Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 7065 funded different Family Keyboard Save Pasword Software programs. You can simply download any of Family Keyboard Save Pasword soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:50 SOFTWARE MIDI KEYBOARD LITE 1.9 This software will allow you to operate your sound card MIDI synthesizer by means of an average PC keyboard and a mouse. The software emulates 25-keyed MIDI keyboard with the three functional pedals: Sustain, Accent and Soft. These pedals are ...
Search Query points:50 DRUM MACHINE KEYBOARD B 01.22 Play the Piano Drunk Like a Percussion Instrument Until the Fingers Begin to Bleed a Bit: Books: Charles Bukowski by Charles Bukowski.ELEKTRIK PIANO unites the four most beloved E-pianos of all time into one high-performance software instrument, which reproduces in ...
Search Query points:50 JITBIT VIRTUAL KEYBOARD 1.55 Jitbit VirtualKeyboard is a multilingual on-screen virtual keyboard. Type text with your mouse, trackball or stylus (digital pen used by TabletPC devices with a touch screen), whenever you are unable to use a physical computer keyboard. Virtual Keyboard also protects ...
Search Query points:50 KEYBOARD SOUNDER 1.22 Play 3D sound effect when a keyboard button or mouse key is pressed. Features: support to play animation when the button is pressed. Multi schemes, built-in 6 sound schemes - Typewriter, Fight, Gun, Abe, Mix. Each scheme ...
Search Query points:50 ACTIVE KEYBOARD 3.0 HotKey Program, Launch applications, documents, and URLs, and over 80 other actions to hot keys - Control your Winamp player - Hide application windows - Open, Play and close your CD-ROM - Change the volume, mute - Logon and ...
Search Query points:50 KEYBOARD MANIAC 4.23 Increase productivity with multimedia keyboard macros and shortcuts. Keyboard Maniac adds another dimension to the ability to control applications on your computer using convenient keyboard shortcuts and extra keys. Put your music at your fingertips by controlling your favorite music ...
Search Query points:50 AEVITA SAVE FLASH 1.5 AEVITA Save Flash lets you easily save flash movies right from Internet Explorer. It enables you to download all flash animations from web pages, including Flash websites, Flash games, Flash cards, Flash movies, Flash banners and cartoons. You can save ...
Search Query points:50 SAVE FLASH 3.0.68 With Save Flash, you can save anything that says Flash. This software will give you access to any Flash games, Flash cards, Flash banners and cartoons. Eventhough this software performs complex activities it is very easy to use. Once ...
Search Query points:50 FAMILY MEDICAL DIARY 1.0 Whether you live alone, are a single parent, or have a two parent household, this software is for you. Now you can keeptrack of all past illnesses, diseases, injuries and more. You can tell what family member gets sick the ...
Search Query points:50 SAVE KEYS 6.0 Save Keys 6.0 is a completely invisible key recorder that secretly records every key typed into the keyboard along with the window title of the window or program that the keys were typed into. Save Keys 6.0 makes encryption of ...
Search Query points:50 SAVE KEYS UNDETECTABLE 6.2 Save Keys Undetectable 6.2 is an invisible key recorder that secretly logs every key typed into the keyboard. Other information such as window titles, program names and paths, and clipboard text can also be recorded. This new version has improved ...
Search Query points:50 SAVE FLASH 3.0.66 Some Flash images that you see and like are hard to create yourself. Save Flash can capture flash images and organize them for you. Flash animations that you come across on a web page can now be downloaded and ...
Search Query points:50 KEYBOARD COLLECTOR 2.03 Secretly log and view all keys typed, including emails, instant messages, passwords, and more. You simply choose to have it run all the time, or to start at a specific time of the day, and it runs undetected while capturing ...
Search Query points:50 MS WORD BACKUP FILE AUTO SAVE SOFTWARE 7.0 Use this software to automatically save all open Word documents to a separate backup file at a interval that you define. Backups can be set to occur every 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, etc. This application sits in the ...
Search Query points:50 STARFISH FAMILY MAIL 1.51 Starfish Family Mail is an email program that lets you communicate via email with all your friends and family! Parents or teachers can set up friend lists for each person so that you can rest assured that they are only ...
Search Query points:50 FAMILY JOB JAR 2.0 Throw away the honey-do list. No more hassle when you have to assign household chores. Blame it on the Job Jar. You fill the job jar with jobs that need to be done. The job jar randomly assigns the jobs. ...
Search Query points:50 FAMILY TREE PILOT 1.02 Family Tree is genealogy software that allows you to create an image of your family tree including personal photos. This software will help you to gather and organize information about your relatives. With this program you will be able to ...
Search Query points:50 FAMILY FUNDS TRACKER PRO 1.5 By knowing where your money is coming from and going to you can easily construct a budget from the information you provide. Track income, expenses and savings. Sort expenses by category and type. You may be surprised to ...
Search Query points:50 HOT KEYBOARD PRO 2.7 Do not waste time on everyday monotone work! Hot Keyboard assumes all your repetitive work on the computer! With the help of this program you can greatly speed up your rate of work. And the quality, guaranteed by experienced software ...
Search Query points:40 EMSA SAVE MY WORK 1.0.46 Emsa Save My Work is a program that stays in system tray and records your own keystrokes as you type, allowing easy recover of any typed work during the day, should any problem occur to your files, or computer failure.It ...
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