Softfreedownload showing you best 22 of 22 funded different forwarding newspiper programs. You can simply download any of forwarding newspiper soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:40 NEWSPIPER 3.6.0 NewsPiper is an RSS feed reader, news aggregator, web grabber and news ticker in one. It allows you to monitor your favorite news sites (,, etc.), RSS feeds or blogs, retrieve necessary news and display it in the usual ...
Search Query points:10 PHONE RECORDER PLUS 1.0 Phone Recorder Plus Answering Machine: Phone Recorder Plus 1.0 is a software allows you recording many hours of phone calls and save them into professional log. also, Phone Recorder Plus supports with full answering machine features. general point: Automatically records ...
Search Query points:10 PC 2 ANSWERING MACHINE - PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2.0 'PC 2 Answering Machine 2.0 - Professional Edition' is a software designed for the personal computer which functions as an answering machine for home or office. General Points:Complete 'Answering machine' software, Professional calls log. Adding remarks, flags and priority for ...
Search Query points:10 CALLER ID EVENTS 1.0 Caller ID Events 1.0 is a software that will tell you who the caller is - by name, by number, by picture, by sound and even by voice. general point: Caller ID- Tapi or Comm based. Hear who's call ...
Search Query points:10 FOLLOWUPXPERT STANDARD 3.3 Simple autoresponder software. No banners and no monthly fees. Use it to create both simple "I'm out of office" kind of autoresponders to ones sending series of emails to your prospects at predefined times. Can also send newsletters and bulk ...
Search Query points:10 MAILMONITOR 1.6.3 MailMonitor is a program enabling you to monitor incoming and outgoing mail traffic to and from you mail server and clients. It tracks, displays and logs incoming and outgoing SMTP sessions, POP sessions and sent and received e-mails. It can ...
Search Query points:10 NOTES2 FOR OUTLOOK 1.00.073 Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook that allows you to create and stick Notes to Outlook e-mails, tasks, contacts, appointments and meetings like using Post-It™ notes. Auto-insert content of the linked note, when replying or forwarding e-mail. Customize notes with different colors ...
Search Query points:10 FAMILY CYBER ALERT 3.96 Are you concerned about your children?s online activities? Do you feel you should keep a closer eye on what they are doing in CyberSpace? The dangers that children face on the Internet are well documented, too often ...
Search Query points:10 LANTOUCHER INSTANT MESSENGER 1.33 LanToucher Instant Messenger is instant messaging software for your office or home LAN (Local Area Network) Being an efficient WinPopup and 'net send' command alternative, our full-featured instant messaging application offers you a much richer network communication environment, expanding ...
Search Query points:10 ANTRASOFT SECURE MESSENGER 2.15 AntraSOFT Secure Messenger is an independent email program which provides end-to-end security for highly confidential information communicated via electronic mail using security public & private 1024 bytes key (security certificate) and POP3/SMTP protocol. Generated encrypted emails are compatible with Microsoft ...
Search Query points:10 WEBMAIL RETRIEVER FOR MSN 2.0.2 With Webmail Retriever you can send and receive msn using any email program such as Outlook, Netscape Messenger, Eudora, or TheBat. Mail arrives in your inbox automatically just like regular email, and can be sorted into folders manually or using ...
Search Query points:10 XTREEME FOLLOWUPXPERT PROFESSIONAL EDITION 2.6 Using this application you can create autoresponders ranging from the simplest "I'm of office" ones to automatic sequential follow-up machines sending out messages to your prospects at predefined time intervals. Supports parsing of incoming emails (web forms support), personalization ("Dear ...
Search Query points:10 NETMAILBOT 5.0.1 NetMailBot is the most powerful command line email client for sending & receiving email. It runs from a DOS command prompt, which allows it to be easily called from other applications. Features include: HTML or plain message formatting, mail merge, ...
Search Query points:10 TURBO EMAIL ANSWER & AUTORESPONDER 2.0.1 Speeds up interactive email answering by smart text templates and also enables selective auto-responding and forwarding. Shifts answered emails to pre-defined folders. Puts reusable reply text snippets at your fingertips. Windows-wide hotkey access. Integrates with MS Outlook, Outlook Express, MAPI ...
Search Query points:10 LITEMAIL 2.6 LiteMail is an easy to use mail server that includes unlimited addresses, unlimited domains, forwarding, relaying, SMTP Authentication, a catch-all address and quotas. Integrated DynDNS and No-Ip dynamic DNS clients help make LiteMail a complete and convenient server solution. The ...
Search Query points:10 INTERNET SECURE TUNNELING Internet Secure Tunneling can forward otherwise insecure TCP traffic through encrypted SSH Secure Shell tunnel. You can secure for example DATABASE, POP3, SMTP and HTTP connections that would otherwise be insecure. The tunneling capability of SSH Secure Shell is ...
Search Query points:10 ZILAB REMOTE CONSOLE SERVER 3.2.9 Zilab Remote Console Server, as its name implies, is an advanced and convenient remote access server for Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT that works with console-based and DOS legacy applications. It runs as a regular network service for Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT and features multiple ...
Search Query points:10 REDIRECT FOR OUTLOOK 1.4 Redirect for MS Outlook give the opportunity to redirect messages instead of forwarding its: one more button, Redirect, will appear on the toolbar near the Reply and Forward buttons. Recipient of the redirected message will see it just as you ...
Search Query points:10 TURBO EMAIL ANSWER & AUTORESPONDER 2.0.1 Speeds up interactive email answering by smart text templates and also enables selective auto-responding and forwarding. Shifts answered emails to pre-defined folders. Puts reusable reply text snippets at your fingertips. Windows-wide hotkey access. Integrates with MS Outlook, Outlook Express, MAPI ...
Search Query points:10 MAILSCAN 4 FOR SMTP SERVERS 4.5A MailScan 4 for SMTP Servers is for customers using Linux, Unix, Novell or other non-Windows platforms on their e-mail Server. MailScan for SMTP Servers works on a Windows machine and acts like a Security Gateway between your Mail Server and ...
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