Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 222 funded different exif activex programs. You can simply download any of exif activex soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:80 AIS EXIF INFO ACTIVEX This component helps you to read EXIF, IPTC and GPS information from JPEG and TIFF images. Also you can write IPTC fields in JPEG images. The component is useful for web-designers, hosting company and programmers, which plan to ...
Search Query points:50 X360 TIFF IMAGE PROCESSING ACTIVEX OCX 1.0 X360 Tiff Image Processing ActiveX OCX help you to create and maintain multiple Tiff. You can append,delete,insert,move and swap pages within existing Tiff.You can also view and save images to different formats include Bmp,Emf,Gif,Jpeg, Pdf,multipaged Pdf,Png,Tiff,multipaged Tiff,Wmf.Major functions include ...
Search Query points:40 3DRAY ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.0 3DRay - is very simple ActiveX Component allow you to efficiently create application with 3D graphics. 3DRay supports VB, VC++, Delphi, VB.NET, VBA. ...
Search Query points:40 SCRIPTC ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1 ScriptC is small and effectual programming C-like language. Optimized for engineers and scientific users alike, the ScriptC component can be easy plugged directly into your applications.Syntax ScriptC supports the basic elements of a script language: recognition of variable names and ...
Search Query points:40 DONEEX APPBINDER ACTIVEX 1.1.2 This ActiveX library allows you to organize data exchange between any programs which use the standard input/output streams. You can start any DOS or Win32 Console program and use its standard input/output streams data in your application. ...
Search Query points:40 AXEVAL EXPRESSION EVALUATOR ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.0 The AxEval (v 1.0) ActiveX Control to allow you to calculate mathematical expression evaluation into your programs. For example, using these routines you can evaluate such expressions as: 1+1 256 * (x=51.9) ...
Search Query points:40 AXGC 2D GRAPHICAL ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.3 2D graphical ActiveX Control Component for developing scientific and mathematical software that allow you to create powerful, high performance 2D visualizations of your data quickly, easily and effectively. Optimized for engineers and scientific users alike, the AxGC component can be ...
Search Query points:40 DATABASE COMPARER ACTIVEX 2.2 Database Comparer helps to compare, synchronize and update databases structure. You can compare one database with anotherdatabase or database with DDL/SQL script or even two DDL/SQL scripts!Database Comparer supports following servers: InterBase SQL server and it's clones - FireBird and ...
Search Query points:40 DATAMATRIX ACTIVEX 3.5 DataMatrix ActiveX lets you easily add barcodes to any Windows application that supports ActiveX technology. In doing this, you are not required to have any programming knowledge - simply insert a DataMatrix object to a document. All the functionality of ...
Search Query points:40 TAPIEX ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.2 Telephony development component(ActiveX Control), extensition of Microsoft TAPI2.0,support multi-lines, multi-calls per line, help you build you IVR system in few minutes. It can release you from the drudgery of writing low-level code. It makes adding computer telephony to ...
Search Query points:40 WINPOPUP ACTIVEX 1.04 WinPopup ActiveX solves the problem of exchange data between your applications on the local area network (or in local computer) without any server. Simple to use, it also manages the Windows XP firewall while letting you to add your application ...
Search Query points:40 DONEEX INI-FILE MANAGER ACTIVEX 1.3 INI-File Manager ActiveX allows you manipulate with an INI-file and its elements by the easiest way from any programming language. The INI-File Manager ActiveX can be used from VB, VBA, VB.NET, VC++, VC.NET, VBScript,JScript,Delphi, ASP, ASP.NET and any other programming ...
Search Query points:40 NBIT EASY FTP ACTIVEX COMPONENT 2.8 An FTP Component as an ActiveX DLL for software developers. Manage remote files from your applications with ease. Integrates easily into any development environment that support ActiveX DLLs. Upload files, Download files, delete files , create and remove ...
Search Query points:40 NBIT HTML VIEWER ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.1.9 A HTML viewer activeX control for Content Management System developers. Integrates with ease into any development environment that support activeX controls. Perfect for the developer who wants to display media rich content in HTML format in their applications. ...
Search Query points:40 SECUREBLACKBOX (ACTIVEX/DLL) 3.3 SecureBlackbox (ActiveX/DLL edition) is a comprehensive component collection that adds support for SSL/TLS, SSH, PKI, SFTP to your Windows application. SecureBlackbox primary goal is to provide basic technology for the wide range of applications, hiding the details of low-level protocols ...
Search Query points:40 NBIT HTML EDITING ACTIVEX CONTROL 2.5 A data bindable HTML WYSIWYG Edit ActiveX Control for CMS and CRM designers or any developers who wnats to edit HTML WYSIWYG style in their applications. Features table editing, CSS support via a CSS file or string, and customizable language ...
Search Query points:40 DATAMATRIX ACTIVEX 3.3 DataMatrix ActiveX lets you easily add barcodes to any Windows application that supports ActiveX technology. In doing this, you are not required to have any programming knowledge - simply insert a DataMatrix object to a document. All the functionality of ...
Search Query points:40 PDF SECURITY ACTIVEX 2.0.2007.1 Encrypt and decrypt PDF files Supports PDF user password and owner password protection Password protect opening of the PDF document Disable printing of the PDF document Disable copying of text/graphics Disable modifications to PDF the document ...
Search Query points:40 BARCODEWIZ BARCODE ACTIVEX CONTROL 1.67 Print barcodes in Microsoft Access Reports, Word Documents, or Excel Spreadsheets. No programming required. BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control is also a powerful tool for a Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Delphi developer looking to include barcodes in his or her ...
Search Query points:40 VIRTUAL SERIAL PORT ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.0.1 Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control is a powerful tool for professional developers that allows your application to create custom additional virtual serial port in system and fully control it. Created virtual serial port looks like real serial port for other ...
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