPAIR CORRUPTED DBF FILES 5.01 Kernel for DBF - corrupted database recovery software supports Microsoft Visual FoxPro (.dbf) databases. Kernel for DBF - recovers corrupted DBF database files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown, virus attacks or error reading media where documents are stored. Kernel ...
Search Query points:50 PURGE (CONFIDENTIAL FILES ERASER) 1.04 Purge is a program that allows you to delete files from your computer the way, it won't be possible to recover them using any file recovering software or even by giving your harddrive to the professional company that specialize in ...
Search Query points:50 EF DUPLICATE FILES MANAGER 3.30 EF Duplicate Files Manager could find out duplicate files with same name, same size, same content on specify paths. Handle optional like folders the 7zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, PRM, SFX, SQX, ...
Search Query points:50 DELPHI CODE LIBRARY Delphi Code Library is a powerful multi-language source code Library with the following benefits: 1. Built-in library with 10,000+ lines of code 2. Quick and powerful search engine 3. Powerful printing capability 4. Password protection & strong 448 bits encryption (optional) 5. User notes ...
Search Query points:50 KERNEL FOR DBF - REPAIR CORRUPTED DBF FILES 4.03 Kernel for DBF - corrupted database recovery software supports Microsoft Visual FoxPro (.dbf) databases. Kernel for DBF - recovers corrupted DBF database files corrupted due to unexpected system shutdown, virus attacks or error reading media where documents are stored. Kernel ...
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