Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 1206 funded different google bar desktop programs. You can simply download any of google bar desktop soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:120 GOOGLE DESKTOP SEARCH BAR 1.0 The new generation of search bars are here. It is NOT a taskbar. It is NOT a Internet Explorer toolbar. These kind of bars most of the time just use space that could be useful. This software will allow you ...
Search Query points:80 NEWS DESKTOP SCROLLING BAR (RSS--XML) 2.0 With News Desktop Scrolling Bar, get Worlds latest TV news right on your desktop, including top stories, sports, games, world news, health, technology, business, and science. See titles on your desktop with a very small text scrolling bar at the ...
Search Query points:50 ACTIVE DESKTOP CALENDAR 6.6 Fully customizable calendar with notes/appointments, tasks, alarms and contacts. It features integration and interactivity with a desktop wallpaper, shares calendar layers in a local network and displays data from Outlook and Google calendars ...
Search Query points:50 WIKIPEDIA SEARCH BAR 1.0 Wikipedia Search Bar is a small toolbar integrated in Internet Explorer. Created to simplify the search in Wikipedia and in Google, this tools is a perfect add on for every Wikipedia's fan. Search in Wikipedia from anywhere, at any time. ...
Search Query points:50 HOLIDAY DESKTOP 1.0 This program will change your title bars, Start bar, menus, add a cheery calendar, change your Windows icons, and change your wallpaper to a nice holiday theme. And when you're done, with a few clicks your entire desktop can be ...
Search Query points:50 DATASHAKE DESKTOP 1.0 Datashake is a desktop search interface solution that plugs into any existing desktop search software (e.g. X1-Yahoo, Google Desktop, MSN desktop tool-bar) and transforms the searching experience into a lightning fast visual process. Datashake's interface application will significantly change your ...
Search Query points:50 IMAGE TO PDF DESKTOP APPLICATION 1.3 The Image to PDF Desktop Application is a simple Windows utility that will convert one or more images into a PDF document. The conversion process is controlled through an easy to use and intuitive interface (split up into ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED DESKTOP SHIELD - Advanced Desktop Shield - protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons, changing display settings and so on. Backup, restore and manage desktop layouts, which include desktop files and ...
Search Query points:40 PUBLIC PC DESKTOP - Setup an Internet kiosk or a public access PC; disable access to vital files and allow only necessary applications to be run including Internet Explorer. Lock access to the desktop using username and password authentication, time-locked code (allows users to ...
Search Query points:40 1ST DESKTOP GUARD - Tired to lose your desktop icons and get them rearranged? Tired to roll back your desktop wallpaper and screen saver after other users you share your PC with? Want to secure your public access computers? 1st Desktop Guard lets you ...
Search Query points:40 WINDOWS DESKTOP RANDOMIZER 2.2.0 The Windows Desktop Randomizer will transform your desktop wallpaper and screen saver into a personal slideshow of your family and friends, your wedding and travels, or any other digital images you may have on your PC. It is ...
Search Query points:40 ENT SERVER (DESKTOP EDITION) 1.1.8 Take control of the hardware and software on your networks, ensure software license compliance, and provide better support to your end users. Enterprise Server is provides core functionality and services, for a variety of tightly integrated modules, that ...
Search Query points:40 DISKMETA LITE - FREE DESKTOP SEARCH ENGINE 1.0 diskMETA-Lite is a free version of diskMETA hard disk search engine. This version has all features of the commercial versions but some of them are limited: unlimited number of indexes can be created supports only the three document ...
Search Query points:40 EASY DESKTOP KEEPER - Easy Desktop Keeper lets you save, restore, manage and lock desktop layout that includes files and folders located on the desktop, placement of desktop icons, desired wallpaper and screen saver. If you choose to lock desktop layout, every time you ...
Search Query points:40 ADVANCED DESKTOP SHIELD 1.81 Advanced Desktop Shield - protect public access PCs, stop users from changing desktop wallpaper and screen saver, deleting, creating and renaming desktop icons, changing display settings and so on. Backup, restore and manage desktop layouts, which include desktop files and ...
Search Query points:40 ALTOOLS VALENTINES DAY DESKTOP WALLPAPER 2005 Have a Happy St. Valentine's Day with 3 new free Valentine's Day desktop wallpapers from ALTools. If Cupid hasn't already gotten you, download your free Egghead Valentine's Day desktop wallpapers to get some egg-cellent advice from the Eggheads. ...
Search Query points:40 DESKTOP CLOCK VALENTINE'S EDITION 2.3.0 Desktop Clock is a digital desktop clock that displays time, date and calendar. It is built into your computer and is completely customizable to your tastes. Desktop Clock can be used for deenergizing the computer in given time. It supports different skins, ...
Search Query points:40 LBE DESKTOP HELPDESK 4.0.162 Easy to use helpdesk software,sensibly priced to suit all businesses. No extensive training required. Easily configured to reflect the way that you work. Uses e-mail to keep everyone informed. Maintains a complete audit trail of all actions. Extensive reports supplied. ...
Search Query points:40 MOJO DESKTOP SIDEKICK 1.1 Operate your machine with a click-thru pet Gecko by drawing symbols with a mouse. Mojo is a floating click-through character and clock, using a patented interaction technology called Watermark Charm interaction developed at Lancaster University. Mojo features JuJu the virtual ...
Search Query points:40 1ST DESKTOP GUARD 1.82 Tired to lose your desktop icons and get them rearranged? Tired to roll back your desktop wallpaper and screen saver after other users you share your PC with? Want to secure your public access computers? 1st Desktop Guard lets you ...
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