Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 787 funded different hi fi wav recording programs. You can simply download any of hi fi wav recording soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 WAV RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The WAV audio recording applet SDK is designed to create the web audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in WAV format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via ...
Search Query points:50 MIDI TO WAV RENDERER 1.5 MIDI to WAV Renderer enables fast and effective converting of files. The program is easy in use and works quickly and smoothly. Unique to this software is its ability to create pure WAV files with no foreign sound. It can ...
Search Query points:50 MIDI TO WAV 1.0. MIDI to WAV Converter includes several MIDI tools in one. MIDI to WAV recording feature lets you easely convert MIDI files to WAV format. The program also features the built-in sequencer engine. That allows to playback MIDI directly in the ...
Search Query points:50 MP3 WAV STUDIO 5.94.60622 MP3 WAV Studio is an all-in-one solution for burning, ripping and playing of audio files. In addition, the program can also create, encode, decode and convert between MP3 and other formats. Additional features include jitter-correction for ripping of scratched CDs, ...
Search Query points:50 MOBILE RINGTONE CONVERTER - MP3,OGG,AMR,MMF,WAV 2.3.5 Mobile Ringtone Converter can convert / record / mix audio to Moblie Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF ,AMRWB, WAV. Key Features: 1. Convert audio to Mobile Ringtone as MP3, OGG, AMR, MMF, AMRWB, WAV. 2. Can import ...
Search Query points:40 HIFI WMA WAV CONVERTER 1.00 HiFi WMA WAV Converter supports convert between WMA and WAV files. it directly converts audio format WMA, WAV from one format to another with high quality, without no temp file included. it digitally converts the audio files - not through ...
Search Query points:40 HIFI WAV RECORDER JOINER 1.02 HiFi WAV Reocrder Joiner- is a All-in-one wav recorder, wav joiner, ID3-Editor and audio player software.With it you can makes high-quality recordings directly from your sound card.record your own voice by microphone and the audio from your computer( played ...
Search Query points:40 HIFI MP3 WAV CONVERTER 1.10 HiFi MP3 WAV Converter supports convert between MP3 and WAV files. it directly converts audio format MP3, WAV from one format to another with high quality, without no temp file included. it digitally converts the audio files - not through ...
Search Query points:40 WAV SPLITTER JOINER 1.10 HiFi WAV Splitter Joiner is an easy-using digital audio editor. It builds WAV cutter and WAV joiner in one software. supporting batch WAV files splitter and joiner into one. It can extract the best parts of various audio files. It ...
Search Query points:40 RM WAV CONVERTER 1.00 RM WAV Converter supports batch conversion between RM, RMVB, WAV files. It converts the audio files digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. It's capable of Converting RM and RMVB file to WAV. Converting ...
Search Query points:40 WAV COMBINER 1.0 Wav Combiner can join wav or wave files into one large wav file. No matter what input wav formats are, such as different sample frequency, channels or bits per sample, Wav Combiner can merge or join them to one wav ...
Search Query points:40 WAV MP3 CONVERTER 130 WAV MP3 Converter supports converting batches of audio formats MP3 WAV WMA and OGG from one to another directly on-the-fly and sopports Normaolizing. It can support MP3 files to WAV files for burning on an audio CD. It converts WAV ...
Search Query points:40 CD TO MP3 WAV MAKER 2.00 CD to MP3 WAV Maker is an extremely easy and fast-speed tool to convert your audio CD to MP3, RM, WAV, WMA and OGG files. It copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of ...
Search Query points:40 HIFI WAV OGG CONVERTER 1.10 HiFi WAV OGG Converter supports convert between WAV and OGG files. it directly converts audio format WAV, OGG from one format to another with high quality, without no temp file included. it digitally converts the audio files - not through ...
Search Query points:40 GO MP3 WAV CONVERTER 2.13 The MP3 WAV Converter is an excellent MP3 converter with friendly interface and lots of useful features. The MP3 WAV converter can convert mp3 to wav, mp3 to ogg, it also can convert wav to mp3, ogg to mp3, etc. ...
Search Query points:40 HIFI WAV SPLITTER JOINER 1.10 HiFi WAV Splitter Joiner is an easy-using digital audio editor. It builds WAV cutter and WAV joiner in one software. supporting batch WAV files splitter and joiner into one. It can extract the best parts of various audio files. It ...
Search Query points:40 MP3 WAV CONVERTER 4.39 MP3 WAV Converter is the ideal all-in-one tool for converting batches of MP3 into WAV for CD burning. ...
Search Query points:40 PHONE SPY TELEPHONE RECORDING SYSTEM 8.2 automatically record incoming & outgoing telephone calls using sound card; caller ID detection via the same sound card; DTMF keys detection; Auto Gain control; 6 sound cards/12 telephone lines supported; perfect hidding mode. ...
Search Query points:40 XILISOFT MP3 WAV CONVERTER 4.39 Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter is an excellent audio encoder with easy-to-use interface and perfect output quality ...
Search Query points:40 MP3 RECORDING APPLET SDK 1.2 The MP3 audio recording applet SDK is designed to create MP3 audio recorder on the web site. It allows to record the audio in MP3 format from the web site and upload audio file to the web server via HTTP. ...
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