Softfreedownload showing you best 11 of 11 funded different geodata Russia programs. You can simply download any of geodata Russia soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 TSAREVNA - A MEDIEVAL RUSSIA QUEST 7.03 A classic adventure game set in medieval Russia. You control a modern American and your quest is to win the hand in marriage of a beautiful Russian princess. Colorful Russian-style graphics and funny plot will not let you get bored. ...
Search Query points:20 GEO DATA EUROPE AND INTERNATIONAL 1.01 Geodata of the European and International countries with municipalities and postal codes. Georeferences as UTM- and geographic coordinates (WGS84, ETRS89). Suitable for branch searches, periphery searches and distance computations. These countries are available: Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Canada, ...
Search Query points:10 FUNNY FISH 11.08 You're here. tourism. fishing tours. For the fishing trip, a Fisheries Conservancy Board rod license for game or coarse fishing. Tourism Fishing Holidays Find it Russian web sites Fun fishing trips and tours salmon and sea trout holidays in northwest ...
Search Query points:10 BUYLER EXPLORER Buyler - information retrieval trading system. It provides access to the electronic catalogue of the industrial commercial enterprises of Russia and the countries of the near abroad, gives a fine opportunity to publish contact data of the organizations, to create ...
Search Query points:10 SATELLITE TV FOR PC 2007 SATELLITE TV for PC Our Software Instantly Turns your Computer into a Super TV! Get over 3000 Stations for a small one-time fee. Once you have bought the software, you have nothing else to pay... ...
Search Query points:10 HOW TO SAY IT IN RUSSIAN 11.08 Just want to say that you have a very useful website to those who want to go to Russia and speak the Russian. Greeting People - Say Hello in Russian. Finally, you need to be able to ask how to ...
Search Query points:10 A WALK AROUND THE MOSCOW KREMLIN 1.0 A Walk Around the Moscow Kremlin. A tour including a panoramic walk and beautiful illustrations presenting the Kremlin's development: from a village to the museum. The Moscow Kremlin is on the UNESCO's list of the world cultural heritage. A multimedia ...
Search Query points:10 RUSSIAN FOUNTAINS SCREENSAVER 3.0 This screensaver shows magic images of fountains in Russia. These remarkable water buildings are located in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other big cities of Russia. Powerful streams, spatters and briliance of the water drops ... You just will enchants! This ...
Search Query points:10 PIC2MOBILE 3.1 Pic2mobile supports all image formats. It adjusts the image for the mobile and sends it to the phone via SMS. A direct hardware connection between the PC and the phone is not required. There is also no need to install ...
Search Query points:10 RUSSIAN FOOL FOR WINDOWS 3.02 Russian Fool (Durak) is Russia's most popular card game. It is easy to play, but has similar qualities to Hearts or Spades and is an extremely competitive game. Give it a try - but beware - you may become addicted!! ...
Search Query points:10 XTABLUT FOR POCKET PC 1.1 Play simple and addictive scandinavian game described by Carl von Linne (Linnaeus) in 1732. Tablut belongs to a group of games from North of Europe that represent battles between two unequal forces. In tablut the Black pieces ...
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