Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 3828 funded different file rename application programs. You can simply download any of file rename application soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:90 QUICK FILE RENAME 4.0 Quick File Rename is a fully featured batch file and folder (2-in-1!) renaming utility that is both easy to use and has advanced features such as Undo, Real-time Preview, instant rename by dragging and dropping files, a built in folder ...
Search Query points:60 BIGSPEED FILE SHARING LIBRARY 1.0 BigSpeed File Sharing Library includes two ActiveX controls (client and server) that dramatically simplify and accelerate the development of private file sharing solutions over the Internet. In addition to standard FTP operations, such as upload, download, rename, delete, etc., the ...
Search Query points:50 FILE RENAMER BASIC 2.1 File Renamer Basic is a powerful and yet easy to use program that allows the user to rename files, folders, and MP3 files with ease. It has a filename filter so you can easily narrow down your search to only ...
Search Query points:50 FILE ACE 1.01 File Ace is the ultimate file management utility suite. It simplifies complex and time-consuming file tasks by providing tools that are powerful yet flexible and efficient. File Ace is perfect for those that work with any significant amount of files ...
Search Query points:50 EASY FILE RENAMER 1.05 This tool allow you to rename multiple file with ease. With this tool you can rename your photo -, mp3 - collection, or files archive. You can order your files by adding date, time and counter to its names. Find ...
Search Query points:50 FILE ENCRYPTION XP 1.4.53 Need a military grade file encryption software? Would you like to delete (shred) files and be 100% sure they can't be "undeleted"? How about protecting data stored with removable drives? File Encryption XP does all that and more! File Encryption ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4.1 1 Click Encrypt is a highly secure encryption utility that brings military strength encryption power at your fingertips, assuring that your files, folders are secured and protected from intruders and spies. You can use this product to encrypt or securely ...
Search Query points:50 ONE CAT FILE MANAGER 2.21 Side by side file management, easy multiple file renaming, and customizable looks combine to make the perfect file manager. Do you find yourself constantly sizing and resizing file management windows when moving or copying files between folders and drives? Have ...
Search Query points:50 1 CLICK ENCRYPT FILE FOLDER ENCRYPTION 1.4 1 Click Encrypt is a powerful encryption utility that brings military strength encryption with just one click. The application operates in Windows 98, NT, and XP environment. It is very fast, comfortable and safe and also can encrypt any kind ...
Search Query points:50 FILE COMPANION 1.06 File Companion is the perfect way to find, modify and retrieve files effortlessly. Search for that file you just can't quite seem to find. Rename files to upper/lower case, replace certain text, and number incrementally. Convert images quickly by resizing ...
Search Query points:50 AD FILE TRANSMITTER 1.5 AD File Transmitter is an application, allows you to automate frequent file transfer operations between different offices or different computers and process data replication tasks. The files anf group of files can be sent thru the local area network (file ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED FILE WORKER 2.30 Advanced File Worker - is a powerful file management, backup and rename utility. You can perform any number of file operations by pressing ONLY ONE button. Make your work faster and faultless. Program options give the user the possibility ...
Search Query points:50 MS WORD BACKUP FILE AUTO SAVE SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this software to automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file at a interval that you define. Backups can be set to occur every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This application sits in the ...
Search Query points:50 A+ FILE NAMING SYSTEM 1.2.9 A+ File Naming System is an advanced tool used for batch file renaming. This software will empower you to quickly and easily rename your entire MP3 collection, or organize all those digital pictures of your vacation by changing them from ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED FILE WORKER 2.01 Advanced File Worker v.2.01 - is a powerful file management, rename and backup utility. You can perform any number of various file operations by pressing ONLY ONE button. You make your work faster and faultless. Program options give to the ...
Search Query points:50 QUICK FILE RENAMER 2.0 Rename thousands of files at a time. Change the file names, file extensions, or both! Auto-increment file numbers! A must have for digital camera users! ...
Search Query points:50 AD FILE TRANSMITTER 1.4 AD File Transmitter is an application, allows you to automate frequent file transfer operations between different offices or different computers and process data replication tasks. The files anf group of files can be sent thru the local area network (file ...
Search Query points:50 1-ABC.NET FILE WASHER 1.10 By deleting files/folders/drives with this program you can switch between 8 different erasing methods, and all of them overwrite your old file and rename it before removing so the only thing that could ever be recovered with an undeleting tool ...
Search Query points:50 EFFECTIVE FILE SEARCH 4.0 Effective File Search is a powerful but easy to use search tool. Search any files on your computer or local network. Search in folders or results. Search filters include date and size, containing text or hexadecimal codes. You can use ...
Search Query points:50 DISKMETA PRO - FAST FILE SEARCH FOR PC AND INTRANET 1.0 diskMETA is an easy to use, simple and effective search software providing instant access to any text data on PC or network. diskMETA is specially designed to index up to a MILLION of document files. After installation, the program ...
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