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Search Query points:95 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 4.1.14 OTrader 4.1 is a streamlined, easy-to-use portfolio management tool for stock, option, warrant, future and CFD traders. The new features in OTrader 4.1 allow you go way beyond your standard excel spread sheets by giving you advanced reporting and trade ...
Search Query points:55 NETWORK MANAGEMENT SUITE 6.4 Complete network management solution containing two must applications for the network administrators. The first component, Alchemy Network Monitor, monitors servers in your corporate network and alerts the Network Administrator in the case of the network failures. The second component, Alchemy ...
Search Query points:55 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR SQL SERVER 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:55 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR POSTGRESQL 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:55 NETWORK MANAGEMENT SUITE 5.8 Complete network management solution containing two must applications for the network administrators. The first component, Alchemy Network Monitor, monitors servers in your corporate network and alerts the Network Administrator in the case of the network failures. The second component, Alchemy ...
Search Query points:55 EMS SQL MANAGEMENT STUDIO FOR MYSQL 1.0 EMS SQL Management Studio is a complete solution for database administration and development. SQL Studio unites all must-have tools that focus on the most critical database management tasks in one powerful and easy-to-use environment that can work round the clock. ...
Search Query points:50 CONNEX INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 5.8 Welcome to ConneX Information Management. ConneX incorporates facilities for email, fax, telephone dialup and web management for personal and business information. Use ConneX to maximize your personal and business productivity and efficiency. ConneX is an effective solution to cross-referencing of ...
Search Query points:50 SKALINKS LINKS MANAGEMENT SCRIPT 1.5 SkaLinks Exchange Script is modern and convenient script, which was specially created for arranging link categories on those sites that employ the reciprocal links exchange concept. Software features: script installer; links exchange; Advanced backlink verification; Open editors system; Multiple editors ...
Search Query points:50 CHRONIKER LOGWATCH FOR LOG MANAGEMENT 4.0.3 Chroniker LogWatch Complete Log Management: monitoring, analysis, alerting, and reporting Monitor Log files for any server, DNS, FTP, Web servers, Mail servers, and Application servers OSes supported for logging: Windows, Unix, Linux, Syslog-enabled devices, etc. Consolidate all ...
Search Query points:50 STRESS MANAGEMENT 1.0 Computer Home therapy has made the PC into an excellent tool for therapy. This stress herapy program uses light and sound which means visual stimulation through the use of pictures, colors, and live imagery (music and narration from therapists). ...
Search Query points:50 EQUITY EVALUATOR STOCK QUOTES, ANALYSIS, PICKS 5.2.0 Equity Evaluator, Stock Market Software, downloads real time stock quotes, end of day quotes, and historical quotes. Equity Evaluator performs technical analysis and fundamental analysis to generate stock picks based on the analyses. The graphics are superb and display both ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO FOR .NET 4.2 3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints. Also includes Performance Evaluation, interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio ...
Search Query points:50 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO FOR DELPHI 4.2 3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints. Also includes Performance Evaluation, interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio ...
Search Query points:45 JUMPSTART-IT EVENT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 1.0 Great Windows + Internet event administration software. Create online forms. Process registrations in a snap. Book payments efficiently. Jumpstart-it automatically sends the right emails to the right people and can also use Microsoft Word to generate letters. Easy export of ...
Search Query points:45 NETWORK CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT 4.46 Network Configuration Management is a set of utilities that manage network config, diagnose and monitor network, it includes: IP Manager: create different TCP/IP settings profiles, and switch between them instantly without reboot. All you need is just to configure ONCE ...
Search Query points:45 BIFROST INVENTORY MANAGEMENT 1.0 Bifrost Inventory Management is an easy-to-use tool. The user-friendly interface let you easily and quickly organize your household possessions. Bifrost Inventory Management record and store the details of your personal property. It lists name, category of item, status of item, ...
Search Query points:40 TIME MANAGEMENT TUTORIAL 1.0.1 Intuitive daily planning tutorial what shows basics of collecting to-do tasks, planning a daily work and self-control principles. ...
Search Query points:40 WEBCAB PORTFOLIO (J2SE EDITION) 4.2 Apply the Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to Markowitz Theory by giving the risk, return or investors utility function; or with respect to CAPM ...
Search Query points:40 FACTOTUMNOW IT MANAGEMENT REPOSITORY 3.41 The program helps IT departments with change, incident, purchase, asset and dependency management by integrating into existing availability monitoring (HP SIM and GFI NSM) and monitoring availability itself. Generates disk growth prognostics, close customer interaction through e-mail and a web ...
Search Query points:40 NETWORK CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .NET STANDARD EDITION 5.00 Network Configuration Management .Net Standard Edition is a utility that manage network config. It includes: IP Manager: create different TCP/IP settings profiles, and switch between them instantly without reboot. All you need is just to configure ONCE any of your ...
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