Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14680 funded different game with ball on computer windows 95 programs. You can simply download any of game with ball on computer windows 95 soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 STRIKE BALL 2 DELUXE 2.12 The brick-busting fun for which Alawar is famous is just the beginning in Strike Ball 2. The makers of this new Arkanoid game have improved the visuals and crafted some amazing 3D levels. Although the three-headed, fire-breathing dragon is sure ...
Search Query points:80 CRAWLER FUN BALL 4.1 Play ball on your desktop for FREE! With fun ball, enjoy playing ball right at your desktop and access the toolbar menu with a simple right-click on the ball. Toss it all around, it bounces right back. Comes ...
Search Query points:80 EASY MEMORY - THE MEMORY GAME 6.01 Easy MEMO is not only a memory game, it's the memory game of all time! Of course, like any concentration games, you have to find pairs of identical pictures. You can also play friends, the computer or even your ...
Search Query points:80 X-RAY BALL 1.21 XRay Ball is a highly addictive remake of an old arkanoid game with a lot of effects, bonuses, levels, etc. Your primary goal is to destroy all bricks on the level. Secondary - get the highest score in the score ...
Search Query points:80 THE NOKS GAME 3.0 Collect and trade live characters ('NOKs') from your computer! Get the NOKs in action-packed shooting battles, keep them on your desktop and trade them online with fellow collectors. Featuring 3 different battle arenas, 21 levels, online NOK Exchange Market, free ...
Search Query points:75 SERPENT BALL 2.0 Demolish all the bricks while destroying the deadly Serpents. Fifty graphical Levels with several different Bonuses to help you to succeed in this impressive arkanoid style game. This clever breakout clone adds features from a variety of games. Ingenious features ...
Search Query points:75 HAZARD BALL 1.0 Hazard Ball is a real-time arcade puzzle game for any age group. The game's objective is to guide the ball to the exit, but this is much harder than it sounds! You find your fate as a ...
Search Query points:75 BEAT BALL 2 1.0.3 Beat Ball 2 is the long awaited sequel to the popular Break-out / Arkanoid style game Beat Ball. This time the game is packed with 60 original levels and supports virtually unlimited number of levels that you can download off ...
Search Query points:75 CRASH BALL 1.0 A revolutionary new take on an old classic. Try this unique brick breaker featuring never-before seen obstacles. Warp portals that teleport your ball around the screen. Black holes that distort its path and even moving bricks for the ultimate target ...
Search Query points:75 GAME OVERLAY 1.0.4 Game Overlay helps get back some of the multi-tasking functionality lost when playing full-screen games. It allows you view and interact with windows outside the game, but without "Alt-Tabbing" and requiring the game to reinitialize its graphics. It does ...
Search Query points:75 RESTORE DRUM RHYTHM GAME 3 Restore rhythm ear training. Listen and repeat rhythm. Free online rhythm flash game. This educational games for children and adults can now learn rhythm the fun way! This is educational online software rhythm game. It is a true computer game ...
Search Query points:75 ACTION BALL DELUXE 1.1 Check out our new block-smashing game with a twist!Tons of power-ups and dynamic game play make Action Ball a must for arkanoid fans!Smash bricks and fight with robots that are trying to protect levels from intense destruction. ...
Search Query points:70 BILLIARD GAME 09.18 Billiard game. Eight ball In the United States, the most commonly played game is 8-ball. On the professional scene, 8-ball players who are on the International Pool Tour are the highest paid players in the world [citation needed]. In the ...
Search Query points:70 NIM LOGIC GAME 11.08 Nim logic game. It is a 2-player game, but you can play against the computer. The rule of the game is to take one or more pieces from one row on the board. Then, the other player goes, etc. The ...
Search Query points:70 MATH GAME - PUZZLE. 9.09.11 Math games and Puzzles. Math Games. Speed Math Deluxe - Use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve an equation as quickly as possible! Free educational elementary and preschool math games and online lessons. Free online math activities for kids. ...
Search Query points:70 CRAWLER FUN BALL 4.5 Play with Fun Ball on your desktop for FREE and access your toolbar menu with a right-click on the ball. Toss it all around, it bounces right back. Don't ever get bored again! Comes as a part of customizable ...
Search Query points:70 INNOVATOOLS WHATS ON MY COMPUTER 2.1 What's this program that you've just downloaded from the Internet? Is it a virus? Is it legitimate software? Is it safe? Where can you find more information about it, or about the company that produced it? What are other people ...
Search Query points:70 COMPUTER DIARY 2007 1.1 The simple diary system is based on data file called "Diary Cards" containing 366 days of the year, and it's parent software Azz Cardfile. This diary is different Saves time and keeps concentration, minimizing noise. There are ...
Search Query points:70 NETWORK CLIPBOARD FOR WINDOWS - 128bit Secure. - Clipboard Viewer: view your clipboards content, save images to BMP, JPG, GIF formats with several options, saves text content to file, send text content to keyboard to emulate keystrokes (i.e.: saves time when have to enter ...
Search Query points:70 COMPARATOR FAST FOR WINDOWS Comparator Fast is an application that simplifies the comparison / verification / synchronization status of two different directories on any media (local drives, network drives, writable CD's, Compact Flash and electronic media, any drive/disk or device managed as valid windows ...
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