Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 2733 funded different Folder Marker 1.0 review programs. You can simply download any of Folder Marker 1.0 review soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:85 FOLDER MARKER 1.0 This utility lets you mark folders by priority (high, normal, low), level of project completeness (done, half-done, planned) and type of information stored in them (work, important, temp and private files). With Folder Marker folder icons can be changed ...
Search Query points:80 FOLDER MARKER 1.3 Folder Marker is a handy shell extension that enables you to quickly change folder icons to indicate a priority level or project status (high, low, done, half-done, planned etc.), or you can use it to mark a folder with a ...
Search Query points:45 FOLDER CRYPTO PASSWORD 2.0 Worried about the safety of your data? With Folder Crypto Password, you can encrypt and password-protect your folders so no one can access them. This tool provides 10 encryption algorithms to choose from. You can also create sfx (self-extracting and ...
Search Query points:45 EASY FILE AND FOLDER WATCHER 1.0 This software make it easy to watch all file and folder activity on your local (or network) computer, for security or file management. ...
Search Query points:45 FOLDER LOCK / LOCK FOLDER 1.0 a great software tool to lock your private data and files to prevent others from seeing your private files ...
Search Query points:45 MAX FOLDER SECURE 1.0 Folder Secure is a security tool that lets you lock/hide your files, folders with your personal password. Locking your files, folders is the best way to guarantee that nobody, whether accidentally or intentionally, gets access to your financial, health, private ...
Search Query points:45 PROTECT FILE / PROTECT FOLDER 1.0 a great software tool to protect your files and protect your folders to prevent others from seeing your private files ...
Search Query points:40 (HIDDEN)TRAY FOLDER 2.05 (Hidden)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "Application Data" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal files and folders. ...
Search Query points:40 (DOCUMENTS)TRAY FOLDER 2.04 The (Documents)Tray Folder... is a secure and hidden folder, located in your "My Documents" folder, that is accessible through the tray icon, but only when you want it to be accessible. You can completely hide your personal ...
Search Query points:40 TRAY FOLDER 2.03 Tray Folder is a launcher. Start the program and an icon will appear in your tray displaying the date. Right-click on the tray icon to open your tray folder or to use the program's other features. Put anything in ...
Search Query points:40 HSLAB SHUTDOWN FOLDER 1.8.20 "It's missing from Windows!" HSLAB Shutdown Folder is a utility which provides a service analogous to the Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP "Startup" folder. It launches applications, command files (*.bat,*.cmd) and tymbolic links placed into a "Shutdown Folder" folder just before Windows shuts ...
Search Query points:40 HSLAB SHUTDOWN FOLDER LITE 1.8.18 "It's missing from Windows!" HSLAB Shutdown Folder is a utility which provides a service analogous to the Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP "Startup" folder. It launches applications, command files (*.bat,*.cmd) and symbolic links placed into a "Shutdown Folder" folder just before Windows shuts ...
Search Query points:40 FILE COMPARE & FOLDER SYNCHRONIZATION SOFTWARE 6.0 Use this program to keep track of and merge the most recent versions of your files from any device or computer. Keep your files updated by automatically synchronizing multiple copies of individual files. This tool is useful if you do ...
Search Query points:40 FREE-BUSY FOLDER 50504-0002 If you use Outlook in a small office, you've probably wished more than once for a way to use the scheduling features. It just doesn't seem worthwhile to drop a lot of cash on the Exchange Server when there are ...
Search Query points:40 LOCK FOLDER XP 3.4 Lock Folder XP is a new security tool that lets you lock your files, folders and drives with your personal password. The program uses advanced encryption algorithm approved by the US Government. The program protects your sensitive data ...
Search Query points:40 FOLDER PILOT 1.00 Get a handy folder shortcut menu and find your favorite and recently used folders quickly with an enhanced Address bar in Windows Explorer. The Folder Pilot shortcut menu can be used within the Windows Explorer, the File Selection Dialogues, or ...
Search Query points:40 FOLDER GUARD 1.1 Hide folders and files with just a couple clicks of the mouse. Secure and hide any folder from unwanted prying eyes with Folder Guard!Low Budget Designs' Folder Guard lets you protect any folder and the learning curve is zero! Just ...
Search Query points:40 VIEW FOLDER SIZE PRO 4.15 View Folder Size Pro is the newest version of a slim add-on utility for Windows platforms. This highly configurable application enables you to view total file and folder size details directly in Windows Explorer without having to switch to another ...
Search Query points:40 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:40 HIDE FOLDER HIBIT LOCK 2 (1)-Protect any folder or file by : Hide, Lock, Encrypt or make a folder as a recycle Bin. (2)-The protected folders or files still protected even in other computers. (3)-The protect Operation just take 1 second at any computer. (4)-You ...
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