Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7647 funded different Hdd replacement in Raid 5 programs. You can simply download any of Hdd replacement in Raid 5 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:57 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE-QR FOR RAID 5 1.09 Quick Recovery RAID 5 is a do-it- yourself, non-destructive, simple and easy to use Raid data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA drives, long file name, having multi-disk and multi-lingual support, simulates previously existing partitions and is read-only ...
Search Query points:57 QUICK RECOVERY FOR RAID 5 - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 1.09 Quick Recovery RAID 5 is a do-it- yourself, non-destructive, simple and easy to use Raid data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA drives, long file name, having multi-disk and multi-lingual support, simulates previously existing partitions and is read-only ...
Search Query points:55 QUICK RECOVERY FOR RAID 0 - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 1.09 Quick Recovery RAID 0 is a do-it- yourself, non-destructive, simple and easy to use Raid data recovery software, supports IDE, EIDE, SCSI , SATA drives, long file name, having multi-disk and multi-lingual support, simulates previously existing partitions and is read-only ...
Search Query points:45 HDD TEMPERATURE SCSI 1.0 HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your IDE and SCSI hard-drives from getting overheated. Using S.M.A.R.T. technology included in all modern HDDs, HDD Temperature checks and monitors the temperature of your drives; you can also set the maximum ...
Search Query points:45 HDD TEMPERATURE PRO 1.3 HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Using S.M.A.R.T. technology included in all modern HDDs, HDD Temperature checks and monitors the temperature of your hard drives; you can also set the maximum value of ...
Search Query points:45 HDD TEMPERATURE 1.4 HDD Temperature is monitoring software that protects your hard-drives from getting overheated. Using S.M.A.R.T. technology included in all modern HDDs, HDD Temperature checks and monitors the temperature of your hard drives; you can also set the maximum value of ...
Search Query points:45 FLOBO HDD BAD SECTOR REPAIR 1.5 performs repairing of the bad sectors of Hard Disk Drives regenerating HDD surface. This is not a CHKDSK or ScanDisk like utility! It does not mark the bad sectors in the file system and hidden them! It regenerates magnetic surface! ...
Search Query points:40 HDD REGENERATOR 1.51 HDD Regenerator uses technology developed by Dmitriy Primochenko. This technology is hardware independent, it supports many types of hard drives and repairs damage that even low-level disk formatting cannot repair. As a result, previously unreadable information is restored. Because of ...
Search Query points:17 A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE-QR FOR DATABASE 12.01 QR for Dbase is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having all versions of DBF (Data Base File) FoxBase, ...
Search Query points:17 QUICK RECOVERY FOR DATABASE - A DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE 12.01 Quick Recovery Dbase is a non-destructive, simple and easy to use data recovery software, supports all types of media viz. EIDE, IDE/ATA, WDC, SCSI, iSCSI, SATA, PATA, Micro Drives, DigitalMedia, etc., having all versions of DBF (Data Base File) FoxBase, ...
Search Query points:17 AS HDGET WIN32 DLL 2.1 Get IDE HDD model, serial and revision number for all IDE drives in a system.WIN32 DLL and static library in one package.Not WMI, only windows API.Very small and fast. No need for administrative rights.Just one function call to remember.Use it ...
Search Query points:17 RQ SEARCH AND REPLACE 1.71 Search and replace text in files - batch text replacement software utility for Windows. Batch search and replace in MS Word documents and RTF files. (MSWord 2000 or later must be installed) Batch search and replace in folder and subfolders. ...
Search Query points:17 GOWITHME If there is no bundled launchpad tool in your USB disk or USB hard disk, or the bundled tool is not quite handy, then you should try GoWithMe. GoWithMe integrates all desired features of USB drive user, which including launchpad, ...
Search Query points:17 POSTGRESDAC 2.3.5 PostgresDAC is PostgreSQL BDE replacement for Delphi 4-6 and BCB 5. It allows to create Delphi/BCB5 applications with the direct access to PostgreSQL DB without BDE and ODBC. Migration friendly Interface of PostgresDAC is BDE-like and TDataSet ...
Search Query points:17 POSTGRESDAC 2.3 PostgresDAC is PostgreSQL BDE replacement for Delphi 4-6 and BCB 5. It allows to create Delphi/BCB5 applications with the direct access to PostgreSQL DB without BDE and ODBC. Migration friendly Interface of PostgresDAC is BDE-like and TDataSet ...
Search Query points:17 RQ SEARCH AND REPLACE 1.59 The program RQ Search and Replace is used to search and replace multiple text fragments in several files . The fragments (objects) are: 1. Text (multistring) bloks 2. Text strings 3. Whole words 4. "Enclosed" blocks 5. HTML tags ...
Search Query points:17 WINDOWS NTFS PARTITION RECOVERY Windows deleted NTFS 5 partition hard drive volume data files recovery software recover restore NT 2000 2003 operating system volume files folders. Tool Unerase unformat undelete harddisk MFT master file table, MBR master boot record and root directory information. Utility ...
Search Query points:15 WIREKEYS 2.5 Hotkey manager that helps you to work in Windows. Hot key oriented with extensive tray menu support. The real "One for all" application. Some features: Additional clipboards, Screenshot helper, task manager. Can minimize any application to tray and more. Every ...
Search Query points:15 TRACEROUTE 1.0 A nice FREE graphic replacement for the standard TRACEROUTE utility. Please enter the URL or IP address of the site of your interest in the program's edit field and click the START button. The program will show you IP packets ...
Search Query points:15 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS WORD 1.6 Batch Replacer for MS Word is an utility which helps to make a multi-replacement operations in MS Word files with the help of the MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open ...
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