Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 14680 funded different file renaming batch os x windows compatable programs. You can simply download any of file renaming batch os x windows compatable soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 QUICK BATCH FILE COMPILER Quick Batch File compiler convert batch files into actual program (EXE format) in one click. This program may be run on Windows 98/Millenium/2000/2003/XP without any limitations. Content of batch file will be encripted and protected from changes. ...
Search Query points:70 QUICK FILE RENAME 4.0 Quick File Rename is a fully featured batch file and folder (2-in-1!) renaming utility that is both easy to use and has advanced features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, instant rename by dragging and dropping files, a built in folder ...
Search Query points:70 A+ FILE NAMING SYSTEM 1.2.9 A+ File Naming System is an advanced tool used for batch file renaming. This software will empower you to quickly and easily rename your entire MP3 collection, or organize all those digital pictures of your vacation by changing them from ...
Search Query points:62 FILE RENAMER BASIC 2.1 File Renamer Basic is a powerful and yet easy to use program that allows the user to rename files, folders, and MP3 files with ease. It has a filename filter so you can easily narrow down your search to only ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH FAX2JPEG 2.00 Batch Fax2JPEG is a fax to jpeg converter able to convert variuos fax to jpeg in batches, such as: 1) Convert APRO, MightyFax apf fax to jpeg files; 2) Convert MS awd fax to jpeg files (on win2000/xp); 3) ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS POWERPOINT 1.0 Batch Replacer for MS PowerPoint is a utility which helps you perform multi-replacement operations in MS PowerPoint files with the help of an MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open each ...
Search Query points:60 VIDEO TO FLASH BATCH CONVERTER 5.1 Video to Flash Batch Converter is a batch Video to *.SWF or *.FLV Flash Video converter for converting your digital videos. Video to Flash Batch Converter provide SWF file ready for the web or ready to be streamed across Internet ...
Search Query points:60 ABLE BATCH CONVERTER 1.9 Able Batch Converter allows you to easily convert multiple graphics files at the click of a button. More than that, you can also edit images directly in Able Batch Converter, to produce a variety of effects (rotate, flip, resize, mirror, ...
Search Query points:60 FILE ACE 1.01 File Ace is the ultimate file management utility suite. It simplifies complex and time-consuming file tasks by providing tools that are powerful yet flexible and efficient. File Ace is perfect for those that work with any significant amount of files ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH WINFAX2JPEG 2.00 Batch WinFax2JPEG is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to jpg jpeg converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to jpg jpeg files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH WINFAX2TIFF 2.00 Batch WinFax2TIFF is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to tif tiff converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to tif tiff files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH WINFAX2PDF 2.00 Batch WinFax2PDF is a WinFax fxr fxs fxm fxd fax to pdf converter, able to convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to pdf files in batches. Both GUI and command line modes are supported. Able to keep converted pdf ...
Search Query points:60 3A PDF TO TEXT BATCH CONVERTER 2.0 3A PDF to Text Batch Converter is the fast, affordable way to convert PDF document to the popular Text file format, Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create Text files from PDF documents by simply few clicks. 3A PDF to ...
Search Query points:60 3A PDF TO WORD BATCH CONVERTER 2.0 3A PDF to Word Batch Converter is the fast, affordable way to convert PDF document to the popular Word file format, Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create Word files from PDF documents by simply few clicks. 3A PDF to ...
Search Query points:60 AVD BATCH CONVERTER 1.4.1 AVD Batch Converter allows you to easily convert multiple graphics files.Features: Save specific file format parameters and save preview dialogs; Viewing of any image in a separate window; Resample images (with use 9 resample filters); Change resolution; Change paper size, ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS EXCEL 1.4 Batch Replacer for MS Excel is an utility which helps to make a multi-replacement operations in MS Excel files with the help of the MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH SIZER 1.01.14 Batch Sizer is the simple visible solution to resizing your digital photos and images for publication on the net or ot send to friends and family. Simply load in the pictures you want, visually rotate and edit them (including crop) ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH FAX2TIF 2.50 Batch fax2tif is a smart and super fax to tif/tiff converter enables you convert variuos fax to tiff in batches, such as: 1) convert Faxwizard fmf fax to tiff, 2) convert WinFax fxd fxm fxr fxs fax to ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH IMAGES NOW 1.2 Batch Images Now can is an automated batch-imaging editor that allows you to resize, rename and compressing images with a few clicks? It can wrap the converted images into a standalone .Exe file, hence you may send to people with ...
Search Query points:60 BATCH REPLACER FOR MS WORD 1.6 Batch Replacer for MS Word is an utility which helps to make a multi-replacement operations in MS Word files with the help of the MS Excel list. It can really save a great deal of time: no need to open ...
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