Softfreedownload showing you best 30 of 13711 funded different edit color taskbars xp programs. You can simply download any of edit color taskbars xp soft by left clicking on the Download button.
Search Query points:55 MY PHOTO ALBUM EDIT 2.13 a fast, stable, user-friendly image browser,converter and album editor.It has a nice array of features that include image viewing, management, comparison, red-eye removal, resizing, resampling and color adjustments,etc.It supports dozens of image formats, include TIF,TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO,WMF, ...
Search Query points:55 HTML QUICK EDIT BAR 1.3 HTML Quick Edit Bar is a freeware toolbar for Microsoft Internet Explorer that allows you to edit the current HTML page within the browser itself (change the font color, size and face, text alignment, etc.). Once edited, HTML Quick Edit ...
Search Query points:55 SVOI.NET : PHP EDIT 4.2 "Svoi.NET - PHP Edit" - is a user-friendly tool for editing and testing and debugging PHP scripts and HTML/XML pages. Also has power syntax highlighting for PHP, Perl, HTML, XML, Java, Javascript, VBScript, CSS, SQL, C++, Python, etc. Can work ...
Search Query points:50 VIDEO EDIT MAGIC 4.25 If you think all professional video editing software is expensive, think again. Video Edit Magic, a Windows video editing application that gives you high-end power at an entry-level price. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to capture video footage ...
Search Query points:50 IPOD, PSP VIDEO EDIT CONVERTER GOLD 2.5 In current market, if you want to convert different video format or join, cut video/audio files, you may need buy several video/audio converter application. Video Edit Converter Gold can convert to iPod, PSP, MP4, RMVB, VCD, SVCD, DVD, MOV, AVI, ...
Search Query points:45 COFFEECUP WEBSITE COLOR SCHEMER 3.0 Color Schemer is an intuitive, yet simple utility for picking colors and creating schemes for your Website. Color Schemer provides many different tools for choosing and comparing colors, and allows you to preview them in a Web page mock-up, all ...
Search Query points:45 MP3 WMA OGG TAG EDIT 1.0 MP3 WMA OGG tag edit is powerful tags editor software for different audio and music files. The program allows you to create play lists, rename files, organize folders, export data to different formats, and more. MP3 WMA OGG tag edit ...
Search Query points:45 INFO-PACK.COM COLOR PICKER 1.01 Color Picker is a windows color picker. Use it to check the color of any pixel on a windows screen. Copy that value to the clip board with a click of a button Get the ...
Search Query points:45 LITTLE RGB COLOR PICKER 2.0 Select a color from the palette and this handy little utility displays the html hex code and the RGB values for that color. Fine tune the color using the sliding controls. Also shows a color sample. Copying the codes to ...
Search Query points:45 ABSOLUTE COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL 3.0 Absolute Color Picker ActiveX Control is a component that includes color selection for different color modes and gradient filling dialogs. It is designed with simplicity in mind and could be easily integrated into most of contemporary IDEs. Extensive methods and ...
Search Query points:45 TEROID COLOR BROWSER 3.0 Teroid Color Browser is a .NET control presenting users with a selection of color palettes (16 colors, system colors or web colors) in a list box, a dropdown list box, or buttons in a box or a horizontal or vertical ...
Search Query points:45 ABSOLUTE COLOR PICKER 3.0 Absolute Color Picker is freeware that lets you select a color anywhere on your screen or by means of various color models and convert it into HTML-based hexadecimal representation. Featuring color history builder, color scheme generator and management system, it ...
Search Query points:45 WEBMASTER COLOR PICKER 2.0 Use this Photoshop-like color picker to help choose colors for your websites, programs or office applications. Displays Decimal, RGB, VB and HTML color codes for each selected color. ...
Search Query points:45 PHOTO TO COLOR SKETCH 1.5 It's easy to make sketch from photo.Convert your photo (jpg or bmp format) into color sketch, pen-and-ink, black and white sketch.Now, your photo become fine line art, even indistinguishable from an artist work. Creation of artistic looking hand-drawings derived from ...
Search Query points:45 GET COLOR FROM THE SCREEN 1.6 Get color value from the screen in RGB, CMYK and many more. Great fro designers, WEB-developers and other. ...
Search Query points:45 FREE COLOR TETRIS GAME 1.0 Free Color Tetris game. Bar of various colors fall, when a solid three or more one color row forms, that row disappears. The game interface is quite simple so even if you are a beginner you can use it without ...
Search Query points:45 COLOR PICKER ACTIVEX CONTROL Key Features: 1. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design. 2. Not only have all appearances and features of Windows Color Picker but also other extended features. 3. Can load or customize ramp palette file(.pal) at design ...
Search Query points:45 MAGIC MATCHING COLOR 1.1 A lot of people know their way into HTML and web designing, but only a few are really professionals who have studied design. Those people feel the colors and can match them with ease. For other people there is Magic ...
Search Query points:45 MSN FONT COLOR EDITOR 1.577 Choose the font color you like for your MSN from 32-bit true colors. Tired of MSN’s fixed font colors? Use this tiny application to change it to the color you love. It is easy and fun to use. You ...
Search Query points:45 MB FREE COLOR TEST 1.0 MB Free Color Test is a highly accurate and easy to use software that provides a fairly accurate analysis of your personality. This software is based on the fundamental principle of colors representing your changing moods and hidden desires, which ...
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