Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 11128 funded different family medical diary software for programs. You can simply download any of family medical diary for soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:140 FAMILY MEDICAL DIARY 1.0 Whether you live alone, are a single parent, or have a two parent household, this software is for you. Now you can keeptrack of all past illnesses, diseases, injuries and more. You can tell what family member gets sick the ...
Search Query points:60 SWIFTPRO CVPLUS MEDICAL RECRUITMENT SOFTWARE 2.1 For companies working in the medical recruitment sector, finding quality candidates is becoming increasingly difficult, and competition for those candidates is growing evermore intense. Added to this medical recruiters now have to meet the challenges posed by a world-wide ...
Search Query points:60 MY DIARY 3.0 This is the perfect computer program for anyone who want's a diary. This program lets you record your most privatethoughts, the things you did on any day, or anything else you want to record. This program features: Unlimited number ofentries ...
Search Query points:60 COMPUTER DIARY 2007 1.1 The simple diary system is based on data file called "Diary Cards" containing 366 days of the year, and it's parent software Azz Cardfile. This diary is different Saves time and keeps concentration, minimizing noise. There are ...
Search Query points:60 FAMILY TREE PILOT 1.02 Family Tree is genealogy software that allows you to create an image of your family tree including personal photos. This software will help you to gather and organize information about your relatives. With this program you will be able to ...
Search Query points:60 ALIVE DIARY Alive Diary is a program for keeping personal diaries and a full-featured blog client. In Alive Diary, you can write posts in your blog, insert photos and images, format any text and then publish your blog pages on popular blog ...
Search Query points:60 FAMILY JOB JAR 2.0 Throw away the honey-do list. No more hassle when you have to assign household chores. Blame it on the Job Jar. You fill the job jar with jobs that need to be done. The job jar randomly assigns the jobs. ...
Search Query points:60 STARFISH FAMILY MAIL 1.51 Starfish Family Mail is an email program that lets you communicate via email with all your friends and family! Parents or teachers can set up friend lists for each person so that you can rest assured that they are only ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DIARY 2.0 Advanced Diary is so much more than just a simple diary! The features and appearance of Advanced Diary make it a more than worthy rival to all the journaling programs out there! With rich text, password protection, voice recording, ability ...
Search Query points:50 FAMILY FUNDS TRACKER PRO 1.5 By knowing where your money is coming from and going to you can easily construct a budget from the information you provide. Track income, expenses and savings. Sort expenses by category and type. You may be surprised to ...
Search Query points:50 ENERGY DIARY 1.00 Change your mind, Change your body, Change your life. Main goal of Energy Diary is a logging food and activities during day. Program contains database of 7146 foods with nutrition data for each food. Program also contains database of 603 ...
Search Query points:50 DIGITAL DIARY Digital Diary is a tool to write your diaries every day without needing to write your stuff in text files (ie. Notepad). Also it comes with new features which help you to organize your time and minimize your effort. ...
Search Query points:50 PROJECT-EO MULTI DIARY - DAY EDITION 1.0.2 Multi Diary is a lot more than just a diary or PIM - it is an invaluable business tool, it can be used for creating and managing appointments for multiple people (Doctors, Hairdressers, Garages, Tradesmen, IT Support, Delivery ...
Search Query points:50 ADVANCED DIARY 1.3 Advanced Diary is so much more than just freeware! The features and appearance of Advanced Diary make it a more than worthy rival to all the cotly journaling programs out there! With rich text, password protection, ability to insert photos, ...
Search Query points:50 ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES 1.0 The Addams family finds itself in a wacky situation once again, this time involving the newest member of the family, Baby Pubert. Following the same plot as the movie, this game puts you in the role of Uncle Fester as ...
Search Query points:50 IP WEDDING DIARY 1.01 IP Wedding Diary is a personal wedding Diary for windows. Use it to record your thoughts, actions and events leading up to your big day. ...
Search Query points:50 MEDIABEE FAMILY DASHBOARD 2.2 Communicate better and increase harmony with your family and group. Plan and track everyone's schedules and to-dos in one place. Easily access from anywhere. Get cell phone reminders. Rich, continuously updated weather and bonus photo and web players make it ...
Search Query points:40 IMMIGRATION FORMS AND ASSESSMENT SOFTWARE 1.0 The software contains offline forms and online assessment forms Guide to sponsorship,Application to Sponsor and Undertaking, Sponsorship Agreement , Sponsorship ,Evaluation , Sponsor Questionnaire , Use of a Representative , Medical Condition Statement,Application for Permanent Residence , Schedule ...
Search Query points:40 HEALTHFILE PLUS 3.2.6 HealthFile Plus is your complete health and personal medical records and information organization software for Windows PCs, Palm OS handheld, and Pocket PC handhelds. Keep track of insurance, emergency contacts, allergies, illnesses, surgeries, appointments, medications, vaccinations, tests, blood pressure, weight, ...
Search Query points:40 PREGNANCY DIARY 1.01 Keep a track of your thoughts and actions during your pregnancy. Organise your photos and scans. Make a website from your memories. ...
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